Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP in>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Misaki claimer


>Yui claimed

I meant I remember liking the SHOW, faggot.




Good boat

do you just like seeing that happen to others, or would you also like to have that happen to yourself?
sensory deprivation seems like bliss for a short amount of time


Hey, I'm bored, they're probably bored. Sometimes we go to great lengths to have some fun.
So you're into BDSM, eh? Well, the fetishes I love are weight gain, inflation, macro/micro, vore, whether it's same-size or with a giantess, flatuence, weight gain, blobs...I can go on and on about this.
Thank you! I wish I could do a lot with the Doll.
For those who haven't noticed, I'm the person who claimed this beauty in the previous thread. Pic related.

Konrad claimed. I appear to be the only husbando-er in these threads...

I thought she was a cute.

I passed my math class by the way, with an A.

How do you not know nigger?
THAT'S OKAY. The show is good. Nigger. But our opinions do differ though.

There are a few others.

There is at least a few Felix or Ferris claimers, one idiot claims that loser Dio, another claims Mugen, another claims Spike. And one more claims Crona from Soul Eater.

I'm too lazy to make a chart, I prefer to get recommendations lol.
But I might, who knows.
And the Galko guy lol.

Don't get something too expensive, it's not like you've got that much money to spare anyway.
Already left it, I'll probably just spend my time looking for a new job, even as a cashier would do honestly.

We're celebrating I'm done with that trash and I don't have to work 9 hours 6 days a week anymore, feel free to join or throw in your thoughts.
I assume you're bored enough to do so anyway.

>the same as Argentinian players
Please no, I was starting to like you.
You don't? What the hell are you even doing with your free time?
Oh yeah, new champion seems pretty cool, he may be trash since his ult seems pretty suicidal if they have any hard CC. And that seems to be the case in literally every game.

>The pot calling the kettle black
You'd love it, you just won't admit it.

Happen to myself.

I guess you could say that.
The surrounding subculture irritates me though. I have no idea why.

Beer is cheap here. Grabbed my go to six pack for 5 bucks.

Well I am very happy that you quit that shit tier job. I'm sure income is nice, but at the cost of your dignity no check is worth it.

What are you drinking and what job are you looking at?

Yeah, that's totally normal.
If we had the same opinions we'd be pretty big faggots.

Movie time so i'm out.

I played some roblox about two years ago with a friend
he was 20 at the time
he unironically enjoyed it, and so I wasn't gonna take that away
I only know about half of these waifus
I sorry


Who Rem? Yeah she is.

You already told me that.
Or maybe that was about the final test or something.
The deal was only for that one test anyways, so what now?

I've made a chart every month since November. Like I said, I don't post post so it's more of way to see how my tastes have changed.
Oh that

I mean, I honestly can't tell them apart. I didn't get many uruguayan players either, so :shrug: From what I've seen in groups and shit uruguayan players are pretty cancerous, but that happens in every community. That being said I know for a fact that argentinios are CANCER in pretty much every aspect and that translates to League too.
>was starting to
Nigger you already like me, but I don't even talk in a match unless someone's being flamed without a reason.
Haven't seen his whole kit lol, I only saw a few cool stuff and that he had a scythe. Scythes are my thing.

What is that chart even for tho?

I dunno, honestly. I'm surprised you changed waifu. And don't try to pull any "hurr durr she wasn't my waifu."

Syndra was cute. I'm honestly surprised. Shocked even.

i guess that's a little beyond me then, can't imagine sensory deprivation as being anything other than blissful, not really arousing
and encasement doesnt go well with claustrophobia

people can rec stuff based off your shitty taste in music

Your top 42/100 albums. Also what Konata said.

Ohai, I heard you like scythes?

Hm... You into guro? I like guro.

See ya man. Stay genki.
Eh fine I forgive you. So uh....how's life treating ya?

Another boring summer night. After this one passes I'm never falling for the meme again. At least I have you all.

>Misaki Claimed

Huh. Mind telling me more about the BDSM subculture you're referring to?

Don't throw 5 bucks into the trash if you're starving, idiot. Were you even in the mood for drinks?
Huh, thank you. It was an alright income, but yeah, it wasn't worth the shit I was getting. I'm still not sure what I even did to deserve it, but let's hope it was a one-time thing.

I'm mixing Pisco and Coke, a popular shit-tier drink around these lands, it's usually just for funsies if I'm trying to avoid getting wasted in the slightest. Any part time job would do, I've been dropping CV's at local tech stores, for example.
What about you? I bet C programming is a blast to study.

They're rare, and I truly truly hope Argentinian players were rare too. They're actual cancer and they should not play the game. It's nearly unbearable how they're never at fault of anything and they're not exactly good at the game to even open their mouth to begin with, take me with you all the way to EUW.
>Nigger you already like me, but I don't even talk in a match unless someone's being flamed without a reason.
Yes I do, and it's not like flaming with a reason would help that much anyway, really talking is just a waste of time.
Go away Shinoa.

What meme? That summer is the best?

Who's ready for the weekend, friends.

guro is good, but im more into the snuff part of it
the gore itself doesn't really do much for me

summer is awful
what meme did you fall for?

Trust me, I'm not starving. And I had 5 bucks to spare. No problem.
I honestly hope it was newbie hazing, but that shit should end after a week or two.

Pisco some kind of liquor? I've never heard of it.
Oh yeah, C is fucking... great...

Hello friendo

Not bad, just a bit less money than I would like~

It sucks.
Classes are all rush rush rush and then it suddenly slows way down and everything gets unbearably quiet for more than two months.
please no

My weekdays are better than my weekends actually.
That sucks. Money is happiness.
I just got paid so I'm pretty happy today.

It feels like almost everyone says that, but i think its more that they expected a boat.
Im not doing that. It took me a while to decide if i want to move on from her.
Oh well, you will get used to Takane.

It's cancer.

Oh, are you a necrofag too?

I'm playing in NA though fam. You can come here any time.
Ngl they're the most arrogant pieces of shit I've ever seen. I used to hate chilean players, in fact, everyone did, until I started seeing how fucking retarded argentinians are. I can't stand them at all. Worse thing is that I have argentinian friends and they pull of the same shit I constantly complain about.
True, but I can't stand it when someone's being a hypocrite. Like if someone's flaming a 0/3 while going 0/2 or something I just can't let it go.
No fam, I always loved scythes and you can kind of see it.

Yes tbh.

Aaaa I don't know. I might do it for the memes but I honestly don't pay much attention to song names or albums, I just listen to shit.

Fuck off I have the greatest shittiest taste in music.
But thanks.

Unless you change again.


Money certainly helps, but other things make me happy too~
Paid is good, they've been slashing my hours at work

I don't have much going on for my weekends. I'll just be doing the same.
Oh. Good to know.

I don't know what you like, I just assumed off your taste in waifus

>says worst Nisekoi.
Fuck off you meme.

i don't think i understand

if it's still warm it's a-ok

Hi Hitagi how you been?
Whys that?

That's one reason to hate summer. I just hate the heat. I prefer winter. Winter is best.
I work early so I don't suffer from that. Also my department is a little underhanded so they need me haha!

>I honestly don't pay much attention to song names or albums
Pleb uwu

Fuck outta here b

Im doing really well actually! I now have a back up plan if I get kicked out of flight status and can no longer drop my packet like we talked about the other day. So im in a good mood, how about yourself?

I'll try my best not to.

things you spend money on and good friends and such~
I work late, and it used to be they only had me and my friend to work that shift, but now they have a guy who does it almost every day

that's not my waifu
mugi pls ;-;


Ill be your whore...

I hope not.

You are not Monkey, or Snail, or Doll. And you don't have my discord. You will not be my whore.


I'm a college student, at least for another semester. My summer class is done so there's really not much for me to do. Couple that with loneliness, a lack of motivation and crippling depression and *shrugs*.
I'm bored as it is. Can't stand weekends anymore.
Yeah true this.

At least you accept she's worst Nisekoi.

I just like music okay, I don't care how they're called more often than not.

Doll, you say?

Hello Misaki, little late for you isnt it?



Just got a new team leader that seems pretty cool and I talked a bit with my command about what I need before I drop my packet. And 4th of July is here soon so I'm super happy to be off for it.
Just hang in there I feel really lonely and bored most weekends too but it gets better

hey im in the same boat except im not a college student but a full time leech of society
don't have any anime you want to watch?

35% apple cider



I mean the only things I organize are song titles, album titles, artist name, and tracklisting. I don't bother adding shit like BPM and lyrics.

bone piza

not even close. I'm not saying chitoge or onodera are interesting characters, but they're literally the only choices that matter. The other girls are irrelevant

also the show fucking sucked

this was uploaded on my birthday

For me it's plastic robits or my good cousin. Booze too.
One guy more preferable than two guys. That is pretty bad. I usually work with just my supervisor. Other than that, I'm lonely at work. That feels bad :(

I didn't know you were a slut

God damnit i keep telling you assholes i claim yuno..now and forever so stop asking me.

if i buy this pizza and its delivered

Aww. Okay.


4 Day weekend! We had a co change of command today, so we did nothing. It was a solid deal.
Only when I do the goodbye horses dance.

Forgot pic

The one with the Dr. Phil M&M was better

an army dude doing that would be scary
for some not so much I guess if they are into that

ya great uncles, uh, 8th cousin? hes my roommate yknamean

Not at all. Actually its even a bit early. 11:15 pm here.
I hope so. I pray it gets better but somehow it just gets worse these days.
I could be finishing Watamote but its a bigger problem than just having things to do.
Ultimately I'm not sure what the problem *truly* is so I'm sitting here bitching about it.

Guess I'm drinking alone.


Tsugumi a best fuck off.
But yeah.

Kirino fuck off you STINKY.

>not organizing your songs depending on iTunes star rating
Smh fam.

Shh dont tell my dirty secrets...
Ah got ya, dont know why I thought that.

sounds good to me~
yeah, my usual shift crew my me, my manager, and a cook
But for now I must head out
See you later~


Can I join you tomoko?
It's a-ok. I should be in bed in another hour or so.

Finish it. Silver Link did a really good job on WataMote, but they got their fucking hands on Fate/Lolicon and it was game over for Watamote.

How's life treating ya?

Only if you watch at least one more episode of WataMote.

Of course you'd like the guy

What even happened to Doll

oh no i understand (i think), it's probably the lack of motivation
i have plenty of anime i want to watch right now, since the new season of anime is starting
but i just can't because im trapped in lethargy

going out is better than being alone

sorry i cant hear you over my 2 wins in a row for my first sober games

Yuh, yuh, yuh, ok
You know what the fuck boutta happen

>star rating anything
>Not Onodera