Sup Forums I need some help, I saw this dude at LAX international the other day, and knew he was famous...

Sup Forums I need some help, I saw this dude at LAX international the other day, and knew he was famous. But I can't fucking remember who he is.

Pic obviously related

Shameless self bump because this is bothering me

john johnsonson

looks like billy ray cyrus?

Um, no.
That's clearly Jack Jackson.

His name is Robert Paulson

Fucking retards, it's Ron Rollins.

Here's another one

I think he plays bass for Metallica

Nice one. I was thinking about him the other day.

Close, but no

omg this is bothering me too

Tommy Wiseau

We even asked them if he was from a band, because he was familiar. He said he was in All-4-one. (Which makes sense, anyone famous wouldn't actually tell you where they were famous from)

No, that's Kirk Hamet

that is literally the same pic

That's closer, but this guy has a soul patch

It's from a video, so they're screenshots

They kinda look like a more retarded version of the Osbourne family


lol it's not Kickin' Wing aka Adam Beach.

doesn't look famous to me but like a steretypical old guy rocker who did lots of drugs in his past.

Kato Kailen.

Look like they could be long lost relatives almost though to me anyway

That's Vinnie Carmine the drummer for Ratsblood

Idk, he looks familiar as fuck to me

That's the lead singer for The War on Drugs.

Quite clearly that's Joey Ortega from Dragon Oath

Dick Dickerson