Okay, so I'm lowkey a trap (I like wearing girly things and being called “sissy"...

Okay, so I'm lowkey a trap (I like wearing girly things and being called “sissy", but I don't do any trap related stuff in public) and I just tried jerking off with my legs over my head and cumming in my own mouth, but it didn't feel as good as I expected it to (but my cum tasted alright, lol). Is there any way I could make it feel better so I cum more? Also, I'm not doing anything anal, becoz I'm kinda scared to lol

I find that I can pull off the best self facials after edging for a long ass time. How long you edge is up to you. As long as you jerk and take breaks for a while until you let a big one rip.

I hope op believes in himself and has a good self facial. I find them so rewarding and I love to encourage others to do it more.

OP is a faggot

Where my faggots at

Slow thread is slow

Don't be scared to do anal.

Just use an enema beforehand and youll be aces dig?

Comon something OP

Because tbh, anal is the only way to fully ascend into traphood.

Either listen to the these fags or edge it out. I can edge for hours if I have the time. It's so good.

Reason is because there are already 2 other trapthreads because summerfags don't know how to use to catalog.

Summerfags are the worst.

You still here OP?

This is sadly true. Still tho I just wanna inspire others to be massive faggots.

Yeah I hope OP does go full trap, there are too many unpassable fatguys masquerading as traps it is sickening.

I guess we all can chat while OP is busy sucking cock behind a dumpster.

What's the kinkiest shit you guys have done in the bedroom alone?

For me it was self facial with an 8 inch dildo up my bum. God anal really adds to the experience.

How/where do you even buy a dildo? Amazon?

Not really we all, only you and me and maybe one other in thread. Check lower right, will tell you number of posters in thread.

>being a trap
>not doing anal
what's even the point?

Smoke shops. Don't be a pussy, just walk right in and buy a dildo or vibrator, if they ask if it is a gift, just say yeah.

Still here. And I know I'm a fag, lol. I kinda figured that when I discovered my unquenchable futanari fetish.

But yeh, I find anal gross, so I know I'll never be a full trap :( One day, I will get over it, I hope

Or hell, go balls to the wall and say no, you will honestly get mad respect from the clerk. Sexshop employees are alot more openminded than your average joe.

Used to sell dildos at a sex shop actually. Got it nice and cheap.

The employees know it's almost never a gift. Thankfully most employees could care less and usually don't judge.

Shoved an entire 12" double dildo up my ass.

Not with an attitude like that. Anal seems gross at first, but it's just like I was telling my friend today, you really get used to it.

He's straight, I'm more heteroflexible. I think dudes are gross but some traps are hott as fucking hell.

Yeah those employees will probably help you to become a trap if you ask nicely, those guys are really cool open minded peeps.

Have any real traps? (Not drawn I mean)

And plus, if you do anal too much, won't your asshole be so loose that shit will just fall out of your ass?

OP really, just start with a finger while jerking off, and use lotsa lube, if you wipe properly you only have to worry when you start going more than about 4 inches deep or more than about three inches thick.

Impressive actually. You ever orgasm from just the dildo?

I don't get the full on anal orgasm but still feel 100% amazing after playing with that shit. I actually feel much more relaxed than I would be after a normal fap.

You're right you do get used to it after a while. It's not for everyone but I think it's worth it to at least try if you haven't already. Trying new things is fun after all.

Yea I'll post some in a bit.

No, don't be silly. Were you raised by really strict christfags or something? Did they tell you that if you jerk off you will go blind?

not but I've cum with very little dick touching while fucking my ass, I'm convinced that I could cum with none, but I would have to allow more build up than my libido will alow.


Dig dem fuckin quads nigga.

No, my parents aren't that religious, lol. That was something I heard from my bisexual friend a while ago tho.

He was fucking with you or he was just kind of a dumbass tbh.

You fags must really want OP to get assfucked

Guess I can't argue.

That sounds a lot more satisfying than the average fap. It's definitely worth exploring. If cumming hands free were easy I'd do it nonstop.

Swallow mine instead.

Unless you are walking around with one of those things that gynecologists use to keep vaginas open inside your asshole, you'll be totally aces.

Gwentrappy? or just posting her stuff?

Not completely hands-free, but I was on a hair trigger.

Yeah, I'm not patient enough for that shit dig?

I came down my own throat with 3 fingers in my ass, back in my more flexible and hairless years
but that was in a bathroom not a bedroom

It's not so much patience as capacity to physically cope with the spasms and aches. So good.

Was going to tell a really great story



Not OP but I'll eat it

Nah I just saved her stuff and am posting since someone asked for 3D trap.

Being on the edge like that is fun tho. I bet it was a good time. I love walking away from a jerk off session thinking that was totally worth it.

Bathroom is even kinkier so I approve. Sounds like you had fun as well. God I really need to do more fun solo shit now.

Honestly, the orgasm was almost a sideshow compared to the aftermath: legs jelly, squatting to sloooooowly ease it out.

Can I tell my story with two people in my bedroom (and later bathroom)?

>Sounds like you had fun as well.
sure did, remember I had an egf that I told about that kinda stuff and even sent vids to, she was egging me on to put more fingers in. good times

Jelly legs are a really good sign you're getting into it. Do you think you liked easing it out slowly or would you rather have just let one rip quickly?

I'm a faggot so I'm not too interested unless multiple dicks are involved. But I won't stop you I guess.

Partners that egg you on are fucking great. I enjoy it almost as much as actual sex if I'm mentally committed enough.

Come on assholes, lemme tell story, its pretty good.

Oh, definitely slow.

Guys I'm attracted to traps but I don't like the idea of doing stuff with MY ass.
Are there relationships like this where I don't have to put stuff in my pooper?

trips are meant for taking dick, not giving it

Nope, there's no escape, you're going to get your ass fucked whether you like it or not.

Any pics

Alright fine, it involves straight sex, but just pretend that the girl is a trap okey, I'll try and censor girly bits.? So me and this girl are messing around in my room - we were kind of bored with traditional sex so we were doing some kinkier activities. Anyway, I had vibrator up her ass and was rubbing her with my off hand. She had cum several times from this before, but I was going deeper this time. Anyway, the orgasm she had was super intense, but I didn't realize how far the vibrator actually was up her ass when she came.

When she came, her fucking hungry ass ate the goddamn vibrator! She was writhing in ecstasy while I was silently panicking.

The conversation went something like this:

>babe, we've got a small problem
>what is it hun
>I uh... I lost it...

ok good
wait fuck

>Oh my god no
>I'll try to get it out

So we had stretched her out a bit before but not too extensively, anal beads a little bigger than golf balls at the most, and at that only two of them at once.

hope you told her to just start trying to poop

Oh boy I think I might need to copy you and try something similar soon. I love driving myself slowly insane and I need to try more kinky shit. Slow cummies sound amazing.

If you're with a trap chances are they're gonna take it up the ass and not you. I recommend sucking their dicks tho. Don't be a faggot.

You're lucky if this story doesn't involve a trip to the hospital. Godda be careful with butt toys man.

She was trying to push it out, but it was about an 8 inch vibrator, I sort of had to move it down and then up in order to get it as deep as it was when it slipped in.

She was panicking more than I was, but we were both freaking out, So I just said
>Let's just calm down, get a bit of water, and see what we can find online.

First website is some medical site
Site basically says that if you can't push it out within about 10 minutes, you need to go to the hospital.
She panics worse when I read this out loud
>We can't, I would die of embarrassment, and they would call my parents.

So I decided that we check the next site.
>story something along the lines of "How I rescued a dildo from my asshole"
This should have better advice.
The post said that when he got a dildo stuck inside his ass, he used an olive oil enema until his insides were nice and lubed, then he was able to push it out.

So we try this and she says that she feels it slide inside of her when she pushes.
I stick all of my fingers up her butt and wait for her to push.
As soon as I feel the vibrator I pull it out and olive oil immediately SPRAYS out of her butthole all over me.
MFW not a single trace of shit to be found.
My baby knows how to use a fucking enema before she comes over.

And that is my story guys. I hope you lieked it.

Did I scare everyone away with my straightfag nonsense? I like traps too.

Yeah, you should for sure try anal.

Being covered in olive oil enema sounds nice. I'm glad there was no hospital trip.

I want someone to bully me. This fuckboy is horny and needs punishment.

Nah you cool bro. Thread is probably slow cause other threads are taking our user traffic.

post you dick already

I'd say this thread is slower because it doesn't have deus vult spam in it.

Which is nice.

Yeah but I swear by a deep enema before any assplay, and that is exactly one of the reasons why.

I am NOT into scat.

Yeah so you might as well try and enjoy it.

Nah not my dic. I'm lazy and also a perfectionist when it comes to pictures. Maybe one day in the future.

I'm halfway joking. Although there wasn't shit involved so it doesn't gross me out as much.

Fuck you I'm the fag who wants my ass fucked here. Op is too much of a faggot to do it.

Can someone bully me I'm dying.

Not bullying you is the perfect way to bully you it seems >.>

Are you this thread?

I hate when traps got those cages
the idea of a dick trying to get erect but forced into flaccidity is very uncomfortable to me

I think that it is exactly what they deserve

Traps need to learn that their cocks are not thier sex organ. Thier ass is. They need to learn to cum from anal only

if the cock goes unused then what's even the point? might as well bang some smelly roastie

Well you figured that out quick.

Feels like it ya. I'm just bored and am waiting for fellow fags to get my attention.

I can see why you think that but that's why I love cages all the better. I really need to save up for a holy trainer cage.

These doods get it

This dude doesn't get it.

My bully offer stands. I want punishment still.

It's a poetic reminder of how far they have come as girls.

but they're still technically dudes, just seems like a denial of their nature

Nah, Sup Forumsro cumming while limp is the ultimate display of femininity. And who are you to say that they are "technically still dudes" sure that is what thier chromosomes tell them, but thier mind tells another tale.

Hey, you want to know who is a sexy trap even with no makeup? Shrutchy.

You just got to open your mind a little. I understand and agree that there art only two genders, but I mean if a goose walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, acts like a duck and mostly looks like a duck.... It's a duck, I don't really care what a biologist says about the matter

I'd love for someone to deny my nature tho.

I think when some people say "technically dudes" they mean the traps that don't experience gender dysphoria and don't qualify for being trans.

You got pics bro? A good makeup trap sounds really impressive.

tfw no user to put you in your place and treat you like a bitch

I would never fuck a trap that didn't refer to themselves as a girl.

Trap without makeup I mean

They'd better be trans, cause I'm not fucking a man.

Shrutchy on Twitter.

nice quads but you're fucking a man either way

Quads twice in one thread? Someone suck me off.


You are wrong so... Yeah.