Lets get a New York bitches thread. Bonus for Oswego State girls

Lets get a New York bitches thread. Bonus for Oswego State girls


631 reporting in, heres Danielle L. from Huntington

Ayyy, 518 reporting in. Anyone have any 518 nudes?

my sister went to oswego, found this on her phone

315 reporting in, any wins from there?

oswego state girl also

sucking cocks




old gf from Rochester

courtney from utica

katie from utica

sammie from brooklyn

matty, colonie

shelby, gloversville


Would bone her hard

she is very submissive i miss her now

jen, utica


anyone have Alyssa, Plattsburg

thats all she let me take, she was very chuchy

Never any NYC chicks.

All upstate hoes :(

anyone have jenna beck from ontario? heard she was super slutty

716 here

where is 716?

Buffalo area generally

buffalo ny

bump for 716

Any 607


melanie, RPI

Release the nudes mr president


got some nudes of some nardin girls on an old phone, would be a lot of effort to post though, and the exchange rate here aint lookin too hot

Nice ass who that?

716 Sarah g



Anyone know a Kim s. From Kenmore area? 716 buffalo. Pink hair

Shiki from 716
