Be me. 5'11" 260 pounds. Yes I'm fat

>be me. 5'11" 260 pounds. Yes I'm fat.
>my life consists of cleaning out the trashcans and wiping shit off of hospital floors
>know of a patient dying of cancer. been on a hospital bed for 3 weeks now.
>he called me over yesterday. first time he's ever spoke to me. I'm listening intently
>"I don't know you but my dying wish for you is to lose all that fucking weight so you don't die a fat slob"
>he died today

I don't know how to feel

You should feel like losing some weight, you fat fuck.

yo Sup Forumsro, maybe it was a sign to get your fucking life back on track.

I've never met the guy and his literal dying wish for me was to stop being fat. it's bullshit

Fulfill his wish, and fulfill your destiny, op.

I have colon cancer. Lose some fucking weight

Anyway why would it anger you? Dudes on his death bed, prolly tries out saying whatever he feels. His real death wish is not dying, unlike you, who is choosing to die.

Nigga, it aint like his dying wish was for your lazy ass to grow wings. Its possible to lose weight, just work on it. it least try, do it for that random guy.

it's not bullshit you fat fucking drain on society

stop being a hamplanet or kill yourself


In this thread OP is a fat fag.

nothing works to lose weight. I'm just fat. and this guy's dying wish is for me to do something I can't do. Now I just feel like shit.

Fuck it man.. Just do it. Only one winning here is you. He could've made anything his last dying wish but he chose you. So you can make your life better for yourself.

>nothing works to lose weight

Oh fuck off with this tumblr, "Hurr I'm genetically fat" bullshit.

You're just a lazy fat fuck that can't be bothered to put the effort in.


Fuck...I wish I weighed 260 again.

you should feel like shit, you fat tub of fucking lard

your a hopeless fat cunt and i hope you choke on your next McFlurry. try to give a nigga advice and he just whines "Im fat and i cant do anything about it"

you may be fat but at least you're alive unlike that guy

maybe lose some weight though you'll feel better about yourself if you do

His ghost is watching you now OP, if you don't make an effort to lose some weight he'll kill you.

That's fucking horseshit you dumbass. Burn more calories than you shovel down your throat and you will lose weight, it isn't hard to figure out dude. You just need to work on your self control and willingness to exercise.
Exercise doesn't have to be hitting the gym. I like to bicycle, hike, swim, hunt and fish all for fun. But they all also happen to be great exercise. Are you happy with your job? Maybe find a physical job

If OP dosent have a heart attack first

You only "can't do it" because you tell yourself that. Quit making excuses for yourself and take responsibility, seriously. I doubt your parents taught you nutrition very well and that isn't your fault, but you're old enough to feed yourself healthy foods.

Dollars to doughnuts I bet you still drink soda/beer, eat fast food multiple times a week, like your sweets and don't eat a lot of fruits and veggies. Humans are not meant to eat processed garbage. If you can't raise it, grow it or make it on a farm you probably shouldn't be eating it.

But please don't give us this "I'm just fat" bullshit and take some damn responsibility. Be a man about it at least, even if you stay fat forever

You know that isn't his actual dying wish, right OP? He sees you're slowly killing yourself, and he's dying fast. He probably wishes he could be you and fix himself. He knows he can't, but knows you still have a chance. He wants you to not take the same road he did... Or he knew he was dying and was just being a cock.

Either way... I'm 6'1 and 225lbs. Around the same weight as high school, but it's fat and not muscle now. I smoke, and am an alcoholic. You need to recognize you need to better yourself like I have. I got a weight bench, you can get one too. Or get a gym membership. Eat a fucking salad instead of chocolate and pizza all the time. Go for fucking walks. Stop drinking your diet soda "but diet is good for me" no it's fucking not. Doctors will tell you diet soda is actually fucking worse. Drink water. Cut the fatty shit to a minimum.
>nothing works to lose weight
Bullshit. Go see your GP. Ask for a diet and weight loss regime. Pay the extra cash for a personal trainer, or look up football training regimens. Don't be a pity me, my 600lb life bullshit whiner. Diet, hit the gym, jog or walk. Make active choices to better yourself. Damn. I'm probably less than half the size of you and I know I need to lose weight.

Sorry to be so harsh, but I've learned it's the best way to make a point man. You can lose weight, and if you actually can't... I doubt it's true, but some people really can't... The doctors can give you medication to increase your metabolism. You can even buy it over the counter. Put some effort in and you can do it. Don't be like that OP. We can do it together.

First thing's first, you have to do it. This was a man's DYING wish and he spent it on you. Will it be easy? Fuck no. Change is uncomfortable. Start gradually. Next time you go get food, just get one less thing. I'm not talking about getting more food than normal so you can put something back and feel good about yourself. I'm talking get what you normally get, then get a little less. A few less sodas, a smaller spoon full of food, medium instead of extra large fries or drink. Whatever. No one is saying you should starve yourself. But that man is dead now and his death wish was for you to change your life. This is one of the biggest things that will ever happen to you. Ever. I can't think of one person who's ever been given a wish this big, but somehow YOU of all fucking people got one. It's time to change. Start by eating a little less than you normally do.

Anybody can lose weight dude, that's bs. Calories in and calories out is all there is, doesn't matter how slow your metabolism is if you go by that

That's a load of bullshit. I'm 5'11" and 1 year ago I used to weigh 200lbs, and now I'm 160lbs and still losing weight. It isn't that fucking difficult. Get off your ass every once in awhile and only eat what you need to in order to survive

go to and read the sticky user

For fuck sake, user.

Literally all you need to do is just walk. Just walk for like half an hour a day. Then increase to an hour. Cardio will do wonders. If you REALLY want it to work for you, adjust your diet. After a few weeks, put in some more exercises. Make sure you're at a caloric deficit. It's a lot more simple than people make it out to be.

Suppose I worded it wrong.. Or ignorantly... Yes anybody can lose weight, but metabolism does have a nice factor in it. There are medicines to help though. I did, however, say he needed to drop the "I can't lose weight" attitude. Which I think is what's important. Weight training isn't the only way to lose weight, but it's the most effective, area wise atleast.

>inb4 he just wants pity and won't take the advice

Just like the homeless fag that was posting for a while. I don't give pity, I give advice.

Also, there are some serious medical conditions that make it nearly impossible to drop weight. Doubt OP has one of those tho.