How the hell did the allies win D-day? They were getting mowed down like cheese by the nazi gunners

How the hell did the allies win D-day? They were getting mowed down like cheese by the nazi gunners.

Months of training just to be shot and killed after stepping 2 steps onto the beach.

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They outnumbered the Germans 3:1 when they landed on the beach.

The battle or Normandy wasn't the only battle taken place that day. the 101st Airborne and many others who fought that day played a huge roll in the victory

I mean landing on the beach btw


The greatest and most powerful country in the entire history of the recorded Universe.

They had 'Murica with them this time.


they weren't the most powerful at the time. in fact it was the victory of ww2 that made murica fuck ya

take this to /his/ retard

The only beach where there was really stiff resistance was omaha. On Utah they basically walked ashore. Sword, Juno and Gold all saw some resistance but nothing too heavy. To be honest it was hitler who ensured the d-day landings were a sucess, he put all his ss panser divisions so far behind the lines they couldnt counter attack till it was too late

Yeah, there were paratroopers and french guerillas attacking the german ranks from behind.

when the fuck did I talk about the other beaches? I literally mentioned the roll the airborne played in the battle

Omaha was bad, but Utah, Juno, Gold, and Sword were not nearly as bad. Overall, the advantages of numbers, surprise, speed, and decisiveness of action were all on the side of the allies. They took heavy casualties at Omaha, but in that era "heavy" could mean "as high as 15%." (Nowadays even 5% is frequently considered "heavy casualties.") So there were still 85 out of 100 guys to press the line of advance against the enemy.

Because these guys where owning nazis on the other side

Question... How did the Germans know the allies were coming in on that specific beach and at that specific angle? Like, how did the Germans know where to set up thier bunkers and bunker guns (pointed directly at the coastline)

Basically, how did they know they were coming on this day, and from that location, and that angle?

they tricked the germans by amassing a huge fake army near the narrowst point between the two countries.

after the germans prepared their defences in the wrong place, the allies attacked.

my grandfather fought on that beach.

>my grandfather fought on that beach.

gave me chills. my great grandfather was at pearl harbor

Only one beach was like that, the other 4 or 5 were piss easy for the allies because the germans were convinved the attack would come elsewhere and they had moved most of their forces out of Normandy.

Also, Rommel, the one in charge of the Atlantic wall, was on vacation during that week back in Berlin so the germans had a hard time organizing and coordinating a proper response until he came back.

The allies had a huge advantage but of course that doesn't follow the narrative of le underdog fighting le evil nazis so you get propaganda movies like that one. Good movie, but nothing but propaganda.

>fake army

Explain? Fake how? Mannequins?

not the full reason but check this dude out Juan Pujol GarcĂ­a.

A bunch of false info he gave back to german command was one of the main reasons the beaches were under-defended (not the only yes but still a main contributor). Really interesting dude and bamboozled the Germans.

Go back to your trap thread faggot.

They didnt, basically what they did was look at the beaches and put bunkers on the most likely approaches and exits from the beaches

they didnt. its just wise to protect your coasts.
especially when the enemy is right on the other side of the water.

the red circle is where the germans thought the invasion would happen when in reality the blue circle is where most of Dday went down.

the allies built a fake army and put it across the water from where the red circle is so the germans prepared their defences there.

OP here... Interesting responses. Thanks guys, I like learning. I looked up YouTube videos of Normandy Beach today, and it's just a bunch of fags using metal detectors on the beach and collecting ww2 stuff to sell on eBay. Shame.

Wonder if there's any memoribilia left after all these metal detector fags took everything.

They didn't?

They had troops all along the French coast, they knew an invasion was inevitable because common sense.

In fact it was pretty weak, they had a few bunkers and some MGs

mannequins, blow up tanks, stuff that looks retarded but from the air looks like an actual army. Of course they also had to engineer noise, but idk specifics

This is the correct answer. Also the Russians throwing men at the nazis.

They didn't know that. They had literally fortified the entire western front. Google Atlantic Wall.

check this out

I see, cool thanks.
True. They were smart enough to set up thier bunkers in case the worst of the worst happens, which eventually did. And thanks for your photo, crazy cool info.

If I had a time machine I would send you back to the day those boys came home so you could spew that bullshit in person.

>They were getting mowed down like cheese by the nazi gunners.
>Months of training just to be shot and killed after stepping 2 steps onto the beach.

Because these sentences are bullshit

Yeah another Sup Forumsro let me know. Wise decision.

>follow the narrative of le underdog fighting le evil nazis

i think the real significance of this victory wasnt the fact that the allies where the underdogs. but this invasion was the first real leverage the allies had against nazis. its basically the battle that sealed the fate of hitler. after this victory, nazi occupation just started falling apart loss after loss against the allies.

i heard they had hired a famous magician to come up with all the fake army stuff.

Not OP, but Bro are you dumb? They were getting slaughtered on the beach upon landing.

did he ever talk about his time in the military?

ive never met my grandfather, hes still alive but much removed from my side of the family. i read about his time in the war in a book he wrote though.

After Hitler died (which I assume was the end of the war) how was it like the day immidietly after it finished? Were the allies and Germans best buddies? How long did it take for relations to be as normal as it is today?

>mowed down like cheese
An interesting simile

People from ww2 are still alive? Wtf

nazis were fucking dumb

soviets and americans were fucking dumb but had a lot more dumb idiots to throw into the grinder and simply overwhelm the shitty nazis

Not that big of a deal. My grandma is 103.

news like this took time to reach everyone.

there where battles and deaths that took place after the death of hitler simply because they didnt know it was all over.

a dummy aircraft.

completely fake, doesnt fly.

used to divert attention from normandy.

have 2 more pics

fake tank.
some of these where just regular vehicles with covers on them painted like tanks.

some fake landers.

dont know how they managed this

Nazis are fucking stupid. If you are doing fly-over surveillance and see this fake army with the same tanks, the same planes, and the same everything and hasn't been moved for a while, you would assume something is up.

Well after the war the US set up a pupper government in West Germany and the USSR set up a puppet government in East Germany. So the new governments got along with their bosses immediatly I expect. Idk how long it took the peoples to get over differences. I dont think the germans and russians ever did. In the early 90's germanies unified.

Well, def looks like a tank lol

To be perfectly blunt, all that dday did was ensure the allies even had a seat at the table when berlin fell. If the landings were thrown back into the sea germany would have lost, it just might have taken a few more years. By the time dday happend the nazis were being routed by the russisans, their defeat was a done deal

Probably lego

obviously they moved stuff around. and its not like these german planes could fly low and see the screwed up details of the fake army.

Stop with this Russian-cock-sucking bait know that's not actual D-Day footage, right? Most beaches, people just walked ashore.

They moved them daily, had speakers make fake noise, semt the camps fake orders, ran fake drills, and even used a handful of real tanks create real tracks in the ground.

The allies were 100% into the deception.

but they did move it - not so difficult with lots of inflatables and balsa wood

Sooo ignoring the canadian and British beaches?....which were more successful...because we used tanks......not our own skulls

a few more years would mean many many more lives lost.

normandy invasion was a huge victory for the allies and saved the lives of possibly hundreds of thousands more.

True.... Today is like it never even happened.

Same with North Koreans and South Koreans... They can't stand each other over something that happened so long ago. If a South Korean goes to North Koreans, I think they're immidietly arrested and labeled as spies.

because America is dominant

can u niggers wrap your minds around the fact that 200 thousand allied forces lost their lives in the battle of normandy?

200 fuckin thousand people in one battle.
37000 alone where ground forces.
jesus christ.

If they did, the pilot would probably laugh his ass off

Bro there is no real footage of Normandy. Only like a 4 second clip that's it. All other have been lost. This is a clip from saving private Ryan which is a kickers movie, especially the d day scene. The guy crying for his mama got me.

because they bombed the coastline with airplanes first.

Absolutely, it was a huge victory but in the grand scheme of things it was unfortunately not nearly as usefull as it would have been a few earlier.

Did you pull that number out your ass? 10k people died in the allied side dumbass

>its basically the battle that sealed the fate of hitler.
That was Russia. Germany was done the moment they literally threw millions of their best troops to the meat gridner in the eastern front.

is correct. The western front attacks only made the fall of Germany quicker, harsher, and gave the British, the US and somehow the French a better position to negotiate. Maybe, if they had stayed back, Germany would have reached some peace agreement with Russia, avoiding complete defeat, and making Russia stronger in the long run.

You two fags are the same type of fags to say the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is good that it happened, because it "saved a lot of lives"

back to back world war champs baby

pulled it out of googles ass actually.

where are your numbers from?

They bombed the absolute shit out of the beachheads first which mitigated the defenses and stopped supply lines.

The allies also had drastically superior numbers.

The funny thing is that the russians beat the nazis on their front, we just joined in flogging a dead horse after dday

war is gonna happen man.

if a battle ends the war, then lives are saved.

The scene from SPR is of the absolute worst part of the landings; honestly the allies had so much manpower and material force they steamrolled the half baked German defenses for the most part by the end of the day; it was the various counterattacks during the following weeks that really gave the allies a hard time in the battle for Normandy

Was good saved lives. Fuck you they could have stopped after the first one. We where tired of building now guns after they got cut through by Japan's katana suiciders.

True, but to their cresit North amd South Korea never made an official peace treaty. The conflict was never resolved like ww2 was.

Imagine coming home after the battle of Normandy to your wife and telling her how it went down. Must be the best sex you'll ever receive for years to come.

BTW great movie, worth a re watch.

>Decisive[1] Soviet victory
> Destruction of the German 6th Army
> Expulsion of the Germans from the Caucasus, reverting their gains from the 1942 Summer Campaign

Wikipedia. Look up d day. Allied death is 10k.

Wow must be as stupid as a Down syndrome kid, what the fuck so you think nazis could do? Ask over radio to move the thanks to check if they were real? They had to flight really high to not be shut down dumbfuck... and obviously Americans moved the stuff around to make it look real, is not like the brought the fake tanks and walked away

It's important to remeber that was a part of the US strategy. We didnt want to win so quick that russia could conquer europe. We wanted them so weak they would stop at their polish border. We considered both our enemy, just germany was worse.

I cant really say that nuking japan was the right thing. It ended the war and that was definately a good thing. But it set an extremely dangerous precident that we are still dealing with today. On a whole it would be a bad thing in the long run

You start spewing out enough facts for people and they're going to start learning

Yea allowing them to occupy all of Eastern Europe and half of Germany was the best plan

i mean, we both used shit sources.

Actually after they dropped the first one, the Japanese accused them of bluffing, believing that America only had the capability to drop a single bomb of that magnitude.
The emperor of Japan then followed that up by supplying citizens with hand grenades and instructions on how to suicide bomb American soldiers with them.

After we defeated the Germans we still had war with Japan.

If only these faggot ass soldiers during the war wore bullet proof Vests, 80% of the deaths would have never happened.

A hundred years from now, you'll be able to go to Normandy and still find shell casings. However, the days of finding anything "good" like a button from a uniform, knife, dog tag, etc are long over.


>getting mowed down like cheese by the nazi gunners.

well you dont mow cheese so that might have something to do with it

Should have dropped 5 more, to show them thier "bluffing"

Dude this was the 1940's dipshit. They had limited technology and surveillance back then

Those were the only two bombs in existance at the time.....

My grandfather was 18 when he joined the marines, was involved in flushing the tiny islands of hidden Japanese troops. Extremely messy and dangerous work.

My neighbor just died a few weeks ago at the age of 98. He was a bomber pilot flying in the European theater. Before the US involvement he was sent to the UK to help train pilots of the royal air force. He then flew over 20 missions.

A ww2 dog tag costs 100 on ebay... And a Vietnam helmet costs 85. You would expect these things to be more expensive. Guess not.

It was more complicated than that. Remember that this is 1945, communications and information flow is slow and not perfect. At first, the Japanese command didn't really understand the scope of the a-bomb. Tokyo had suffered similar destruction from just regular fire bombings, so a massive super weapon was not the first thing on their minds.

Also, the government was busy trying to ensure the emperor would continue to rule, and would not be blamed. They knew the war was lost and wanted to surrender for some weeks now, but they US wanted unconditional surrender, which the old school military command didnt want to accept.

How many of them bombs do we have today? Or is it classified by the cia.

I don't think sex is anywhere close to what you're thinking of after having fought there.
life-long trauma and flashbacks are more likely

Some contributing factors I am aware of

--Hitler was afraid of patton and disregarded the western front.
--He was being fed bad information by british spies.(Check out the conman spy who made up a bunch of informants. can't remember name)
--Germans thought that the D-day invasion was just a distraction and didn't send backup for like 3 or 4 days.