New trap, sissy, severe mental illness thread

New trap, sissy, severe mental illness thread

From the waste up it isn't so bad

Kinda cute in his own way in the face area



But holy fucking shit, the legs


Think you mean waist

Dude, he's one of the most passable looking amateur ones posted in these threads.


i dont fuck or pay for traps who do that cutter shit. i'm a leg guy. you are damaged disgusting goods. do you need a rope? you know, to hang yourself with? i will certainly help, you worthless mentally ill degenerate.

no, this is a person who will kill themselves. the eyes are the windows to the soul. i'm sorry that you have to go out that way. i cannot help you. just end the suffering now.

Gotta agree with the leg thing. It would definitely kill the mood seeing those deep-ass cuts

You're attractive.
You cut and that's just something whoever ends up loving you will have to accept.

I like him, at least everything that's not his legs, seems like the type that would like cuddling when he's not trying to murder you in your sleep. All in all I'd say .5 waifu/10


nigger what


Those cuts look fresh, if it was all past scars it would be fine but he seems to constantly rip up his flesh


What's your point?

Nice ass

Sup bruh

shaved my ass for the first time

Let's get some ass in here instead of this depressing shit

yick. this is a nutcase we're dealing with. will never be a bobs girl, will never be a frank's girl, will never even make it to shemaleyuck who takes anyone no matter how nasty or tatted up and sloppy/drug addicted they are.

just total waste of life. bad trap. also, no dick picks? pathetic. just off yourself, you worthless faggot. no money or fame to be had here. die in your own little room somewhere.

He looks so normal though

fat pig. go die. not good enough.

HI. asshole trap guy here representing Grooby. always looking for new shemale talent. these people are not it, at all. anyone have any actual good special girls they'd like to show us? cause to be honest none of this shit will sell subscriptions. it's horrifying.

Such a cute ass


Dude, I think lurking in trap threads for long enough can make anyone go crazy. I still can't tell whether or not some are "passable" or not. You seem to think you know.

I've seen chicks who look like this without makeup but maybe irl he would be a bit more obvious


but hey Sup Forumstards. remember 'linetrap'? yeah it was us that made her 'bailey jay'. she is a well paid, worldwide known, sucessful porn actress. this shit. no. show us something worthwhile. please. i'm not getting paid a dime, i'm just out here scouting.


>i'm not getting paid a dime, i'm just out here scouting.

That looks amazing, do you have a pic with your ass+feet?

A cutting trap? What has this world come to?


where do you get the pics

that's not a trap, that's an assault

Super bump

Reminder that this is what Blaire White looked like before the surgery. You still wand fuck with manly smile?

I would because I'm bisexual. And if you like traps, you're bisexual.

Your lips are sexy af

Linetrap looked disgusting too before all the makeup surgery and proper lighting came into play

oh i do know, sir. i'm fairly sure i know what people who are into traps want. been in the biz 20 years. bur hey, here's a shot of miss candy liscious. she's new. she's got a goddess body and an amazing cock. she's half black and half.. i don't know what and you should be so grateful as to get to fuck her.

scouting? lol you're a failure if you think that's how to scout



awe. u mad? heres me hanging out with fabiane spears. i'm not gonna do this shit all night with you neckbeards. show us something worthwhile. a link, a page, a fucking website. anything. you wanna see new hot traps naked, right? that's what we do.

No one cares, dude. Go play pretend porn producer elsewhere
Here you go

>i don't know what and you should be so grateful as to get to fuck her

>not date her. just use the drug-addled person to make jerk-off material

she looks hot, more?

More of that cute ass



You dumb fucker. It's whether they have potential or not. Not about the clothes shitlord.

well to behinest, she looked like this. and she was damn fine. i liked her better skinny.


Ur getting boring

There's like 2 somewhat famous traps

Bailey Jay


Sarina Valentina

Nobody knows your hang out buddies


top kek. no face. ugly man. we want passable traps, shithead.

Don't stop

Not everyone wants their face on the internet. Why don't you throw on some panties and post a face pic?



Because he is a man and this isn't a gay thread.

Keep it up


i cant give away all the cell phone shots i have, they will get reposted everywhere. just trying to prove i am who i am here with legit candids of real girls you know from sites that you cant find anywhere. i'm being honest with you guys. we come here looking for new talent. thats how we found bailey jay, cause there was a huge interest in her. most of the posts here are just garbage. and these people who cut themselves, that's not marketable at all. not to anyone.

you're mad because i'm real.

there are thousands of famous transgirls. they've been around since before you were born, they'll be around after you're dead. this isn't a new thing. but i emplore you to expand your horizons past linetrap and whatever sarina is calling herself this week.

then get the fuck off of Sup Forums


>real girls you know from sites that you cant find anywhere
I want off this ride


Wouldn't you have like a business card or something?

Such a nice ass


We like to find cute traps and their locations. We don't need more fap material.


buddy in this biz you don't have time for business cards. just trust me I know all the famous transgirls you've never seen before or heard of


>don't have time for business cards

So hot

is my body very masculine? i wish i had bigger hips, i would have jumped on hrt right on


>I know all the famous transgirls you've never seen before or heard of


>never heard of before

You look great

here are my legz


It really depends on face first breh. You'll kind of know whether or not you're in the ballpark or not. Put on makeup and shit and see. Growing your hair out helps

I want to pound that ass

i want them to slit my throat....

some more

With enough practice, you could become a famous trap I've never heard of

(Fortunate Son starts playing)
His name is subbii2 since he deleted his old Tumblr. Don't call him a sissy or use that vernacular, he doesn't like it he's just a guy who likes to dress up

it's ok guys. we will keep operating as usual, looking for the best of the best. at the end of the day, we don't need scarred up ugly traps. most of our girls are already emotionally damaged. half of us who work in the industry act as free counsel for their problems. they are very troubled girls. i'm singing off. expect to see new exciting girls soon. none of which do whatever the fuck is happening in this thread.

-groobyfag out


Thank God he left

i am horny tranny - ama or show me big dicks to make me horny please daddies

I wanna cum in your open wounds

Any more?

Not sure what he's trying to accomplish



gimme yours i will add someone

Legs crossed

R8 me m8s ;-; unshaven legs, not summer ready