Hey b. I need your help. So theres this rapist and he has ruined some friends of mines lives and I need a way to...

Hey b. I need your help. So theres this rapist and he has ruined some friends of mines lives and I need a way to.... publicize his crime so I was planning on getting into his instagram and confessing what he did, does anyone have any good instagram hacks?

Have you ever been sued for defamation of character? Because you're about to enter the express lane.

I honestly dont care. He is an actual rapist

the judge honestly doesnt care. this is actual defamation if you have no proof

There's this thing called the police...
They might be interested.
Unless you're a butthurt fucktard just trying to mess with people's shit.

Im doing more later, I'm just getting shit out there

his password is 1234

Boobs or it never happened.

This is probably gonna be the only post in the thread that isnt just shitting on me isnt it?

fuck off if you have no proof. accept defeat

Why would I lie about a rapist?

Oh? Post police reports.

Yep, fuck off faggot.

user this is fake story you just want good hacks

dont insult our intelligence. as if you dont have some other beef with this guy and want revenge

>Sup Forums
Do you even know where you are, young'un?

because you're a little cunt

I think faggot OP fled the scene, disperse?

Meh, I dont have anything better to do so I'm gonna watch this thread for a while and call OP faggot if he comes back.

Nevermind, I dont know what I expected, thanks I guess. I'll take matters into my own hands


If it's serious they should go to the police, if police can't handle it no one can. Jog on don't ruin a life if you don't got proof.

Girl smashed dude then realise it was a mistake, still not rape.


I... I can't read that.

Hey guys, OP is a rapist and he has ruined some friends of mines lives and I need a way to.... publicize his crime so I was planning on getting into his instagram and confessing what he did, does anyone have any good instagram hacks?