Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

(sorry if this is all over the place i'm really unstable and haven't slept in 4 days)

Recently my girlfriend broke up with me. 3 weeks from our one year and her reasoning is complete bullshit. apparently we "fight" a bunch but we have had no relationship issues in over 4 months. Another reason was apparently she has to take care of her sick mother but shes always doing things other than that according to her social media posts(that and testimonies of mutual friends). Last but not least, apparently she lost feelings for me in the course of a month. We weren't able to talk for a while due to personal issues but we still tried to every other day. I had bought plane tickets and a got a hotel for a month so we could have a little getaway for our one year, its something we planned for 5 months. She's been just as depressed as I have been since she broke up with me, I know she didn't want to and regrets it. Now she's trying to play it off like it was her fault that she made me sad with fighting every now and then but it didn't have much of an impact on our relationship.

We had no issues and we're crazy for one another to the point where either one of us couldn't go a few hours without hearing one another's voice. We couldn't be together all the time for a few reasons but none that was harming our relationship as much. She's told me herself she regretted breaking up but i think she feels as though its too late now to redeem what we had. I'm trying to show her that we still need each other more than ever.

I've been shaking in bed for over 2 weeks now. I have no motivation to better myself and get over her. It was all out of nowhere. What should I do, I'm so lost.

obviously letting go of her is what you need to do. even a dog could have told you that mr.shakey

It's really hard to, i made my life revolve around her.


Post her nudes op...i will wank whilst you cry

you really shouldnt have made those expectations.

Murder suicide.

>it's the gentlemanly option.

kill yourself ya fucking loser

love you guys

Try to take this in.
Yeah this is going to suck for you but you'll pull through with some effort.
She is a dumb cunt shit and is bullshitting you. Yeah it fucking sucks but because she's shitty doesn't mean you're less than her. You'll obviously find someone better but you should do what you have to do. Be you and do you. Along the way you'll find someone else. Don't contact your ex, don't let memories get to you, and don't let her swallow you up. You did no wrong so why should you suffer?

>Breakups can be hard OP.

Seems like she wasn't totally honest when she broke up, but the most likely reason would've been that she has lost intrest/feelings for you.

The thing I do when it's one of these times a year where you get depressed, especially after a break-up, is return to my family.

You still have plane tickets and shit, just take your mother or a close friend of yours and have a great time.


I shouldn't go back in a relationship with her, that rarely works plus she probably had some other cock in the meantime.

nobody loves you you're a piece of shit if you flat out asked your ex to take you back she would say no, neck yourself, you're a waste of space, die

point out that it's retarded for her not to just get back with you if she loves you. if she refuses still, she doesnt actually love you and most likely does want to stay broken up but has a harm time continuously hurting someone. so if she makes an excuse not to be with you, move on.

Lmao, one year? That's nothing, get fucking real mate...

I'm going to try, my motivation to do anything is completely gone though. After many prior attempts at relationships, this was the only one that stuck hard with me. It'll be really hard but i guess you're right I need to compose myself and push my way out of this.

well shit son, what do you expect? You built a perfect woman and perfect relationship in your head. You projected waayyyy too hard, i bet that it is the reason she left you. Accept that you fucked up. Never, and i mean never, base your life around someone else. Now get out of your bed and stop being a pussy, there are 3,5 billion women out there, you have plenty to choose from. Start by finding a therapist. Good luck.


I got my money back already. I'll give the family thing a try. Thank you

You have to look for motivation. Some sort of inspiration. Honestly you're capable of doing it. This dumb bitch can just tell you bye with dumb fucking reasons, not care for any damage she can cause, then just run along care free. Take that in, cry it off then wipe your tears. Don't let someone do you dirty like that. I'm not saying to punch the dumb bitch but just be better. She fucked up and you didn't. At least make yourself feel that way.

Since she broke up with me i've decided not to base my life around people anymore. Like the other user said, eventually someone else will come along.

As a followup, your GF probs found some fresh dick that has cum instead of tears coming out of it. Man the fuck up.

Try your best to forget man, it'll take awhile but you'll get through it, you have a choice man, just let her be and hopefully she comes back to you

My nr 1 thing to do is to take a nice shower. Feeling clean is a way of feeling in control, and that is what you need. Secondly, if you and she are still in love and she just made a stupid mistake, just say that you forgive her for acting so selfishly and continue. These feelings happen in relationships, especially with unstable people. If she does not want to come back to you, you will need to work on yourself. Start with like, crying. Crying is such an important thing to do when you feel hurt. If you are not a neet, focus on your carreer. You have no idea how important it is to focus on something that is essentially a part of being human and beneficial for you in the long run. But honestly, just try to get her back. Show her this post and all the kind words people have been saying.

You're at this stage in your life that these things struggle and people make mistakes. Just continue with the thought that once this is over, you have made an important stride In your life as an adult.

You're right, It isn't my fault. It'll be hard to get inspired and motivated after this but ill keep looking for whatever it may be. Thank you user.

dude, are you me? but in the alternate reality in which she hasnt said a word to me since?
or alternatively, is your name jake or micheal by any chance?

Yeah it'll be tough at first. It'll definitely be tough. You'll cry, remember, and feel like shit. Expect it but just remember you've gotta try to overcome it. You've got this, man. Don't you fucking dare give up.

No my name is Orochimaru, sannin of Konaha. I titfucked Tsunade when my friend Jiraiya wanted to smash, and laughed when he died. Now I just like to rape/torture my expirements

ask my stale menstrual pads , you sad wankstain, scaly faced twathandle, and proceed to serrate your throat with a butter knife.

op, ignore those fuckin spasticated bollocks, if you are both in a very bad state, it soubds like you need to at least talk.

Also this goes to all you heart broken fags out on this thread. You fags are better than that bitch ass hoe

She is very emotionally unstable, and I did expect something like this to happen. I dont want to annoy her with begging her to get back together because i truly believe shes going to want to some time soon. If it turns out that she really doesn't want to be with me whatsoever anymore then so be it. I'll better myself in any way possible, thanks a bunch user

Heartbroken too, huh? It's ok man.... it's ok.

I'm not a Micheal lmao
But if we're in the same boat, read some of the replies and try to take those in. People here are mostly therapeutic tbh. We could overcome this

I'm trying so hard not to. I've found my output for all my emotions right now. Been writing music to let it all out and it's sorta helping. Now that i have more time to focus on one of my passions i have gotten better at it.

Remember she has no obligation to be with you

There you go. Off to a damn good start, man. Keep on writing, bet you got some cool shit going. Wish the best for ya, user.

Buy her a rose and speak from your heart, or just sit there not sleeping thinking about it.

I did something similar to that. I forgot i had ordered something she wanted for a while, a 4 foot tall teddy bear of all things, and it just arrived the other day. she wanted to talk about everything, i told her that maybe shes just confused because frankly its near impossible to go from cupcake phase to nothing in a snap. I told her that we needed each others love and support. Between her family issues and mine, we really need each other to stay sane,

i appreciate it man, good luck to you too bud
it is trippy how similar your situation is to mine though, thought i was tripping balls when i saw the thread like id fallen into an epiphany

Yeah I've lost someone very dear to me to OP, it's the worst feeling in the world, like the sky's crumbling
I don't know your situation, but consider the fact you have friends and family, I know it seems like a hollow victory but learn to be more appreciative of what little you have
It'll take time, and a lot of effort, but I'm sure you'll make it through this as a stronger human being

If u truly love her you'll overcome this u just need to set the record straight and support her through whatever she's going through and stay happy

That is what i want to do, i dont want to fight with her i wanna be a supportive ex

its so odd that we're in such a similar situation but support from each other is what we gotta keep in mind