If you are here from reddit

>if you are here from reddit
>If you are here for "le fappening xd"
>If you are here for anonymous
>If you are here because of idubs, filthy frank, leavy, etc
>If you are here to cap
>If you've been here for fewer than two years
>If you're here for the braise kek memes
>If you are here to be edgy
>If you're here because of Instagram meme accounts
>If you are here for le rare peepers Xd

You're the cancer that's killing Sup Forums

heres a free starfire

O white boy

>If you've been here for fewer than two years

Because newfags are cancer.
> inb4 kys
> inb4 smd

fewer than 2 years. Kek
newfags will never change, cancer

muh nigga

Add to that: if you only browse porn boards, Sup Forums or Sup Forums

>tumblr filename
kys faggot

I'm not from reddit. I'm not even from Sup Forums originally. I can admit how ever. Reddit is fucking great for its /diy/ boards.

>implying Sup Forums wasn't cancer to begin with

Add to that
>If you don't log post

If you use "kys" you're obviously a newfag

>implying Sup Forums didn't die a decade ago

so edgy, thanks for saving Sup Forums


This is decent bait. Decent.

I might have fallen for it...
What was the bait

I see more complaints about newfags/summerfags than I see actual newfags/summerfags


>implying Sup Forums wasn't kill before even ylyl and the banana

Im here for log of warm

I came here back way when to discover what the desu meme was and still have saved the first one saved

im here because i have a lot of hate in my heart i like to vent it by shitting up attempts at serious discussions

not sure where that puts me

>implying you remember when Sup Forums had id's

Sup Forums has been terminal for the last 6 years
>nice dubs

I'm here for banana posting


Oh! I get it. You're just a faggot!

You should kill yourself

Sup Forums had IDs last year???

Of course I remember

They ruined b

But the waifu roll threads were easier

I'm here purely for the dubs n trips.

Dubs ahoy

Why don't you go on other boards to do that

pretty sure Sup Forums is the perfect boards for that

fucking nigger

because Sup Forums is a containment board for cancer, been that way for years now

i do. on other boards i carefully cling to the most ridiculous (but plausible for someone really retarded) argument possible and defend it to the death.

Sup Forums is the worst board on this site????????

was for /biz/ and /r9k/ are tied for worst board

Ok redditor if you say so

Anyone else really despise the new Sup Forums?

i'm here for cicada

i checked reddit once before faggots like you acted like you dont post there, i thought the logo looked gay never went back. true story

OOoOoOo so cryptic ididbbsla5hduj68== prime numbers prime numbers woo totient function WOO meaningless tryhard symbolism OH GOD WOOOOO

I've been here since 2005 but I honestly use reddit to find other hobbyists/talk about stuff in my city. Its shit for everything else

>if you're here

You're the cancer that's killing /b

Are you ready to pray to your God-Emperor user

what are you talking about Sup Forums has been a gosht of its former self for well over 3 years now. It too far gone to save now

"Cancer that is killing Sup Forums" isnt the way to descibe it anymore.. try "swarm of hungry carrion beetles that is animating the corpse of Sup Forums while stripping it of any meat

Thats just a moot point

i cant do it man, i genuinely hate the culture there with a passion

Never been to reddit myself, Sup Forums is the only piece of internet I post on.


I'm here for the porn

>tfw none of them apply to me i even found about reddit from here.
But i think that edgy one can be applied to me, but i came here for video game meet ups talk about how i was raped.
Also after i read a manga called mahodaba and it had a lot of desu i googled it and it also lead me here

>if you are here for "muh newfags ruinning Sup Forums"
>if you camplain about cancer by summing all cancer you know in one post and think it will get Sup Forumsetter
>if you are here to claim oldfagness on a anonymous board and act is if the place belongs to you
>if you still come here after all that complaining

you are cancer.

not true bro, i've been here since february 2016 but im not newfag