
>manage to make Endless Sky's shitty combat balanced and fun without even changing any code, just equipment parameters
>the combat literally went from being ships sitting in front of each other until one died to being an Azul Baronis style dogfight
>devs aren't interested

Why are indie devs always so stubborn and retarded?
There can be one easily-fixable thing that's killing their game, sometimes even a single bug, and they rarely lift a finger.

Become an indie dev yourself and find out






Is she cumming into his dick?




My tits are huuuuuuuuuuge
















I would do lewd things to this fur.





oh wow

Wow oh



Anybody got any octopus furry shit?

I need it because octopuses are sexy.

This is the only thing i have to contribute, because i ain't into this faggot furry shit.



Your mom finds out you're a furry. What do?

Go on with life. Shame and displeasure are mere illusions.

The damage is done, have a Coke and keep jackin it.

To what extent have you been found out



Good morning all.

You have this thread open.

go fuck yourself.

no u

I want to shit down your facehole

Show her this one. It's one of my favorites.

but y?

Because your image is blurry and has compression artifacts despite being a PNG.

I'm not that dude, but it is probably because you are gay and annoying. would you just fuck off and die already.


what? The image looks just fine on my end.


hello. How are you?



I'm not unwell, thank you for asking.


The compression artifacts show in the hair, and the image has been scaled up.
Here's the original image.

I would kill a saracen for hair like that.

good to hear.

I thought you were talking about a different image. I can see that. I would've posted better pics but I don't have my folders at the moment. Thank you for the improved image.

I'd kill one for a fistful of her hair, specifically bobbing up and down in my lap.


If you give me a gun, I'll kill a saracen, then have the magic I-killed-a-saracen hair.
Then I'll ride your dick, and shave my head because otherwise saracens will know I wronged their kind for fabulous hair.

Now it suddenly makes sense why Neo-Nazis are bald!


This is exactly why we have gun control.



>tfw you're young enough that unless the world goes down the shitter, immortality and gender bending will be invented in your lifetime
Although one thing I've wondered; those with incredible control over their bodies are some of the least ambitious in the world, what would happen if a westerner reached the same level of enlightenment as eastern monks while still having real-world desires?


That's a pretty deep conversation for a furry porn thread. I've never had an existential crisis while waxing my carrot before.

The reason they have reached enlightenment is because they can fully see the futility of acting on the self because there is no self. There is only the universe and you are at it's mercy. The best you can do is help others in the pursuit or enlightenment and treat all life with reverence because it is all part of the whole.

At the very least that is how I perceive it.


But to act on the self is natural; if nothing in the universe did, then there could be no life.

yes. But it is our ability to ignore the self and see the truth that separates us from other life forms.



I think the point is they reach control after giving up those desires.


No, I think it's to do with the abundance of time to focus on oneself.




Damn I hope I'm not too late I really like th game Endless Sky, what things do you change?




Do you have anymore of Diive's uncensored stuff?


Watersports PLS



Play Azul Baronis, and imagine if Endless Sky had combat like that but even better.




Dragons PLS
