How to become banned, Sup Forums? I'm browsing Sup Forums too much. Is there any possibility besides posting cp?

How to become banned, Sup Forums? I'm browsing Sup Forums too much. Is there any possibility besides posting cp?

Yes, spam. Do it in someplace like Sup Forums full of butthurt mods. They'll actually ban Yu from all boards.

Post something illegal.

Constantly post NSFW material on SFW boards (shorter ban to start)

Read the Sup Forums rules and choose the lesser of evils... or just have some self control and stop using Sup Forums.

I used to post blacked on Sup Forums all the time then I got permabanned until ISP changed my IP

what was the message?

Are you trying to request you-know-what, user?

ask for cp and you're good to gooo

Post yotsuba and boxxi porn enough and some mod is bound to just ban you for being distasteful

Thank you so far. But I think just asking for cp is illegal in most countries. But posting in /pol sounds fun. Watch me doing it.

tell people to raid someone
did me in twice :(

who is boxxi?

i shall be monitoring Sup Forums then

Only because you cannot get a reaction from anyone in real life, user. Pathetic coward.

Just did it.

lurk moh your just fucking with us aren't you?

Speak for yourself.

I posted the word "Really" on numerous posts in /diy/ and I got B&...try it

Sup Forums is pretty easy to get banned from, got my surprise notice a couple of times. One topic I created was really off theme, about how I once saw a prostitute in Bakersfield California taking a shit in public next to the courthouse. Idk why that always works. Tried to tie it in to gun control but I got banned for like a week.

getting yourself banned doesnt fix the fact that you're a fag who can't exercise some self control

Did it. Got a lot of funny response, but no ban. What do?

You've won nothing shithead. Wallow in the shit you've created. Because soon, all you've worked for will vanish and you'll be left with nothing. When you least expect it, the shit you talk, you'll choke on it.

This is the power of newness...

Will do. But what's the point?

Start a fur thread on Sup Forums
Do it again right away if deleted and not banned

Will do. Porn or non porn? Porn, I guess.

You can still browse if you're banned faggot, just cant post.


I know. But just browsing is not as fun as.

Posted non porn. Maybe children are browsing.


Still not banned. Suggestions?
Did: furry on /co
blacked on Sup Forums

Posted also Sauce? on /hc. Still no Ban. What am I doing wrong?

spam loli threads on Sup Forums