See this

>See this
What would you do?

Take his place instead.

Pretty much, yeah

Are they stealing his belt?

Film it so i could use it as fap material.



where is the file from '?


>Sup Forums saves the day

See how far it goes. If it gets violent than intervene, but let it happen. Perfectly consenting children.

no. sperms

Not too sure you know what ditto means. He never accused of samefag

Let the man bussa nut

ditto means like, same, me too

Fuck off summer

Offer them a condom and do a thumps up, maybe a high five.

I'd have a word with those stupid little kids.

Well, the boy at least.

>Why the fuck they have to restrain you? When a girl wants your pants off you fucking take them off, you don't fight her over it.

Film it of course, pay the girls to let me cum closer


Go to the hardware store, buy a lawnmower and rent a pressure washer and buy some paint and a sprayer, for starters.

Push the little girl on her knees out of the way and show her how it's done.

Yell at them and beat them and tell them to get jobs, the lazy spongers.

Ask for sauce

Report them all to ICE.

Squeeze dick into bj girls butthole while she blows him and pump furiously. As should always be done when a girl is sucking a dick.




Got more of those hot nu-male tips?

Depends where they're from


Call the kid a faggot for having to be held and not just smashing those birches.


>hot nu-male tips?

sorry, i didn't realize not violently resisting girls trying to take your pants off made me a beta nu-male.

depends where you're from...

Dude you have the pedestal you put pussy on on a pedestal


you guys have a link to the webm this is from?
I lost it


And what if she is about to do something nasty to him ? Would you take his place then ?

in the webm she has a knife

Nigger bump

Offer myself as tribute.

>questioning someones fetish on Sup Forums

Stay out of it mate.

This guy

I remember how this video would be posted on here now and then, back when cp was still normal on Sup Forums. The 3 girls went around and gave (forced) blowjobs to young boys.

I'd say, "Halt! Release that innocent child and leave his boy berries alone, you vile twisted wenches."
After the girls run away, I would embrace the boy lovingly, asking him if he is hurt anywhere.
The boy looks up at me.
We're both smiling and full of passion.
"I'm Maximus Aquintas." I say to the love child.
The Golden child replies, "I'm Cratos, known all throughout the lands for my delicious boi pussy."

fapping intensifies

Anyone have the original webm?

For scientific reasons I need to know where to find these videos.

Can you help me with my research m8?

The amount of pedophiles in this thread.

There is nothing paedophaliac on this thread what you talking about?

Well i dont know, its not like im actually going to risk stuff by searching up cp myself. That shit just got posted here now and then.

This made me laugh so hard


Looks like they're trying to cure him of faggotism. Nothing wrong here.