Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums,
I just ate one of these

Nope because ive already had one before



it's 9 in the fucking morning. no i'm not.


2010 was a good year


Was zum Teufel hast du nur verdammt von mir erzählt, du kleine Scheiße? Ich weiß, dass ich in den Marine-Siegel in meiner Klasse absolviert habe, und ich bin in zahlreichen geheimen Überfällen auf Al-Quaeda involviert und habe über 300 bestätigte Tötungen. Ich bin in Gorilla-Krieg und Im der Top-Scharfschütze in der gesamten US-Streitkräfte ausgebildet. Sie sind nichts für mich, aber nur ein anderes Ziel. Ich werde dich mit der Präzision abwischen, die noch nie zuvor auf dieser Erde gesehen wurde, markiere meine verdammten Worte. Du denkst, du kannst weggehen mit dem Sprichwort, dass Scheiße zu mir über das Internet? Denken Sie noch einmal, fucker. Als wir sprechen, kontaktiere ich mein geheimes Netz von Spionen in den USA und dein IP wird gerade verfolgt, so dass du dich besser auf den Sturm vorbereiten kannst. Der Sturm, der die erbärmliche kleine Sache auslöst, die du dein Leben nennst. Du bist verdammt tot, Kind. Ich kann überall sein, jederzeit und ich kann dich in über siebenhundert Weisen töten, und das ist nur mit meinen bloßen Händen. Nicht nur bin ich ausgiebig in unbewaffneten Kampf trainiert, aber ich habe Zugang zu dem gesamten Arsenal der United States Marine Corps und ich werde es in vollem Umfang nutzen, um Ihren miserablen Esel aus dem Gesicht des Kontinents zu wischen, Sie kleine Scheiße. Wenn du nur wissen könntest, was für eine unheilige Vergeltung dein kleiner, kluger Kommentar zu dir herabzusetzen war, hättest du vielleicht deine verdammte Zunge gehalten. Aber du kannst nicht, du hast nicht, und jetzt hast du den Preis bezahlt, du verdammter Idiot. Ich werde vor dir Wut schaden und du wirst in ihr ertrinken. Du bist verdammt tot, kiddo


What is it?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about Navy Seal copypastas, you little newfag? I’ll have you know Navy Seal copypastas are ranked top out of all the comments on the Internet, and they have been translated in numerous contexts on Sup Forums, and have over 300 confirmed variants. Navy Seal copypastas are trained in memetic warfare and are the top copypasta in the entire circlejerk arsenel. You are nothing to them but just another target. They will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this subreddit, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Navy Seal copypastas over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak this copypasta is contacting it's secret network of Sup Forumstards across the USA and your IP is being doxxed right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. Navy Seal copypastas can be anywhere, anytime, and they can confuse you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with mad-lib permutations. Not only are they extensively trained in trolling, but they have access to the entire arsenal of Anonymous and will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the Internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. This copypasta will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Not jealous, envious. And yes.

worst part is that this is actually true

Astounding! You have managed to expend effort creating a non-random string of characters which usually convey meaning, yet your overall comment was ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS! It is as though all of the industries of mankind were operated in reverse, with great will and endeavor being used to convert items of usefulness into worthless bare materials! you are the antithesis of all that is grand and great about mankinds capacity for thought and self-determination. You sir, are the mirror image of a meaningful entity, lower than base matter, lower than oblivion, because unlike the brutish deterministic plasma of the unreasoning cosmos, you CHOSE to be without value or worth. Or in the parlance of thine own ilk: LOL N0 UR GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!11ONE!!!!!ELEVENTY!!!!11!

b careful user

a bit, tbh


nope, choco tacos weren't my bag

the shark-shaped lemon-lime pop or strawberry shortcake pink-white-red dotted crumbly bar where more my style


that does look pretty fucking sweet a little jelly user

only because i don't have immunity doggo.

Legit ate a whole box of these the past 2 nights at work.

Someone has just seen the post relating to this and decided to try get banned.


>on this subreddit

Kinda yes. Those things are pretty good. But not as good as the Cones with chocolate in the bottom.

jelly, have you replied to your own post OP? your mum might die from your own post

why were the banned?

tits or gtfo