I am black and i REFUSE to celebrate 4th of July. In 1776...

I am black and i REFUSE to celebrate 4th of July. In 1776, we were SLAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the white man stomped on us! wHY ACT LIKE EVERYTHING IS OKAY??!??!!??!>

Fourth of July bait. Clever girl.

YOU were not a slave so stop trying to act like you went through a traumatic point in history. Go blow shit up and stop being a drama queen

I am still a slave today in society. Ceck your privilege

Because everything is okay. You're a free citizen, you never went through being an actual slave. Pull your head out of your ass and let the past be the past. No one today owns slaves, no one today is a slave, so cease your bait faggot bitching.

go outside. what do you see? Racism to the black man. I am still a slave today and so are my fellow brethren.

How in the name of all that is Holy are you still a slave? Unless you're in the human trafficking industry or some shithole 3rd world country, you're not.

get back to work then slave.

So much racism. That's why there are so many black CEOs. And why we got a black president. I acknowledge there are some dickheads who believe that people are inferior to them if they're not white, but they're not the majority.

1776 damn son you old as fuck.

It's too bad we don't have slavery anymore. At least then black people were worth something

all slaves, its subtle but if you look very closely you can see the chains.

You were never a slave. Get over it.If you have such a problem with it then move to another country.

watch your tongue.


we need them ALL GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>my fellow brethren

This racial way of thinking is what's hurting the black people more than anything else. And so the trouble black people are undergoing is self-inflicted.
Blame yourself.

Fuck niggers. Fuck spics. Fuck Gooks

can't, too busy commanding slaves.

black people are slaves of their own mind thinking everything revolves around racism


I'm taking a quick break from shitposting to say that is one of the truest things I've ever read on this shithole of a site.

>not celebrating your country's national holiday

hey that's fine we got freedom here to do what you want I just dont know why you gotta be a such a fuckin bitch about it

niggers don't use such large words.
sage goes in all fields

Yeah and if it wasn't for a WHITE MAN you'd still be slaves faggot. And you can pull the black card ya'll are more racist towads us these days and get away with it so why don't you check your privilege. Faggot

The only way those assholes are in chains are if they want to try kinky shit in the bedroom. Saying that they're still slaves despite all this work and effort they put out, saying you only see them as slaves because they're black is racist, isn't it?

thats a very racist claim to make.

>all slaves, its subtle but if you look very closely you can see the chains.
That's what was said. Meaning that no matter how much work they put in, this user still thinks they're slaves or at least less powerful than a white person in the same position. Which is racist. I'm not saying that's true, that's just how this kinda "we're all still slaves." logic works.

I live near that traincar in GA. Raise Hell and Kill Nigger Babies!!!

Such a sorry little victim! Clearly no hope for a productive or happy future. Go buy a cheap gun from some nigger thug and end your life.



and more than a half a million white people died to free you so shut the fuck up.

White people:
>first people in recorded human history to outlaw and abolish slavery
>still get blamed after literally fighting other white people to the death to free the slaves

Black People:
>still own slaves to this day in large quantities, including children
>still blame white people for slavery from before any of us were even born

that was over 200 years ago nigger, your people are free now for 151 years yet your lives are actually worse. you have the option to go back to africa where your race came from yet you don't want to because the white man's societies are much better than niggerland. the world owes you nothing nigger so either man the fuck up or be a victim for the rest of your life and die having accomplished nothing like so many niggers before you have.

you don't deserve to be an american, you are pathetic

Shit b8 m8

Kys nigger! Go back to africa where theres no racism or whites.

Why not reject your forced civilization and move back to africa and be with your people?

sit in your basement and cry, I don't care.