"Will you take my virginity user? All the other boys are scared of me."

>"Will you take my virginity user? All the other boys are scared of me."

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck yeah! Ain't nothing wrong with a little muscle on a girl. With any luck, she works on her kegals as hard as she works on her biceps.

One night stand material. Those arms will turn into fat flabby arms.


No thanks, I prefer women.


Implying this whore is actually a virgin and not already a gaping maw, stretched by countless cocks. Fuck so gullible.

Sorry not into traps.


Women with elevated testosterone are hornier. It's a fact. If you see a woman with a square jaw chances are she'll be the best fuck you ever had. The downside is they look man ish.

dedication is sexy


You guys do realize these "girls" are roiding. They have higher testosterone levels than any natural man in his prime.

Also, clits the size of their pinkies.

>square jaw
>she'll be the best fuck you ever had.

>implying that's a bad thing

>being a faggot in denial

Isn't that what these are for?

>literally being afraid of juicy clits

Go for the man not for the boy.


She looks great, as far as body building but her calves look goofy as shit.

more fat pussies pls

Ah emma. Her pussy looks so juicy.

She has a dick on the right pic.

No thanks , not scared of you but you make me vomit.

Looks more and more of a man on each pic

I will fuck you in half.

It looks like 2 midget decided to inject growth hormones.

WTF is that ? Whats in the panty's ?


emmamjau on ig

Did you know the penis and the clitoris are formed by the same tissue and nerves. It's true. The only reason why males have a penis is testosterone. This has been proven time and time again. When injecting men suffering from micropenis and hypergonadism with hcg or testosterone, their penis size increases drastically. The same thing happens to women who inject testosterone. Their clits try to be penises.



These female body builders probably have jacked vaginas, too. I bet they clamp down on your dick so hard when they cum. It would probably be the best fuck ever.





they're like traps but without a Y chromosome.

fuck yes

Yea no, do you even testosterone?


she has a prince albert piercing on her clit.

look at her, you know she has a 12" strapon waiting for your ass

It just looks so awful

>still a woman
>implying she could subdue me

>implying you wouldn't resist

>implying your fat ass is stronger than a female bodybuilder

even a very strong woman is not that much stronger than an average man. if she is at all. Also train BJJ, used to training with dudes that outweight me by 40-60 pounds

>even a very strong woman is not that much stronger than an average man
biggest fitness myth ever
a trained female bodybuilder like her could beat the shit out of the average untrained male dyel





>implying muscle has anything to do with 'beating the shit out of" someone?


>implying it doesn't



Walk with a weapon in case you say something wrong

>it doesn't

anyone with any grappling or martial arts experience can tell you that.


It's shopped

You think the guy in pic related could beat this chick in armwrestling?


>any grappling

More strenght you have more your grappling will be good so muscles are important.

> martial arts experience

Shitter detected. Look at MMA or some serious fighting discipline you think athlets have muscles to be fancy ?

found the autist.
gonna tell us how you're a 10 degree black belt in craig magaw.

My God it's like fucking a man.

moar pls?





Her face is super cute and she's fit as fuck. anyone who says they wouldn't smash that is a faggot or a virgin.



No you autist. Trained in BJJ and muscle has shit all to do with it unless you are training with someone who is exactly at your level of skill or below. i've seen huge jacked dudes who were all muscle get manhandled and tapped easy by brown and black belts who were maybe 5'10 and 185lbs.

Yulia Voktorovna Vins. Her Facebook isn't private. You're all very welcome.



Try a fight without rules and tell me how your fancy grapple works against someone with 33l of muscles more than you.

I have a big folder. will post some if the thread is still here in half an hour

yes i'm sure Marcelo Garcia is an autist and full of shit. Or you know, Helio Gracie. all small dudes who wrecked much bigger opponents.

you have yet to explain how having muscle makes you a skilled fighter.. perhaps you forgot that part...

Grappling works precisely Because it negates the persons size and strength so they Can't use it. So i'm pretty sure at this point you are some autist who has never been in a fight or stepped foot on the mat.

They're bodybuilders. Not fighters. Are you fucking retarded?

If muscle mass is not important why fighting sport are divided by weight category genius ?

Thank you.. nothing against body building. it's very good for what it's good for, which is building muscle

Terminal Autism Detected

I tell you what, use your commons sense and get back to me when you have a theory on that.


I don't know what to answer in front of the truth so I go away, the post.

This is the position you assume if you listen to drake

I am a neutral user, but I would like an answer from the guy that got asked this question.

before you're forced to confirm you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about?

I'm not saying weight isn't a factor. But muscle mass has nothing to do with "beating someone", technique does. You're not gonna beat someone just because you're heavier than them. You're a fucking vedgetable.

I'm going to get to shredding... that hymen.

A trained large fighter is completely different to a untrained large fighter.
a small trained fighter in most instances will beat a large untrained fighter

I mean, if Terri Schiavo weighed more than the UFC featherweight champion, would she automatically beat him?

She has instagram too, way more pics. @julia_vins