Earlier this morning I was with my 14 year old younger brother, playing some console games just fucking around...

Earlier this morning I was with my 14 year old younger brother, playing some console games just fucking around. He gets up to go get some fucking food or some shit, the kids a fat ass. He leaves his phone unlocked on his chair and curiosity overtakes me. I go on his phone, and open up his photo gallery. This photo right here is basically his whole camera roll, each fucking photo just get blurrier and more sharpened. I'm fucking repulsed and genuinely worried about the kids health. He comes back into the room and sees me on his phone. Takes it from me and fucking walks out of the room and he wont come out. Does anyone have any clue what the fuck this creature is? Is this some new meme im too old to understand? What the actual fuck. Luckily i texted one of them to myself. Someone please fucking help

OP again, what the fuck does chilling at the tiki mean

Update, I went into my brothers room to try to talk to him and hes just refusing to talk to me, He's on his fucking computer and his wallpaper is an overly stretched version of this fucking picture.

Are you serious dude i mean this is either some low tier humor or genuinely worrying

Im actually fucking worried, my brother isnt the type to laugh at this type of bullshit, and he seemed genuinely upset that i was on his phone, I dont know what this thing even is, i was hoping it was some sort of meme i dont know about

He may be autistic or a conspiracy theorist.

I dont think he's legitimately a sped, he's kinda weird and antisocial but that's about it

Bump cause what the fuck

Looks like this is using the same filter as they used for the Death Grips Guillotine video.

Maybe this is some post-modernist shit? I mean, I had a poster for Cats and Dogs 2 as my desktop background for a while.

Uh ill look that up right now

thats what happens when you suck nigger jew dick

What is that

Jews are allowed to eat pine-apple, so that would explain the tiki.

Op here, It does look like the same thing, should I try to talk to him again and bring up this song?

Memegenerator meme I found on Google images. I've been up since yesterday and I ended up looking for some pro-white propaganda.

Do you think this photo could have anything do with with white propaganda? He doesnt come off as racist, but then again i'm not that close to him

Go for it. Either this kid's autistic, or he's a post-modernist like me, so also autistic

Oh no, this is just unrelated. I'm just bumping the thread.

I will try to talk to him after dinner tonight when he's a bit calmer. He's actually upset right now and i dont know why.

>rummaged through his phone
>invasion of privacy
>no idea why he's upset

He's a weird cunt and is upset cause you went through his phone

I literally went through his phone for maybe like 50 seconds or some shit while he was getting some autism fuel,and this is legitimately all i saw, he shouldnt be this upset over me finding some scary shit in his camera roll

This kid reminds of shit I did a few years ago. I got into conspiracy theories and ended up spending a huge chunk of my time getting paranoid as fuck by surrounding myself with pictures like this. I'd start sweating, my thighs would start feeling like they're getting grilled off because of the immense heat that came from the bottom of the lenovo thinkpad that I used in the bed, with nothing to cover my thighs at all.

>ITT normalfags

Go back to facebook niggers

Lol is the picture legit scaring you? You sound like my fucking mom acting concerned just for the sake of the act

The fact you don't even understand why going through his phone is a shitty thing to do is probably why he's upset.

The picture itself doesnt scare me, its just weird as fuck and concerns me because there was like, atleast 40 of the same photo

Someone is gonna come out as autistic on this thread, either the kid, or the OP.

Does anyone fucking know if chilling at the tiki is some sort of code or something.


OP stop shitting up this board. Get

Chilling at the tiki = Infiltrated the goyim

OP, what is your snapchat? I need to speak to you.

Here, add my back up snap, I dont wanna post my main on here, the name on is Cyanss

Pic related

You're a shitposting newfag pussy. Just so you know.

Chilling at the Tiki is prison slang for posting Andy Sixx/log of shit memes

>Samefagging this hard


Not same fagging lmao.


Prove it nigga I want this shit to be real I wanna make an appearance on GamerFromMars

OP you got nothing to worry about. Your brother is 14. My younger brother used to have weird, short-lived obsessions with random shit. In your brother's 14 year old mind, he probably just thinks it's something that's really, really funny. I'm willing to bet that he'll get over it soon and find some other random image that he'll obsess over. Also, like other anons have said, he's probably all pissed off because you went through his phone.

Love that guy, been watching since he was really small


How do i prove it


Just take a raw screenshot of your browser if you have to


Here you go

Ever played "statics speak my name"? Could be something like that

What is this normie shit

Shut the fuck up nigger

Welcome to Sweden

Jesus Christ

It's a dumbass inside joke between his friends. Fuck off.

>summerfag detected



The picture isn't even fucking weird it's just some childish meme. The fact that there were a ton of copies just adds to the novelty

Says the one posting gore because he thinks that's "like the only thing the 4channers do XD"


>welcome to butthole


V/H/S was a good movie. My favorite skit was the one with the aliens, more than the one with the cult. Always thought Grays needed to be done justice in a horror film, they can honestly be pretty scary.

>he thinks it's gore
>newfag confirmed


Damn I got baited


Someone better post a real mysterious post soon


Everyone go back to your business, OP is trying to force a creepy pasta on y'all.


The swedish girl looked like plastic and her blood looked like a mix of strawberries and shit from the start, though. I didn't actually get baited


Like the one above yours?

I'm sure this'll appear on some creepypasta channel tho

Not how dubs works you stupid fucking newfag.

Males don't give birth and humans don't create plastic babies

what in gods name is going on here, first op post some fucking english inbred lad, and then it turns into a gore thread?

OP here with an update, I went to my brothers room to ask if he wants to light some fireworks, he is literally sitting in a chair facing the door just staring. I walked into his room and started talking to him, he didn't even look away from the door. This kids either gone full autismo or is pulling a meme on me

Was double 39 edgelord, lurk more.

first of all, do you know who the photo is of? and second, maybe he's just bored retard with nothing better to do

>inb4 your brother is posessed

This belongs on /x. Post it there OP :)

You lick your own asshole too

It's only last two repeating numbers you autistic fuck. How's summer?

Is this the photo from the tard stories about the guy who did not know he was a tard?

Grab a knife, a glass, and fill the glass with water. Pour the water over his head and see what happens. If he chimps out, you have leverage over the situation. A stick could help more with that, though, if you don't want to kill him.

Lol do you have them?

>velcro shoes

no idea who the fuck the kid is, doesn't look like any of the autists my brother associates with

No, I was readimg them for the first time but the thread ended before the guy finished. I don't even like tard stories but that one was good.

I thought someone archived it but I haven't found it since. That shit was gold. Didn't he throw spoons and get beat up and then whip out his dick?

maybe some popular kid he wants to fuck with and make fun of?

Fuck you nigger

That actually makes sense and it might be

OP here, posted on /x/

OP update!!

op here again im autistic, idk how to link to /x/

uhh does this work

I can understand why the kid isn't talking to you