A pack of liberals consisting of a faggot, 2 black women one of which is a wheelchair bound handicapped black woman...

a pack of liberals consisting of a faggot, 2 black women one of which is a wheelchair bound handicapped black woman, and only what i can muster to believe is a goth kid wearing combat boots assault 2 white students for writing shit on the wall at evergreen college.

The snowflake factor is off the charts right now guys

You can't make this shit up dude. You seriously cannot make this shit up.

Evergreen college is the same college that is being defunded because all the black students told the white students to stay home from school in order to show their support for black people.



these little shits are starting to get pretty cocky

Other urls found in this thread:





The people need to know

Why did you even bother recording that shit? You and your friend are every bit as cringy as them.

so two men got beaten up by a fag, an emo, a woman, and disabled woman?

They didn't even get beaten up. They were scared of a mecha-chimp

That water was very cold man. They attacked me over my favorite band. I just might break something tonight.


Attacking them back is just giving them an excuse to say it was a hate crime

Under federal law putting your hands on somebody else or pouring a drink on somebody is "assualt"

Kek the liberals are doing famage control



I'm gonna keep bumping you lib fags. I'm not gonna let it die till it gets big. You might as well get in here and try to shill

ITT: OP relentlessly advertises his own stupidity.

Thanks for the bump friend.


>OP also doesn't understand sage
Have you posted this on Sup Forums yet?

Go ahead and sage bud. I'm still gonna bump
Stay mad

Good. I hate vandals.

that black girl probably stole the wheelchair so i doubt they have any right to stop vandals




The jews are supressing white rap rock guys, alert the media

Don't go to a liberal college, learn a trade like a real man and make some money instead of funneling money into Jew brainwashing programs.

>>these little shits are starting to get pretty cocky

Guess so. Sounds like you might need to watch your back.

Kek I welcome the civil war you raging homo fairy twink

What are you going to school for OP?

Everything in the vid is cringy.

Chemical engineering

Everything in your post is cringy. Shill

>Kek I welcome the civil war you raging homo fairy twink
>Doesn't plan on leaving moms basement


I'm not the one getting jumped by women and the disabled.

You sound worried. I'm not.

Bring it faggot. I'd gladly bash your fucking skull in on the street and drag your body out of the fight so i can dismemeber you and leave you to rot.

You realise almost every single socialtal based revolution has failed right?
The only revolutions that work are one pertaining to taxes.
You'll be fucking slaughtered in the streets all we need is for you to keep pushing so we have a justifiable excuse

If they did fight back it would just be
>muh hate crimes

If anything they were smart to just video it and do nothing so people like me can spread it around and show how horrible liberal faggots like you really are


You sound like a pussy.

Stand up for yourself. No one else ever will.

I've seen at least 3 vids of these angry SJW types grabbing peoples glasses and throwing them on the ground. Poor vision is a disability. It seems not only hypocritical of them, but also a scumbag thing to do in general.

The guy in this video has a lot of patience. If some faggot grabbed my glasses, I'd start punching the shit out of them.

Son i'm not who you think I am. I am not a snowflake I am a white married male in a fairly high income bracket and I dislike the SJW garbage as well. What I also dislike is a faggot incel nice guy pussy in his moms basement acting tough on the internet and trying to pretend he represents the white man. You a runt of the litter boy you need to sit down and let the adults handle your fellow children. I imagine you have a lot of hate in you because woman have rejected you and chased chads or niggers or nigger chads but it's time to sit down and let the adults fix this problem.

>i read it but i don't have a clever response
Fuck off

mfw reading top comment

You sound like you smoke cock for a living. Fuck off faggot

> They were scared of a mecha-chimp

A mecha-chimp using her colostomy bag as a battering ram. Gross.

>smoke cock for a living
Stunning retort son. I'm sure you can see why we don't whip a chopper over to your moms house and whisk you away for national debate.

They are just plain insane.

>i'm mad you are posting something that makes liberals look bad because I'm a liberal so i'm gonna pretend to be somebody i'm not and call you a child and stupid
Fuck off faggot

Hey guys I found OP.

Hey guys I found user

This is fake you you fucking troll.



R2DINDU scares me





>starting to get pretty cocky
Nigger they have been doing this for a year and half.

Report for spamming
Also just to let you know. If the thread 404's I'll make another. I have all night and you libcucks won't shut me down



Lib cucks are having a fucking melt down
Toppest of keks





OP here guys.
Liberal fags are trying to make the thred reach image limit so it 404's i'll post another thread be sure to help me bump it when i do.
I'll post a link in this thread to the new one when it gets closer to 404

Why would I pretend to be something I'm not. I'm honestly trying to help you, saying shit like you smoke cock and fuck off faggot won't even get you taken seriously on b let alone the real world. Get past the nice guy rage and grow up. Get out of the house and get some sun. Hit the gym and join some social clubs, learn to interact without expectations and without dropping spaghetti everywhere with fuck you you don't agree with me crybaby shit.

>>Still thinks anyone cares.

hahahaha rage harder fag.
You can't stop me


Then post a picture of yourself with a time stamp.
Prove it
Prove it badass.
Do it.
You won't do it though
You know, cause your a nigger faggot amd everythin



What a pair of faggots, it's hard to outfaggot an SJW but these dudes are fucking cucked.




Are you retarded?





Aww somebody is scared that people will se thier precious liberals in thier natural enviroment

Whatever man you can't force a thirsty man to drink. I'm off to a wedding to get drunk and blow things up enjoy your thread where you cuck your cause by spreading video of two white guys getting their asses kicked by woman and the disabled. Weaklings like that aren't my people but I guess they are yours keep cucking on b.


HAHAHAHAHAHAH thats what i thought




Is that Michael Cera?




You americans are such pussies. You get beat up and harrassed by angry lesbians and trannies every fucking day.

Pathetic. No wonder you need guns to keep yourselves safe, you're fucking feeble little girls LOL!!!!

Clearly we found something that really triggers the liberals.
Don't worry i'll be posting all night my friend :)

Where do you live?

Your more retarded than I thought if you think I'm gonna post a photo of myself on b you must be a summer child.


>In america
