FUCK OFF TRAPS!!! Who is with me?!!

FUCK OFF TRAPS!!! Who is with me?!!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Men should look like men
>Posts a faggot.
ok then.

They say is gay to like traps, cause they have a dick. So it stands to reason its less gay to like the one om the left.

gg op

Nice bait

The one on the left has a really nice pussy I'd like to shove my pen0r in...

Which one is less gay to fuck?

This is now a Red Venom thread

Women are less gay to fuck. Now if you're talking men vs men who look like women, the ones that look like women are only slightly less gay to fuck in that you can be ignorant. Once you know it's a dude who was wearing girl's clothes or had mutilated his body to resemble a girl... then it's just as gay as fucking any other dude.

OP here, some of you guys didn't fall for the bait because you're faggots just like me for knowing all of this. Touché. Now the real question post-bait is... Which one of them is less gay fucking? Just like said.

eww ..does not , looks like old hamburger meat left in the sun....

i like dirt



yes but let's make a bit of post-truth, faggot, are you ok with it? The "male" has a vagina and the "female" has a dick, let's make the hypothesis the "male" was also a real female (i don't know, let's just make an assumption we don't want to see if i'm right or not, just creating this scheme).

which of them is considered less gay to fuck? if you really, really, really think about it objectively without your convinctions or whatsoever, you'll realize that "gay" is an obsolete term; BUT! nonetheless is funny to use it as an insult, like everything else. so what is gay? what are we? what's the meaning of the world? and why i'm writing all this shit with a saxophone inside my asshole? >inb4 because you're a faggot
that's exactly it. everyone here is a faggot in something

Nobody fell for your shit

Brown man located

I wonder if Bailey likes it in the ass or fucking ass? Same difference? Is it just any less gay if Bailey sucks you off or fucks your ass? Or if you suck off Bailey and fuck Bailey's ass?

Then you got Buck who has a bigger clit than Chyna. (Dead Wrestler, not the country. who's clit was as big as Uzbekistan.) So is it more gay or less gay to fuck Buck?

We need some goddamn Jean Paul Satre in here!

that's exactly what i wanted in the post-bait phase of this thread. I like you man. The gay word is losing its powers (excluding the taboo one, the one that offends people).

The word gay is losing its meaning because people don't want to know who the fuck they are anymore. The whole gay, trap or whatever labels were once individual. Person specific. Now it's turned into a goddamn fashion accessory. Much like how atheists have become more devount and fundamental in their beliefs they've turned it into a religion. What we are seeing now is people taking something that's supposed to be a private self discovery and making it a public issue


It's now turned into another form of meaningless rebellion, empty in cause, hollow in action and impotent in result.

between a girl that has mutilated her body to have a dick and a guy who has mangled himself to resemble a woman, it's less gay to fuck the mutilated woman than the mangled man.


Bloody brilliant. GJ, mate

(1+0)/(1+2) = 1/3
so this is 3 times less gay than straight porn

Aside those not well thought replies, or maybe should i say: typical Sup Forums replies, it's as you say, user . You would expect me to go on with this topic, but you dealt with it in a so professional way that there isn't any need, all you said is objectively true. OP here, my job is concluded.
>inb4 OP faggot
maybe i am, maybe i'm not. what is faggotry? if you lived the last years at its fullest without judging with your mind but instead like "an alien", you would know that what the user is saying is true.
that's an interesting point of view, i like it user. but the human eye wants his part, if it isn't normally turned on by male faces, the vagina can go fuck off itself and on the contrary you would fuck bailey BUT eventually you'll know her/his secret and that face was a freakin facade that cucked you. You were gay on the minutes before knowing she/he has a dick? i know that's the perfect definition of "trap", but let's think outside the internet, what do you think about it?

>what is faggotry?

Faggotry is the difference between Freddie Mercury and Ian McKellan VS Hayden Christensen and Taylor Lautner

Freddie and Ian are talented, passionate, intelligent men who are attracted to other men and no big deal other than what people make.

Hayden and Taylor are just a couple of FAGGOTS

That's your phaneron telling you this, and i'm not saying you're not correct, i'm just stating that the faggot would think about it in a complete different way.

As for me, i agree with you.

Traps are for faggots


Hahaha, I bet you look like a rat, OP.

Why do you give a fuck about somebody else's appearance ? Lonely, sad fuck

this webm can reconnect to what i said here
you guys are making, at least for me, this thread fantastic.

btw I have all the opinions shrinked in this thread, the smart ones, the unoriginal ones, the bait ones, the only4roast ones and so on... that's also fantastic

I'll not reply to your accusations because are not founded, but what about "why do you give a fuck about somebody else's appearance?" that's valid criticism, maybe i'm being presumptuous but i think you said some honest things there so... here's your response: i don't give a fuck. i'm saying this sincerely and without malice. thanks for contribution to the thread