Dubs decides what dare I do. nothing illegal

dubs decides what dare I do. nothing illegal.

Have a nice day

Fuck a pillow pet, record it, and put it on Pornhub.

Run in the street with American flag clothing on and scream "MURICA REEEEEEEE"

Replace your current operating system with linux

rub mayo on your bare chest and walk into a convenience store

rolling, but have someone record when you do

Permanently remove ad-blocker

floss your anus on video and put it on JewTube


My dubs say you are to walk through Walmart with your hand under your armpit and flapping away. You must walk through the entire store doing this, without stopping, section to section.
If trips, you must sing a One Direction song to yourself (but not whispering) while doing the above.

trips don't count. he asked for dubs


OP are trips ok?

fap to this

Paypal $10 to a charity.

user deliver



Never shit post again.


ding ding ding

Put something in your penis hole >rolls plz

put the tip of your dick in the opening of a soda can and then give yourself an erection


