A perfect world

A perfect world

I am greek

>Implying Greeks arent just lazy niggers now
>Implying they cucked to roman empire
>Implying they arent just truks or turks in the making now

You are subhuman filth turk. Greeks cannot be turks because turks are subhumans

iam not a turk bro, but i know you guys just becoming turks, stupid, lazy and useless for everthing else

>Not beeing relevant to History for the last 2000 years

ti 8a tous kaname tous ksenous?
skotoma h (((afomoiwsh)))?

Greeks accounted 90% of european inventions you subhuman amerimongrel.

tha doume kana vuzi?

Not becoming Turks ? Are you serious ?
You were slaves for 400 years. Enslaved by the Turks.

>Implying we give a fuck
post tits mathafacka

Allos malakas. File Mou oi ellhnes theoi grafoun sta @@ toys allous.

Greeks are whiter than subhuman turks.

Greek is pretty cool. Basicalky anywhere in greece is better thn anywhere in germany. Happy independece day everyone!

>everyone in debt to everyone


Europe owes us for invention and producing everything making them relevant you subhuman

So nothing would change, right? Most countries have huge debts anyway.

Hahaha that's your answer? You're stupider than I thought.

What about the Church?

Why do you argue about debts? Money is fake, the eu is going to collapse, ho gives a shit?

Turks are subhuman arab nation. They are barbaric people with violence in their blood, greeks are thinkers and inventors.

Yeah of frape and souvlaki

so the perfect world is just the same on land but Greece owns the oceans?

Dumb subhuman the perfect world is one ruled by greeks

eisai vlamenos e?

>couldnt even rule there own country
>Wants to rule the world
>cucks to the next big power
>First early pizzas then Eurocucs

Pay denbts

Europe probably misunderstood what you said with that level of English

Can we all just agree that Turks and Greeks are both worthless

i can give you ass (with some shit) but still is an ass

English is a dumb language, it does not measure intelligence or ameriniggers and nigels would be the smartest people

Nice trips, but they are the samething, its like saying wow i sure like water but also H2O

Doesn't matter what English is. If you want to negotiate you find a common ground. Also your argument shows once again your human intellect and intelligence.
Since you have such a good language I wonder why Germans own all the airports of your country and Chinese and Russians the land ? It alike you don't have a country anymore and you're fine with that. Hahahaha

Turks are mixed subhumans. They are brown, white and central asian. Greeks are only white.

Germans are subhumans and russians are slavic shits who contributed less than 10% to europe. Greeks invented everything. Doesn't matter what they own they will always be subhumans

Doesn't matter. Whatever they are and whatever you think you're They're fucking you hard.

Ahaha subhumans are ducking Greeks. Imagine what you're then ! Top kek.
America ftw

>implying you dont exactly look like a fucking turkroach

Just google "Greek men" and "Turk men" Same-fucking-thing

Turks are arab subhumans. Greeks are white

Do you like fish sticks ?

Both Turks and Greeks are Caucasians. Just like the rest of Europeans. Even Indians are mostly Caucasians. Caucasians are the most diverse race of humans. Every naturally occuring human skin tone, eye color and hair color can be found in Caucasian people.

Turks are central asian and brown mix. Indians are poo. Greeks are white, not hard to understand.

Greek food is basically copy of Turkish food. I can see living with them over 400 years you have learned a thing or two.

Turks copied greeks. Italians also copied greeks since greeks invented the pizza first

EVERYONE copied Greeks ! Greeks did it first!! Just the rest evovlved and made it better.

Caucasian doesn't mean "white" or "brown" or any skin color. Caucasians are human race. Just like Negroids, Australoids or Mongoloids are.

Like it or not but Greeks and Turks are both part of Caucasian race. And it's something that's not going to change magically even if you don't like it.

You are way too proud son, please don't tell me greekfags also invented fire as well.

With all these inventions and big thinking brains you should have been in space conquering planets.

lets just all agree that turkey should just get nuked

Turks have the biggest military industry in the region. They are building their own tanks, missiles and soon fighter planes. I guess another 400 year of living together is coming soon within next few decades.
You better start inventing something quick with those big brains.

how does it feel that you're getting nuked (implying you're turkish) the next 10 years?

this is what has become of Sup Forums

random pic of google chill your tits

I'm no turkish, just a geopolitic fan and no one is getting nuked.

But seriously, greeks need to act and think quick and re gain their pre USSR geopolitical importance. Cause you know, history kind of repeats itself.

2 many fucking immigrants in Greece, thats what fucked it up

That's ok everyone makes mistakes but turks are coming so at very least, be prepared.


americucks and their bullshit war on afghan/iraq flooded the country with migrants.

which would actually be a good thing under the right circumstances, but they were just getting their economy back together after the eu fucked them and had to battle a nasty forest fire.

tl;dr god and americucks fucked greece too hard to ever return to glory.
now they're selling islands off to pay for austerity measures, kek.

Why is Greece so ok with gay stuff?

Failing on /threading a post. An hero faggot.

cuz we have a life to take care of.

Summer faggotry user. Although as much of I hypocrite I might be since I joined last summer but I only lurked until a month ago

the moment u realized that germany is trying to kill greece but they just killed their women