Hello fellow flat-earther plebs, prove that the earth is flat

Hello fellow flat-earther plebs, prove that the earth is flat.

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I can see the burj dubai from my summer house in scotland so the earth is obviously flat

Burj Khalifa, cunt. Dubai is the name of the city, faggot.

hey so that cam is used for dogs?

Go to the Texas panhandle sometime and argue that the Earth is round. I'll wait. Suckers will believe anything if a so called "scientist" says it's true.

Everyone knows this is how earth is really shaped


8 inches per mile squared is all that matters

but you wont spend five minutes of your time to even measure the math you worship

thus no point in discussing that its unmeasureable because you are braindead zombie

>all flat earthers were originally ball earthers set to disprove the flat earth

What does a curved horizon look like?

Is the moon flat? Is Mars flat? Is any other planet flat? Then why would earth be flat?

retard cunt

if its flat
how can it be hollow?

0/10 go back to plebbit, kike shill

Thats over water. There is a reason that happens over water but wont happen over land. You are using the over land math for the over water calculation

Have you ever seen a coin face? Does that make it a ball? No, it's a flat disc. I can't believe you have to explain this to people.

What does that have to do with anything?

Uh what? The sun and moon have round edges but that doesn't make them a ball. Get it? They're flat discs with round edges same as the Earth.

We can observer them rotate proving its a ball and not a disk. We can do that will all planets.

>how do moon phases work?

the only retards that fall for flat earth are deliberate trolls and retarded people that couldn't defend science for the lack of their personal understanding. in short, americans need to kill themself more.

>deliberate trolls

You got me. Just trying to have a fun debate but I gotta go. Flat Earthers are loonies.

another name for it is burj dubai, spic


No one actually believes the Earth is flat. No one. It's a meme with the same following as My Little Pony. It's a fad that will pass. If you know anything about physics and astronomy, you'd know the Earth is round because of how gravity works. Add the fact that the moon and our sun are round, as well as distant stars, you can be pretty sure we aren't an exception.

The only way you would believe Earth is flat is if you are religious. Even then, as a Christian, I know it's round.

>8 inches per mile squared is all that matters
This isn't right, it uses an approximation early on that the height of the observer is 0. This makes it completely useless. The actual formula is more complicated. Pic related. Also R=4,000 not 8,000.

You do realize that very important informations are missing regarding that picture.

That picture was clearly taken from some hight and also there is the phenomenon called refraction.

You can read it all here.
www dot quora dot com

All these fake flat earth chicago photos are clearly taken from at least some hight. They never do explain why the biggest part of the city is hidden...there is no explanation for that on a flat earth wahtsoever.

You are talking about celestial objects that can't handle life. Why should Earth be the same shape?

>Why should Earth be the same shape?
Because physics is the same everywhere.


Americans only think the earth is flat because normally if you sit something heavy on something round, it ends up flat.

>gravity is a THEORY, not proven
>only works if earth's interior loooks like this (pic related)
>deepest hole drilled is 12 km deep
>most cultures in history depicted earth as flat
>NASA only claims to had taken one picture of earth from space, rest of them are faked

You fucking idiot, I never said it was flat and never said it was hollow. Pass 1st grade physical science then go back to plebbit you normie fag

>gravity is a THEORY, not proven

>>gravity is a THEORY, not proven
Well isn't the statement corect?

>"but you wont spend five minutes of your time to even measure the math you worship"

Please, show me your ability to do this math you claim to know so well, Albert.

>Well isn't the statement corect?
Depends what you mean by "proven" I guess. It's not proven in the logical and mathematical sense. But in a scientific sense (ie. it has a weight of evidence behind it) then yes, it has been proven.

>gravity theory only works if the planet has a molten IRON core
>we don't know what's inside earth, over 12 km (thanks to the soviets, they tried to go 15 km deep but they could not drill more than 12)


>gravity theory only works if the planet has a molten IRON core
That's wrong. In Newtonian mechanics it only cares about the mass density, in general relativity it's both mass and energy density (and flux).
>we don't know what's inside earth
Actually we can deduce a lot about the interior of the earth from watching p and s waves propagating. We can also look at how satellites couple to the earths gravitational field (so for example how satellites couple to the quadrupole moment), from this we can deduce the ratios of densities of things like the mantle to the inner cores.