How harmful is it to roll 2 days in between? Say friday then monday. Planning on going to a festival...

How harmful is it to roll 2 days in between? Say friday then monday. Planning on going to a festival, never rolled 2 days in the same week before so if anyone has some experiences, shoot.

shameless self bump

You'll be pretty depressed afterwards if you do

What is that? Ecstacy?

if you are at a festival you wont give a fuck and just do it. but yeh the next couple days are gunna suck

Lol rolling twodaysaweekfuckingpussyassniggaboy, keep it fun dont do it this often unless you have the entire week off just enjoy yourself and let the dopamine god and endorfine godess enlighten your path to pure euphoria, let me stress again the inportance of not making a habit out of it, it sure fucked up my life something awfull. Good luck user, some nice looking pills you got there bud.

It isn't going to kill you but you're going to get a LOT less of a roll the second time around and the crash/hangover is going to be worse.

I've done it before and don't recommend it.

Save the second roll for later when you can enjoy it more.

if you are talking quality MDMA, then it does not really matter. I have taken quality shards 3 days straight, then never touched it for months. then took it 1 night. great times. no hangovers. if you have quality shit, you are good to go.

its bad for your serotonin receptors nigga, dont do it, hangover is shit too

if you absolutely must, preload with alpha lipoic acid and vitamin c, stay hydrated

buy shitloads of vitamin C.
i usually had pure 1000mg vit C pills.
blah blah blah, take before and after you roll. usually did about 5 of those after rolling

+stack up on smoothies if you can and definitely weed for coming down

Becareful with those Barcelonas a girl in Manchester died the other week from taking those

So much this.

NASS festival is nearly here in the UK, people will be "rolling" 3 days in a row easy. But I think we can handle our shit a bit better ;)

all of this

yeah it's E
I guess you're right dude. I also have some coke and was planning to do E the first day then 2 days coke and E on the last day again.

It's pretty good quality I think. I tested it out by giving 1 to a friend and watched him go.

Usually I do it once every 2-3 months because I'm very careful and shit.

>going to a festival

just roll the whole time pussy. youre gonna pay for it at the end anyway.

>how bad is it for you?

fucking bad. but not as bad as the news and documentary films will lead you to believe - going hard for a weekend will not rot your brain. making a habit out of it will turn you into an airhead over a long period of time.


youll be fine. doitfaggot.jpeg

I keep having this dream that iv been here before before that... like having deja vu of having deja vu.

I definitely wouldn't, you need more time for your body to build up its levels of dopamine and other neurotransmitters before you roll again.

I've got a festival coming up soon too. Acid is on the way, contemplating getting molly maybe too. What sort of effects/high/buzz does molly have?

but what if I do like a 100mg dose each time, instead of 200mg in one day?

my borther said when he moved out of town to denver, he would roll almost every day or every other day.
my bro is considerably fucked in the head and so is his gf
be safe op
just stop using drugs

>I also have some coke and was planning to do E the first day then 2 days coke and E on the last day again.
stack up on vit C(at least 500mg vitamin C pro pill) and antioxidants. separate multi vitamins would also be great, vit C is the most important for your brain after repetitive mdma use but you will need all vitamins because your body will be dealing with a lot of stress.

your body will feel like shit the following days, but you will be ok, try to stay hydrated and get some nutrients.

also, beware
alcohol and mdma usually make each others effects stronger (i usually also smoke weed tho)
i did cocaine once while drinking wine and jaegermeister, and afterwards dropped a chupa chups pill.
was super fucked up, but in a nice way, sadly the following days felt like my body has been hit by a truck and i was weak like a leukemic kid

you feel warm and loving, very empathic and euphoric basically.

Drugs are bad if you abuse them, but I don't do that (except this upcomming festival).

alright, I'll make sure to buy the vitamins regardless.


mixing alchohol with mdma can kill you easily, be careful

I always drink beer on MDMA, but I also drink a lot of water

hard alchohol is what you should worry about I guess

do watch out with the water, too much water can kill you aswell

I did a 3 day binge of MDMA, during which I consumed over 2g of it. Took me about 5 months of sobriety to feel semi-normal again. Shit's wack.

Less is more with MDMA. Always at the very fucking least a month between rolls, preferably 2 months or more.

idk about e, but i took 3 molly over a 44 hour bender a few weeks ago and im fine, i only do it once a year, and the month after sucks, but if you take some 5htp to build your serotonin youll be fine. you obviously wont roll the second time because your sertonin has already been dumped, but youll still have a hell of a time. fuck what all the normies say, roll your ass off user

i know. the first time i did that i had 2 beers and was rolling for 18 hours lol

the few other times i did this i usally started drinking alcohol first (jaegermeister& orange juice is great), then switched to water when i had a nice buzz going - and took mdma half an hour later. then it was usually only water afterwards, dehydrating is not that good on mdma

Positive effects I experienced
>Talkative and I felt charismatic
>I felt like a normal person, rather than a weird autist
>Music sounded amazing, every song was the best song I'd heard
>Me and my best mates friendship entered a new level of closeness (not in a gay way). We spoke about personal aspects of ourselves, and this wall of separation has since disappeared. We're a lot closer now.
>The drug releases serotonin, so you literally get happiness. Pure happiness and euphoria
>Visuals of purple orbs of light floating around my hands. Rather cool to see.

Negative effects I experienced
>A day or so after I felt suicidal (although I am suicidal usually). Your brain is depleted of serotonin, and you literally cannot feel happiness (to some extent)
>Grinding/chattering of teeth
>Strange visuals where people were wearing glasses, and looking strange

The positives and negatives increase in severity the more you do.

Don't snort it, don't rub it on your gums (it tastes horrible), just swallow it and you get the full effect.

Good luck, it's worth doing. Research the doses so you don't kill yourself.

yeah I experienced that first hand, you'll get dizzy as shit

not harmful, but it wont be as good as the last time.

this is how you become an addict.

Alexander Shulgin, the chemist who first discovered MDMA's consciousness altering effects, recommended waiting 6 months between rolls.

that was a fake story

who the fuck drowns themselves in more than 30oz of water in less than an hour?

would you chug 2L of water sober? fuck no. you arent that retarded when you are rolling.

I'd rather roll 2 days in a row than to have a break. Imagine you'll be on the worst part of the comedown by monday and you'll take another.
Nah, that's really bad idea. Overdoing MDMA is bad idea overall.

OP here.

Thanks guys, I've decided to just keep it safe and clean and roll once.

In addition to that I'll just buy more coke.

Take 5HTP on the day between. You can get it at a vitamin store or online. It helps produce serotonin which you need to get high on the second day.



and tell your faggot bro, and his stupid ass family (you)
stay the fuck
or I
and my immigrant hating friends
or kill you.
Denver PD would never be the wiser.

theres some people who take the whole "stay hydrated" deal a bit too much to heart

Your second roll won't be as good as the first.