SO my friend got followed by a random girl on instagram...

SO my friend got followed by a random girl on instagram. After about an hour of talking he somehow got her to send him nudes but me and some of his friends are wondering if she might be a catfish. Pic related, it's her nudes. Is there someone that can like reverse search or try to confirm if she's real.

"No other sizes found of this image".
It's legit.

the hell is a catfish?

When someone is pretending to someone they're not just to mess with people or because they're not confident about themselves

Is that all :p? I mean I did that myself and I saw that no other sizes of this image were found but I don't know it might not be on googles search... Idk


whats that search engine?

>being THIS new

the spawn of cats and fish fucking.


I'm on Sup Forums the years ago but can't tell search engine neither. What is its name?

2 years ago* fucking autocorrect


But also lurk more.


Thank you very much. I mean we had our assumptions but ye if u want more nudes here's some more

If it seems too good to be true trust me it usually isn't


This is the last one he screenshot, idk why only 3 but if one was fake I guess none of em is.

Mmmm... Soggy waffles

You should've known it was fake because hot girls don't normally add randos just to send them nudes.

I mean me and a few others instantly assumed even before nudes were sent but then he screenshot a few of them and that's the reason I posted here, thank you Sup Forumsros for helping me

OP I'm gonna request to follow her and see what happens

Already did it my dude however I had no instagram so far and I literally created it the moment she followed him to followe her however I have no response yet. If anyone has any luck you can post it on here and I might see the thread. Her name is Majahsiht and it seems like (S)He's been doing this for a while it seems.

Maybe just nudes from another girl he/she knows (in)directly. Like using a chick he used to bang (her nudes) to catfish now. Those are typically the best catfish pictures. Though this is farfetched maybe.
Try it out, maybe he's the luckiest fucker in the world. Whats to lose?

I mean a fine gentleman found the pics on and I found it on the site myself then. So I really doubt that's the case.

Aint no free pussy. Its a catfish and she hook him up.
>your friend is a dumbass

That's what we told him but he didn't want to listen. It's okay now. AIGHT thanks b/ros I'm going to bed now so OP will answer no more but thanks again