I'm bored and wanna see what Sup Forums

I'm bored and wanna see what Sup Forums
gets on the 16 personalities test


k i'll do

i got INTP


Hmm interesting let's see if Sup Forums is more introverted or extroverted

My guess introverted might be wrong though



Poster from this number is me and here is my proofie proof

Each time



Your personality type is:
Virtuoso (ISTP-t)

I wonder what personality is the main character in this world?

INFP. I really shouldn't be here

aka loud annoying cunt

What feels like one of the most common.

I don't know how I feel about mine....

All hail the debator alpha race

I think it is ISFJ


OP are you girl, i have feeling you are a girl

Well from what I can see so fair is most of be are introverted and share the N

Sure thing bb... Nah i'm a guy dude

Depending on how i am feeling i score

I'd still suck you off.

that's not how it's work

don't really see how being 98% introverted would fare well being an "adventurer", but here are my results.

i got this one, i dont usually of myself as extroverted though

I've done many of those in the past. Enfp and entp quite often


Let's get to know each other first .

It's just a nickname given to them really.

You got 57% not very extroverted

Ayy another ENFP



Never not been intp on any of these things.




Here we go

ENFP is a trash type

I got almost to the end of this "test", then I thought to myself why the fuck am I doing this?
Do I care? Will this help me in my life? I very much know what my strengths and weaknesses are. Who cares. So I just quit it.

what does it feel like to be the most common type on Sup Forums

So, did you fucked some of your friend's gf?



Am I fucked up, or not?

Also, if I had to take this kind of test for a job that I wanted, I would just answer to make me look good in the reviewers eyes.

It surprises me how many INTJ the are. They are meant to be the rarest

Yes. You need psychiatric help asap.

Nah I think INTJ are the most introverted though.

The are no "good" and "bad" ones they all have the own shit.



What Personality is the least loved or most useless? or is this unlikely?

Psychiatrist would charge money user, and I'm a student.


9gag... summerfag ?

kinda correct

s/o to my fellow debaters

lol why

I think it's INTJ that's the most hated and useless

ENTP master race - shalom A-boi.

I'm not sure the are some that don't get along with others as well but they all have the opposite that they will get along with. Like the ENFP opposite is INTJ. Also none of them are useless every one of them has the own benefits


you think to much and fail at it boi

I'm just guessing, am i wrong ?

ere ya go


oh hell yeah dawg



INTJ took it yesterday for the fourth time

get out, kike.

why screen cap the whole browser


That's a good explanation, tyvm.

This is pretty close to what I usually get on it their tests too.

Same here, what's your work ?

Estj-a executive





So INTJ and INTP are the most common on be Sup Forums interesting

brothers of the master mind we are destined to rule while the lowly plebs are meant to serve us

That means what?

Not working yet, still a student, in some kind of art school

Yeah, you'll be too busy working or looking at yourself to realise that we fuck your wives :)


>introverts thinking they can even start a conversation with anyones wife
yeah ok buddy

Good, art school rules are dumb but you need to finish it

I'm not a 100% sure it might be that they never feel welcome anywhere else or they feel the odd ones out.

haha, being introverts doesn't mean that we are unable to talk

We are the "outcasts" on society and we like to keep to ourselves and discuss things that interest us to pass the time like, say Big titties/Dick and other silly pointless things because our lives are so boring we need to find interest in it among-st ourselves...after all Sup Forums is just one big family.

It's sad you think you're above anyone

Wtf does that mean


>63% introverted
> brothers of the master mind we are destined to rule while the lowly plebs are meant to serve us


well its true pleb

Yeah I was thinking along those lines



