Drawthread loli ass edition

drawthread loli ass edition

Other urls found in this thread:


First. Also, is the artist of said pic still around?

Can you draw Midnight from Hero Academia with this body type?

why the fuck people like this?

why the fuck people like you?

Someone draw Sarah Scribbles having an anal prolapse please.

hey hey thread
happy 4th to my fellow freedom eagle pals

taking monstergirl requests pls

Because people like to fantasize about unrealistic ideals.

Reposting cause new thread

I am requesting this character please.He has the body of both the lower images,and the hands of the middle lower image.His head is the upper image,with the upper right mouth.If it is colored,the colors should be of the lower right body.

Thank you.

Draw Sarah Scribbles hgaving an anal prolapse but with horns and gills because you like monstergirls

Draw a sexy panda girl.

Annoying pest.

No one
I am sad and alone

But that still doesn't answer my question

Now this does, thanks man
but being fat is an ideal? how?

$50, user. I've told you before. Anything you want, $50.

Dont reply if you wont draw, faggot

>It was meme arrowed.

draw a slime girl please

Phyrra Nikos as a busty zombie bitch?

can't be a zombie if there was no corpse

Do dinos count?

Who are you?

Centaur fingering hot mare butthole

Taking 1 cool request.

Maybe they enjoy the thought of swimming in that mass of meat like it's a waterbed, I dunno

draw robo-lilly (pls)


chill in the fridge

Define "cool"
Is a dick cool?



Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any pokemon in the album below
Pokemon refs: imgur.com/a/700pN
Rukia refs: imgur.com/a/qItQA

Teddy Roosevelt

Could you draw a lizard girl with long hair and a short snout? Kinda muscly, no boobs, no nipples, no "hood" or anything

Draw an eldritch old god.

good noi
ver protec

Could someone do a draw of this pls?


Draw most scariest thing you can

Could you do mine?

It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is my plan.

Requesting Panda Pin, if you have to do so.

ya pay me lol

in scandalous bikini

aint she already busty tho

dinos do count! depends on how complex the dino is tho

what is this mlp bullshit user

Hey lummy, did you ever finish this picture? You mentioned lining/coloring it.

An eagle

orc pin

If you have yet to do so*

for how much i love horror stuff i never really got into to drawing it

what? fuck mlp! centaurs >>> pony garbage

Ref 1/2

Thank you, Poxzi! Also, check your discord, please.

Ref 2/2

YES a feathered raptor. You now have free reign.

Pox has a discord?

This is a lot less cool than I expected it to be.

Nah, I mean something awesome.

Teddy Roosevelt doing what?

That's more like it, doing this.

That one's rather confusing. Could you clear up the description a bit? I might be able to do it.


>tfw it just becomes a BB cosplay

tfw drawthreads are just ppl getting free drawings of whatever they want

Thank you, Pin. I miss BB as well.

>He has food and a refrigerator
your levels of coolness are overflowing!

it's not like drawfags ever interact with each other

>of whatever they want
not allways

Roll that shit out of here...

Riding a moose as explosions surround him a lone eagle rides over head as the Spanish American is won in Cuba the navy rides the waves across the world.


requests plz, no anime characters, or video game characters, or creativity, and u HAVE TO REQUEST my avatar, and no real life stuff, and NO LEWDS, unless my avatar is in it. And dont ever request to me again after and NO COMPLAINING, or CRITICS. And u have to let me use my avatar everytime I speak otherwise your not my friend

icky ooey gooey

on it!

oh i could line the full body one if you want! could you give me the colors again? and did you still want the tail?

okie dokie!!

i'll try to! it might take a little longer

Nice pasta.


Look at this salty bitch lmao

Her as an alien milf?

thanks friend

your lines vaguely remind me of kai

ive seen drawthreads turn into argument clusterfucks when drawfags interact w/ each other because of whiny requesters wanting their reqs

go away satan

i dont know how to robot


To make it easier just use the head of the top and the body of the bottom right one,keeping it simple

Yes, and?

Requesting Rasta Pin

Thanks man! This will glorious!


Nothing else. It was just a statement.

Raging Pin


So,it's a character I wish to be drawn.

His body is of those dudes on the bottom,the one with the two images of itself and the one kneeling.Th ones with the ribcage like back.

The body would be exactly those,but with the hands being like the hand in the middle with claw like fingers and 6 fingers.

The head is of the dude on the top,the one that only has its head and shoulder shown.However,there is no mouth on that photo except for those two side tubes.
So the mouth would be there,and it wold be of the gravemind,agged looking one on the top left.

Do you need any more info?I can post each individual picture.

p good
would seem more robotic as a full-body probably

idk who kai is, but thank u?

Lining that would be awesome! I wasn't a huge fan of the tail, so I wouldn't mind its removal.

Skin - coral or light pink
Belly area (sort of the same area as lummy's lighter green skin) - pale pink or whitish
Hair - darker and duller pink than the skin

Here is the photo again.

more roll please

is that literally thicc genderbent MILF ben from ben 10

Yes it is.


hows this?

my BOY that is ben TEN

nooo problem! i hope you have a good day!


okay, I can try! lemme finish one more request and then i'll line it and color it for you

He's Brianna Mifliana now

thanks dude. hope this is what you were looking for.
u did a gud job
shes always here
in spirit
gonna pass


Thanks, Lummy. Whenever you're ready.

That looks awesome, thanks pin.

just another drawfag
i don't recognize you tho

Requesting chinese knock-off Pin!