Ask a guy going to Navy basic training anything

Ask a guy going to Navy basic training anything

Lol Matthew is that you?

when did you first realize you wanted to suck dick on a boat?

How much semen do you seamen eat duing basic training?


I haven't been to basic yet, i ship tomorrow

what is the diameter of your anus, and how big do you expect it to end up?

Im actually probably not even gonna see a boat while I'm in because of the job i picked

The virgin size i guess? I dont know how to really answer or measure that

What job did you get?

Im going to be going CTN

Good job. You're not gonna wanna kill yourself. Go TAD to a boat but don't take orders to one.

Damn, good job, I hope you make it.
I've heard it's really tough schooling.
It's something I want to do, either that, or Mass Communications.

Did the recruiter push you to do it or did you pick it on your own?

You should watch the JTSuites channel on Youtube, if you don't already.

Sounds like a good idea

Thanks man, and actually my recruiter was pushing nuke as always, i got like an 87 on asvab

do you have a knack for computers already?

For boot camp
>just do what RDC's tell you to do
>follow directions
>pay attention to detail
>shit's easy, just get through it

A school
>don't get caught drinking if you're underaged
>don't do any drugs
>don't fuck up, they'll send your ass to a boat as an undes seaman in a heartbeat
>a school is fun, just remember why you're there

The fleet/first command
>be good at/knowledgeable at your job
>take collaterals
>be early
>take the time to make your uniform nice
>don't get a fucking dui
>be ready to suck dick for that eval

And that's how you make master chief

How much does the navy pay a pr man? Theres been a relative uptick since hih school's been over.

Im on Sup Forums man, im a master hacker. But really ive been going to school for computer science before the navy, i just got bored with school

Have you trained for your rigorous PT? You will need to be able to sort mail at 1 letter per hour. There is a rare chance you might have to lift over 5 pounds so be ready for that also.

Lol advice taken

Ask a guy who knows nothing abut the Navy anything.

Bullet sponge detected

I have no clue, all i know is im e3 and i get like 1900 a month

why the navy over the coast guard? You don't have to go overseas or be stuck in a boat for months.

I know a little


Well if you consider South Korean fishing boats bullets then yes, yes sir you would be correct.

>talks about how much sailors don't pt

You must be a marine then right?

This guy knows

No? I never talked about not doing pt lol