Homless thread?

Homless thread?
Homeless thread.

Looking for anons who have fought homelessnes, poverty, drugs, abandonment etc.

Post your stories, tips and current situation

I'm 21 and have been on-off homeless since age 19. Was thrown on the street and have been battling drugs, poverty and a relatively shitty mental health ever since, put short.

Whats your story?

Was homeless. Couldn't get job without address or I'd.

Homeless from age 19 as well, I've been living at the local creek next to our town for 2 years and am loving it, I don't answer to anybody and do what I want when I want, I smoke weed and drink occasionally. Recycle for all my needs every week too, I make about $20 a week and It pays for my food, water, and weed or alcohol if I want it. I ride a bicycle everywhere and have a pretty decent touring setup.

Living in my van by choice because i like travelling. Made around 200$ today flying a sign, though i must admit that's not common

I got shot at last night at the creek, We had just moved to a new spot, and some younger teens came out with a 6-shooter .22 -I yelled for them to stop because they're rounds were going right over my head, I could hear them whizzing and cutting the foliage over my tent. I dug a shallow hole in the gravel with my hands and built a small rock wall to protect my head. It went on for about an hour, I was just laying there watching this wall get hit by bullets and couldn't move, It was one of the scarier experiences I've had while homeless

Damn man that's a lot of cash, I'd do that but my town is way too small and people would catch on real quick where I'm at

OP here, why did you guys become homeless though? And I take it you guys are Amerilards?

I myself was disowned by my family after being sent home from conscription due to anxiety, living on the streets here is shit. You cant just fly a sign or live in an abandoned building of sorts.

For me, I wanted to see what It was like, wanted to see the 'other' world. plus I can't play the Rat Race. I managed to gather the gear I needed before going so I'm actually doing pretty good. I'm in California

So stop doing drugs then people will stop kicking your bum ass out of their houses.

Thats a really shitty assumption, drugs came with homelessnes, not before.

Its funny how people simply don't understand, I'll get told 'get a job, bum!' all the time. How are we supposed to get a Job when most don't have a phone number or address? You can't.

and OP is right, at least most of the homeless people I've met are out there because they missed a rent payment or something of the such. Drugs came after when prospects of a better future seem bleak

I get that, I guess it really depends on the terms it happens on.

Many years I wondered how it would be like to live a nomadic lifestyle free of societys clutches and shitty demands.

Where the drugs came in don't matter. They will prevent you from ever overcoming homelessness. I know all about this shit.

I just ropped myself off that shit and lo and behold; i got a job, apartment, car, all that shit.

This, I spiralled in to a grey-state of indifference to the worlds around me which then led me to drugs since it is pretty much all around.

yeah got lucky with finding a good wally world lol. that's why i like being on the move cause the locals never really get to know your face/spange so they're more likely to help you out

yeah murican as fuck.. i know its not as easy to be a "dirty kid" elsewhere either because the country is too poor or the people just aren't about it. where are you that you can't squat though?

Denmark, mostly people just arent about it. People dont really support homeless people or have empathy for beggars etc. Squatting can be done but is illegal as fuck and will land you a serious jail time, besides the way buildings are made and placed here makes it even more difficult to squat since everyone is so cramped together in tiny rooms and appartments lol.

I did try begging, it's possible but not consistent.

Also the way the government treats homeless here who try to help themselves/get help is retarded, we get locked in a "welfare" system and sent off to do factory work that makes you want to off yourself. Basicaly a humane labour camp for one buck an hour.

sweet trips hail satan

also ppl be acting like the almighty job makes your life complete & easy, more like exhausted and taken advantage of to still not be able to afford the cost of living in most places

how much do people bother you when you are blatantly homeless? I'm asking about other homeless, gangs, normal people, police, etc. also location

You're homeless in Europe? That's impressive mate. How can you not be eligible for the many many social benefits Denmark offers?

at least where I'm at in NorCal, the Cops will run you off any spot if they see you, Camping in public parks even for a night is illegal here. Most homeless go to this local tent city at Stony Creek there's 7 camps and everyone is mostly friendly. Pretty much "out of sight, out of mind"

Yeah I think the key is having a job which you enjoy, or at least tolerate.

I gotta be perfectly honest, having a nice salary would make me a whole lot more fucking happy.

man that sucks. squatting is illegal/can land you some time here too but there's so many abandoned buildings in some places that it's really not that risky if you're smart about it.
so there aren't any bum feeds or anything like that either? sounds rough

Because the social benefits are over advertised as all hell.

We do have a nice social benefits system when you have a quick glance, but housing prices here, housing availability, job and education is and absolute fuckall mess here.

If I sign up for welfare I get aprox 600 eur which is good if it wasnt for the fact that grocerie prices here are fucking nutty high, aswell as housing. Good luck finding anything above 25 square meters for under 300-400 eur, then comes heat water and electricity and all else.

If you are under 25, it is hard but not as hard as the "old homeless". Organize your priorities. get a plan. If on drugs, get clean, help, etc. Get away from all negative people. Even if they are "helping" you.
Being alone is sometimes a good thing.
Get housing. Work.

I don't really want to be in the WSIN police network, so that prohibits me from a lot of things. I don't have an ID, or birth certificate (stolen) which means I can't sign up for a lot of programs. since I don't have a birth certificate I can't even get my SS card or ID.

There is, which is what keeps most real homeless here alive. Theres a quite a few institutions too that will house you but the problem is all the problems that comes with being homeless are not tolerated and will have you kicked out faster than you can blink.

Abandoned buildings are rare here, usually its very concentrated city and then countryside. Theres no real industrial areas here really. If I'm lucky I can squat in a staircase but then you gotta be up and going around 5 in morning, because people WILL call the cops.

Ofcourse it fucking sucks, if it didn't why ever get a job? It's designed to get you started and that's what it does.

yeah the west coast and some small towns can be really strict but there's ways around it like tent cities like you said or just finding a spot that isn't in a city park. i'm headed to norcal right now hopefully for some trim work

absolutely. its just so hard to figure out what that is and then finding somewhere in that field to hire you. a lot of homeless people aren't mentally capable to hold down a job though, either because of addiction or illness

one night I was at my friend Jeff's camp, we were smoking bud and telling stories when this convoy of 4x4 trucks -8 of them, drives by as usual. They usually like to drive at night and all around the creek to have fun but this time was different. All 8 of them stopped and parked by my camp about 50ft away. I told Jeff I had to go and walk back to my spot to make sure everything is okay.
When I got up to my entrance bush at my camp, some of the trucks turned their lights on full blast and they were pointed right at me. I froze for a split second then ran into my camp and hid. When they drove back by, They were shining flashlights into the bush my camp is in, looking for me as they drove past.
Cant say that didn't scare me, too close for comfort… I now have a Shotgun out there to keep me company :)

No shit sherlock, and it would be doable if again housing was available. Everything is a process here, you dont go to an education or job and start right away because you are homeless or whatever, shit is extremely beauraucratic here.

I was living in my car for 2 weeks I hated it lol

Nc here been at it for 8 month after being evicted from my apartment just sleeping in my car with jobs on and off (iv been enjoying those neet times secretly). I'm not some ass wipe so iv Been offered plenty of times to live with people but this is my journey and I don't want to bother anyone It's pretty shit but it's not that bad at the same time. With my next job I'm going to start saving I haven't been able to because of court cost and shit but yeah hopefully a couple months from now I'll be sleeping in a real bed permanently. Good luck to all y'all out there , we can't be like this forever is what I always say, shit I'm only 24 would suck if it was like this forever lol.

Very true, that is the most tedious part. Finding something that you dont go nuts doing.

If I only I had a car. Shit would suck but make things alot easier, it's really shitty when you go out there with nothing but your clothes on.

So let me get this straight. You're homeless and drug addicted... and you're complaining about the bureaucratic nature of your government?

Also there is no fucking way ALL housing in the entirety of Denmark is fucked. Unless you live in Kopenhagen or some shit. In which case; why the fuck are you living in Kopenhagen.

Why not start the cancerous "bureaucratic" process if it gets you a roof, money, food. All that good shit? Right now it's just a matter of "what would you rather have".

Yeah I'm scared that will happen if my car breaks down, I'm no stranger to the buss though so that would be my next option. How do you do it?

Homeless 28 year old in California. Been homeless for three years. Its really shitty. Always had depression but social anxiety just kept getting worse. Started having panic attacks at work. They have went away since I have been out of work but always come back within a few days of starting a new job. No idea how to support myself.

Oh well I managed to get some milk and a box of Reece puffs do I am alright today. Just smoking high grade cannabis and watching battlestar on my phone.

Honestly do need shoes something bad though if anyone can help.


Or not. Good luck O.P

you'll make it if you want to homie. especially if you're working. try not to pick up any habits (including drinking) just because it's a way to kill time. start drawing or reading or something instead. good lucky

No goodwill's near you? They'll give you free shit dude :(

Its not a matter of that, Im able to get food which is all I need to function somewhat, but being through that whole ordeal multiple times to no avail puts you off of it.

Had it gotten me all of that, I wouldnt be saying this obviously. Theres a massive surge of homelesness in the country right now, especially among the youth.

And its true, the entire housing situation is currently fucked up unless you move out in the middle of nowhere, but whats the fucking point then? I can sit on my ass on welfare in buttfuck nowhere and do nothing because I cant get to where I need to either because of distance, lack of public transport or prices due to distance.

Dont be fucking stupid and assumed all of that havent been tried and tested, it isn't impossible to get housing but it a game of inhuman luck.

tell us about your situation, man. are you responsible for the rest of the rude comments in this thread, too?

where you from? age? job? the things that you're calling bullshit on make me think you can't really understand a homeless person's experience.

Sorry I mean Salvation Army!!!!!!

Managed to get my hands on a small tent that I set up at night, for food I collect bottles and cash them in then eat at the bum feeds. Gonna suck when winter comes around though, all my winter clothing is gone except for socks.

God speed user, I've also always been depressed and kinda greyed out which I have a feeling is the source of my lack of motivation for pretty much everything, that and many of the things happening through the time.

Some people are able to escape from abandonment, disownment, lonelyness, poverty, drug abuse etc completely unscathed but I dont think I'm one of them.
Still fighting and will go out swinging though.

No. However my uncle cared for grandparents until they passed away. After my grandma died, he sold the house and split the earnings with my dad (his brother) and now drives his truck around the country and sleeps in cheap hotels or camp sites. So he's a mix between being homeless and nomad but doesn't pitch up a tent on the side of the ride or any shit like that.

what is a bum feed? as in a free meal volunteer thing? (i volunteered for a summer cooking meals for people, and never heard that phrase. i only talked to a few of the homeless that were friends of friends, though.)

Thriftstores are not free.

Too many homeless in my city, places that offer free clothing and such almost never have shoes in stock, and even just getting random clothing can only be done every so many months due to demand being dramatically higher than supply.

We have these I guess you could call small cafes where homeless people can go and get a hot meal and heat up for 3 bucks, theyre only open lunch and dinner time though and the worst scumbags common there.

I'm not saying i don't understand its a shit show, it is. But seeing as it's kind of the only way out except maybe over the heads of other people... Why is it still not worth it? So move to buttfuck nowhere, do nothing all day. At least you'll have a roof that's yours. If that means you gotta shovel shit 12 hours a day, why not? What else are you waiting for to happen while you waste away with a syringe in your arm?

Rude? For real dawg? This is Sup Forums. Rude is probably the best you could hope for. I'm merely trying to understand why you people on here made/make some of the decisions their making. especially when it comes to European countries.

I hope to god i do this shit some day

so these are normal cafes that have a "homeless menu" or something where you get extra food out the back door for cheap? can you give me a google maps link or something? that's so interesting.

this is the best thread i've seen on Sup Forums in over a year, i'm definitely going to call out the rude guy.

that being said, i do agree that i would move to bumfuck nowhere and take the handouts if it meant i could get my shit together. there is a lot of work you can do from anywhere if you sit down and learn how to do it.

check trashcans dude. especially around the end of trim season which is in a few months. those kids throw away so much dope shit i found a couple pairs of shoes/boots last year

> this

Stop thinking like a fucking child and DO something, ATLEAST something even if it means shoving shit for 12hrs.

all it takes it sucking it up and getting rid of material possessions and some other normie things like showers/internet. but it's totally worth it to see new things every day

where i live a studio is minimum
1056 euro a month
full time minimum wadge is
1500 euro a month before taxes

How the fuck would any homeless person have the means to purchase a computer/phone, keep it charged and clean, and connect to Wi-Fi? Stop circle-jerking your fetish fantasies faggots

I'm the most reasonable rude guy on this shit. Know that. If i heard one decent argument i wouldn't be. But all this "my government is so though" shit is bull. If you live in a country where there is a system in place to take care of you; fucking use it or stop complaining.

For american homeless folks i understand the severity, your government IS shit when it comes to taking care of you, but not Europe.

Also; i've been on drugs, i know how much the free treatment sucks dick. I ended up just quiting cold turkey by my own accord because i didn't fancy dying. I know a druggie that doesn't want to quit when i see one.

Getting housing, welfare, job, education etc is only one fraction of the problems, depending on the terms you go out on the street on and who you are, the mental part of it is by far the most challenging.

It's not worth it because it will be just as worthless an existence and living on the street, what I need is a reason to get up in the morning, be it a job, education, girlfriend, friends or what else.

Simply living I'm doing already.
And I'm not a junkie, I'm not on the syringe. I do opiates, weed and benzos pretty much whenever I can but I'm not physicaly addicted per say, I just get completely restless and even more greyed out if im not on it. It's kinda to escape the sense of only existing.

No, we call them a heating lounge. It's a cafe ment only for homeless people and such.

Google; Varmestuen Herning, The church army shelter Aalborg

i've never heard of the cafe thing.. sounds pretty cool really. but generally, a bum feed is like a soup kitchen or church or something that serves free meals once a week or every day. sometimes they bring food to the places where they know the homeless folks hang out. also, most places have food pantries that are open a couple times a week and will give you food to take with you to eat later. usually slightly expired items or donations. to find any of these things just google your location + either homeless meals or food pantry.

also, again probably only works if you're just passing thru, but going to diners and restaurants and shit and asking if they have anything they are going to throw away usually works. better chance of them helping you out if you offer to clean the parking lot or some shit

>thrown out
Most people who get thrown out by their parents are like bad eggs that get tossed out the nest. You people must be naughty boys, did mommy and daddy kick you out for taking drugs when you shouldn't be? Well good for fucking them.

You've described relevant symptoms of addiction as an explanation for why you aren't addicted, that is cheap escapism, and you know it.

it's way more common than you think, asshole. why do you think some mcdonalds have a 30 minute limit? cause people hate bums. fuck off its the future

That's what i'm saying dawg. You won't find a reason to wake up on the fucking streets. The streets are just limbo. Yes you'll have to crawl through the fucking sewers of welfare for a couple of years before you ever get anywhere. But if you do it long enough and build up some credit and connections you can do whatever the fuck you want.

You gotta be hustling for something to present itself, something worth going for.

But there is no easy way out.

ofcourse it's fucking escapism, what else?

Symptoms of addiction is not the same as being completely fucking addicted as in if you dont get your shit with max 24 hours space you start shitting out your intestines while frothing from your mouth.

Top tier retardation right there, ever heard of Lebara? Phone plan you can buy in most cornor shops with everything you need, old smartphones are cheap as dirty and sometimes free.

Also internet cafes.

he's not a refugee, silly


Excuses, excuses.

i like to think your delusions is what keeps you alive

not that you're actually this stupid

wow what an adventure, i would've probably walked up to you and killed you before leaving, its for the better anyways

i know you cant kill yourself so i would do it for you, and let you fight for your life one last time before you go


I'm homeless, sofa surfing, have been since september. suicidal, take any and every drug I can get my hands on, also a massive alcoholic. 18, was 17 when I started bein

>I yelled for them to stop because they're rounds were going right over my head, I could hear them whizzing and cutting the foliage over my tent.

sucks bro, if this makes you feel any better, if you just hear them whizzing they aren't all that close. If you hear them cracking as they pass by, they are very close, and that's the little sonic boomlet you are hearing.

If you hear nothing and it all goes dark, well you'll soon be riding in a green field with the sun at your back.

>Whats your story?
>do drugs in middle and high school
>get my life together
>be homeless after years of being an upstanding human being
>still no drugs

>implying everyone wants to be a wage slave so they can pay bills and hate themselves for their whole life

lol you are an idiot, no wonder you are homeless.. emotional addiction is a very real thing, and by how shit youve let your life become, its obvious you have it

I am a wise and mighty druid. I left the confines of unaccepting modern society to live with my friends, the sewer animals. I am accessing this imageboard through my magical sewer water mirror.

Now, having long left the world of men, I need help solving this puzzle:

How can someone have a car and casual internet access, be unemployed, and still complain about being unable to get their hands on any education?

Internet cafe is a life saver.

PS learn to code and do freelance on upwork

because my lifestyle is essentially a form of rebellion against the corporations and evil, greedy bastards that keep education and other forms of basic human rights like mental health care inaccessible to people unwilling to go into debt or who were not born into the tax bracket to afford the outrageous prices of things that don't need to be as expensive as they are (i.e. education and healthcare)
that being said, i personally have a bachellors degree because i worked my ass off in high school and got scholarships and then worked my ass off through college in minimum wage jobs. it's a joke.

so, sewer druid, i can complain because the system is fucked and capitalist america is bullshit

have you never heard of job agencies though user? there are places you can go to get cleaned up and then there are places you can go that help people like you get jobs. they work out the classic 'no id no phone no address' excuse for you.

also its super cheap and easy to access the internet with more and more places having free wifi. your struggle today simply doesn't even compare to a homeless person 100 years ago.

this is why you think we don't understand