the purge had begun, we are shoving these cuck liberals that have camped up in our board from tumblr out

a thread was made about evergreen community college and how a pack of liberals consisting of a faggot, 2 black women one of which is a wheelchair bound handicapped black woman, and only what i can muster to believe is a goth kid wearing combat boots assault 2 white students for writing shit on the wall at evergreen college.

Liberals are freaking the fuck out and trying to post gay porn and gore to force threads to reach the image limit. After a few threads of them crying and realizing it didn't they started to spam sage. Clearly this isn't something they want to spread.
Bump the fuck out of this thread and keep it front paged. We won't be stopped

1st bunp



Nice dubs user

It really is independence day

kek, today forever forward will be known as Sup Forums's independence day

I just love when white bulls drill my whore wife in front of me. Big black cuck pride world wide!


You are getting your propaganda confused friend


One bunch of douchebags has an argument with another bunch of douchebags, check.

Kek the liberals forfitted. They gave up.
WE WON anons. WE WON.

Bump. Fuck those assholes.

Fuck off faggot

This has some potential. Saved and will redistribute.

So the great debate once again. Green Day Vs. Limp Bizkit.

This will end in war, mark my words.

What happened to ultra triggered sage fag?

Yeah, I was going call it fail day but that is every day for right wing faggots

stay mad bud




This is some normie teir shit dude
Obviously a shill


Good job finding yourself.

Two scoops.
Two terms.

Pretty sure the one in the wheelchair is a tranny. Not a woman.

What the fuck does that even mean?
You are so bad at this. Maybe your shill boss should audit your posts. You are doing a horrible job.

It definitely could be a black hnaicapped wheel chair tranny. Excellent point user

The faggot will be lucky to get 4 years
It means your butt has black cock in it

No seriously you are really bad at this. First day on the job?

That's hate speech, shitlord.

half of fucking b are libtards. who cares about this shit.

No half of Sup Forums is tumblr because they posted up in here after we destroyed them.

So in the first video I see some obnoxious mouthy kid vandalizing a wall with graffiti, and some goths giving him shit for it, dumping water on his head and yelling leave a few times is not a brutal assault..

What is the message he's trying to send? or you OP. what is this fucking faggotry.

First day in Sup Forums faggot?
Your mom is hate speech, fag lord



Why are you guys so bad at this? Do they not give you any training at all?

Didn'y you aoready try this shill tactic?
He was writing over what the liberals wrote for one. So if you are going to condem him for vandalization you have to condemn them as well.
Plus its chalk faggot. The gay fruit boi wiped it off with his bare hands.
>vandalism. Could you be any fucking stupider

Did you just pull a "i know you are but what am i?"
You just said what I said right back to me. Jesus christ you are bad at this

The two whities are a bunch of fags.. i mean i can get wanting to ignore shakwonda hawkings cuz thats a legal battle you'd never win.. but i wouldve knocked out that long haired goth fag

So fucking cringy

>implying the ability to make up genders for yourself and be called by whatever you want isn't ultimate freedom

True freedom also means allowed others to be degenerates. If you don't want people to be allowed to identify as raccoons and pick jars, then you are as unamerican as it gets


So are you liking your first day in Sup Forums?


bad for you =/= good for you just because "freedom"

nice try though

Worst camera work ever

Bump. Fuck off tumblr


*could you be any more stupid

>shill tactic
I said i just watched the on video. I did not witness any sjws writing on anything so im not going to condem anyone you big fucking baby.

This isn't some fucking political analysis, I'm calling it like I see it.
>Mouthy kid writing on public property
>Goths yelling at him
>fag on Sup Forums cries like it's some anti-conservative lynching coverup

TFW no concept of Southern Strategy

No you wouldn't. They did okay given the gay circumstances


What the actual fuck

>trying to post gay porn


Then you better leave.

I think you Trumpkins days are numbered.

Let's Make America Great Again.

>bottom wearing condom
>top not wearing condom
I can't get hard to this at all

You can't win tumblr faggots
We have been winning for 8 months now and its only getting better
Sorry to say it but you are in for atleast 8 years of it
Actually just kidding i'm not sorry

Sorry, how about this?

>We have been winning for 8 month

It's kinda weird, theres been a bunch of dumb threads lately about trashing Trump supporters like "American YLYL" and "America Cringe"
and now this obvious focused attack on these threads.

I didnt know CTR even had any money left but you motherfuckers just dont know when to die huh?



Let me guess you're one of those fairy tale bitches that thinks violence doesnt solve anything and that democracy will save the world. If anyone disrespects you and pours water on you, they deserve a punch in the face. I would and have gladly given them for less

thing you personally don't like =/= thing is inherently bad

could your argument be anymore retarded


Hi CTR, howve you guys been doing?

Had to go watch fireworks broskis. SJWS and libs still melting down

b u m p
u m
m u
p m u b



Sure kid keep dreaming


Maybe you are dreaming

>When CTR can only afford bottom tier shills now who can only reuse reaction images to posts they can't argue with.

Where are you in that pic?

Well I guess you just answered my question. Eyes hurting yet crybaby?

I'm the good looking one

why is everyone wearing full black? this at a funeral or something?


What kind of psychology is this? It's not very good

Why did you ask that? You already know that you are stupid faggot


Haha you sure told me



Or maybe you told yourself


Blowing the photographer.

I'm in the third person right? Or am I?





No you are in the fourth person
