Ok, unpopular opinion alert. Ready guys?

Ok, unpopular opinion alert. Ready guys?

I really have to thank feminism (especially the intersectionalists) for bringing me to my senses...
I have lost all respect for women. To feminists; thank you so much, I am a free man. I will never feel anything for a woman again except for some pity, on the odd occasion, when I pump and dump 'em.

By the way, stop fapping and start working out, bitch boys. This board is nothing but shitty porn. Follow my advice, maybe you'll get to see a real pussy some day.

i'm proud

women are objects


Godspeed user, gospeed.

Just give them the old 'D and go along with your live.

The psyche of /b

Women are fucking objects! Literally just objects that you fuck.

I knew a girl once but she chose to be with some asshole instead

I'm forever alone kissless virgin...why will no girl touch my peen?

Because it's hard to see and grasp under all that layer of fat?

What else are they good for beside draining your balls. Give me one example

>Pro tip: you cant!

Is this your three week update manlet? I can tell you right now muscle doesnt keep you laying in the pussy. Staying with the pile doesnt have shit to do with bitches

Your mom

Nothing to see here,
just another wimp larping as a tough guy.

I was a fat shit most of my life, 2 years ago, had enough. Did couch to 5k program - ate healthy - got buff in about 6 months, went from getting no pussy to swimming in the finest pussy .

"What's your secret?" My friends would ask "it's no secret. It's healthy eating and exercise" if reply.
They looked disappointed

Was a evil bitch that went in front of a judge and convinced her I was a drugee. Never done drugs before in my life and have been in law enforcement since I was 18. Get drug tested all the time. Havent talked to the bitch since. Been 8 years

Itt: Retards that will die alone and unloved.

Your welcome. We aren't that bad once you stop paying attention to the conservative meme pages that portray us all as the whiney SJW types that hide from reality to "protect our emotions".
I wish you the best dude, take care of yourself

Thats not unpopular. That is common sense. Feminsts really achieved the exact opposite they wanted. Thats why you should never let stupid feminst woman run anything actually. I have nothing than hate for them since years, and their propaganda made it stronger. They are really dumb.

Alt-rights whine constantly about every thing.
I don't buy this 'progressives' are the problem.
Alt-rights have co-opted the victim language of the left and applied it to themselves 'they' are the victims of the 'liberal left' - 'they' think it's outrageous that a coffee shop would change the colour of its cup during Christmas - 'they' whine that showing any modicum of respect is somehow infringing 'their' rights .

In short, alt-right are the largest collective bunch of pissy, whiney faggots so form into a collective since the creation of the Pissy Whiney Faggots Club for Pissy Whiney Faggots

You are bad. Doesnt matter if you are a "high end extreme feminist" or a normal one who pledges for "equality". Firstly you woman/feminsts will never have enough. If you achieved equality then you go further to establish even more rights for woman...well that is actually today very much the case, but it wont stop here. Even equality is bullshit. Man should do what a man SHOULD be doing, and vice versa for a woman. Have fun with your childless, non family, and depressive life.


>I don't know what I am talking about and I am stupid.

lol sorry you have trust issues because all of your relationships with women are trash. l2 not be a sperg

>man should do what they supposed to
You mean , aggressively stake out a section of land to attract a harem of females and then challenge any rival male to dominance?
That IS the 'natural order' after all.
Wearing pants and shit - that's for 'socially conditioned' faggots