Is suicide via xanax and alcohol overdose painful?

Is suicide via xanax and alcohol overdose painful?

PROTIP: Never try to kill yourself using pills.


It is more likely not going to work, than work. The aftermath of which is ruined kidneys and livid, as well as extensive brain damage. All of this you now have to live with. Pills are never the proper way to kill yourself because they will not work.

Either jump off a very tall building or get a gun.

does it matter if you feel pain in your last seconds?

suicide doesn't work. it just fucks you up for life.

Good luck though. I recommend changing instead. lots easier. feels better, too.

I imagine you would fall asleep before feeling any pain.
However suicide is a ripple effect, it hurts far more than you might imagine. I've lost close friends to it and it never gets easier on anyone involved. Just my two cents.


You'll wake up at some point puking and trying to stay 'with it' because unless you do it properly (i.e fuckton of alcohol first AT LEAST a full 26 and then at least 10mg xan at once.. taking acetominophen would also help. Still kind of painful but you can do it right and it'll be quiet.

this. I had a friend who claimed to have consumed 100 xanax, i dont believe him. But he did die of a heroin over dose.

Continued... You'd ideally want to drink a minimal amount of water and food 48h before this. Large dose of acetominophen and alcohol will cause pass-out levels of intoxication quickly so keep the xanax close by unless you're a bitch.

and if you're gonna commit suicide, at least don't be selfish. leave some money for servpro or whoever to clean up the mess so your relatives don't have to.

Won't work.

Everyone in here is retarded.

I have taken alcohol and xanax on many occasions recreationally. It would take a fucking LOT to kill you. You're better off just trying to OD on alcohol.

Maybe the only good way to do it would be to get DOG shit drunk, and then take, not no fucking 10mg of xanax, like at LEAST 100.

COMPLETELY possible. The amount of xanax you have to take by itself to overdose is well into the thousands of mg.

It's inefficient. Get a propane tank, a garbage bag, and a roll of duct tape.

yea do this too. do your thing in the bathtub or at least put some tarps down.

ive thought this out and i have a plan to be both a suicide victim and potential pirate. You float out a mile or two into the ocean, shoot yourself in the face. Gun drowns, you drown. Looks like you were dumped in the ocean doing some real ass shit. Hundreds of police hours will be spent investigating your death.

OP I don't know what everyone one is talking about I used to be a xan addict for quiet some time used to take 3-5 everyday and during school as well lol. I'd say pop 10 xans (2mg) that prescribed shit not pressed and get blackout drunk and see what happens it honestly depends on your size. btw sober on xanax for 5months now trust things dont get better instantly but things do get better as soon as you stop taking benzos or opiates or whatever you are on since you want to kill yourself thats if you're a junkie just speaking out of my ass at this point lmao

UGH. LEARN TO USE PROPER PUNCTUATION. When I read this, in my mind, you sound like a crack head trying to talk money out of a stranger before he walks away.

Xanax and opiates are the way to go. Just feel so amazing you forget to breathe. Throw some Soma in there for brownie points

Just butt chug a bottle of golden grain. You'll die.

if you're going to do it, combine it with a high dose of opiods, not alcohol.
>lost a friend to this

Yeah. Now THAT will kill you. As long as you have enough of both.

if you goin to do it, dont do it with pills, but if u are doing it any ways, send me the rest of your zanies
im getting low on mine.

Why would he have any left? He would obviously take every one he had for maximum effectiveness.

Also why do you hate capital letters and apostrophes and proper spelling?


I held down shift, thank you.

Also, you don't know what cruise control for cool is. I capitalized a specific portion for emphasis. Cruise control is when you capitalize the entire post.

muh grammar but honestly kill yourself you'd be better off

your welcome OP

Lol. It's you. You're the one who'd be better off dead. Also the world.

Thanks, I was looking for something like this.

If you have the money go sky diving and superman yourself into the ground. That's I would plan mine.

don't they make you buddy up with an instructor unless you're certified or something?

also would you even feel yourself die if you did that

Not sure. I've never thought of it that far. But I'm guessing they let you solo after a few runs. And I'm assuming it'd be instant death with the impact.