If trips I will buy this sex doll. If dubs I consider it. If singles masturbate and go to sleep

If trips I will buy this sex doll. If dubs I consider it. If singles masturbate and go to sleep


What is the point of buying a sex doll with a child-like physique if it's going to have ginormous boobs. It's disgusting either way but i just don't get the logic.

How tall is it?

An 8 year old with HUGE tits?

An 8-year old with huge tits with nipples in a really weird place.

100cm its on sale. thats why. can save $1,500 so realy tempting. but wtf am i going to put the fucking thing.....

They are pretty cheap if you buy them off AliExpress. But anywhere else will be 3-4 times the price.

You do you, Sup Forumsrowdowski, but buy a better sex doll (with less weird nipple placement). Other than that, I'd probably fuck it, though

Closet or under the bed. Or just let her sleep in your bed.

How much would you be paying?


since I live in canada i would pay $655. without sale its $2,130. plus i want one for posing not realy for sex. mind you sex is what i would use it for but i also want a realy big doll for photography and shit like that.


>I want one for posing nor realy for sex
>mind you sex is what i would use it for


me sleepy. i would pose it a lot more then fuck it thats what i ment




it reduces the cumbersome weight and size while keeping priorities on the parts we care about

Roll them TRIPS.


I don't get you people. For what you pay for one of those dolls, you could have 3-4 sessions with a decently high-end escort.

Why are you rolling? i rolled for onces with opening post to see if I got it did not masterbating and sleep time soon


also, post a link to buy pls?


I'd be careful about shipping something like that here, bro. People have been arrested for shipping loli porn and shit here. Good chance it might get confiscated too. Customs here are fucking assholes about this kinda shit (and in general, they just confiscated a shipment of condoms from me, God fucking knows why).



Get pls

the gigantic tits are intended to avoid the loli-is-illegal problem

but yeah your country sounds lame

Thanks for the reminder about the rule/law user. If i shoulf buy maybe get one of larger hieght. Also WTF condoms why and how? thats messed


the site i found to buy these is called zldoll

Doesn't matter. If it looks like a kid, and it does, you're in for some shit. The tits don't matter. I know it's fucking dumb, but I wouldn't risk it, personally.


thats my fetish though
not that its a child just a super short girl with amazing tits

get the doll you like that faggot is just trying to get you to overspend on something you don't actually want. Get the one you want. I am trying to roll trips so you have too.