Greentext story thread

Greentext story thread.














>Trying hard drugs first time
>Hilarious shit will happen
>Engaged the drug mode (make sure nobody is here to see me, lock room, etc)

>Get the Meth
>End of the story is that i read the first letter of every sentence


Whats the name of this guy?

Someone please post tendies stories? I'm tired and down and tendies greentexts are all I feel like reading right now.

Jonah Hill

I hope you fucking die.





don't you die on me dammit


To the rescue!

Im helping



God damn it, meant to post this greentext.




Oops wrong one whatever



Based Nip

Still gold

almost m8

Don't you let this thread die m8


Saw this in a thread yesterday but I've had it for a while












I never knew fucking a cow would be so emotional. I was grossed out for the most part, knowing how nasty cows are





Here is the story about how a tanzanian shaman healed my plantar wart

>be me in 2008, 18 yo eurofag about to graduate the high school
>friend and i dream about doing work and travel in australia
>around may my friend start to get serious and start the visa application, asks me to do the same
>tell parents (both doctors) about the plan, father not amused
>starts talking about how "the youth doesnt want to do any good" anymore etc, tells me i have to volunteer like he did back in the days
>i hate the idea, but also need money, so i decide to listen to his plan
>the plan is: i go to Tanzania and be volunteering as a school nurse (even though i am male) for 6 months, after that i can join my friend in Australia and dont have to work, just travel on some limited budget
>agree to that, and go to Tanzania
>small village, i live with a family, there are two other Americans in the village who are there with peace corps
>pretty much straight away a plantar wart starts to grow on my heel
>it really starts to bother me, cause its painful to step on it
>ask my father for advice, he says my immune system will eventually fight it, and since there is no way to get a surgery in this shithole, i accept that
>the pain becomes so present, that sometimes i even start to limp
>locals notice me limping one day, ask whats going on
>show them the giant plantar wart on my heel
>they start to talk in the local language
>i go ahead with my daily routine, but few hourse later the local shaman arrives
>he looks at the wart, and let the people translate to me, that i need to buy a chicken
>think wtf, but just go with it, cause i also want to see that woodoo shit live
>buy a chicken from the neighbor, bring it to shaman
>he kills it, and then cuts its ass of
>by ass i mean that piece of skin, but ist basically covered with blood and some chicken shit
>puts it on the wart and fixes it with some primitive bandage
>tells me not to touch it, takes the chicken and leaves

>me walking around with the chicken ass fixed to my heel fort wo days
>shaman arrives, takes it off, and leaves again
>basically straight after that the plantar wart starts to heel
>within three weeks or so, ist gone

i asked my parents (again, both doctors), what did he do, and they have no idea. My father thinks, that it has something to do with the chicken shit. Anyway, it did work. Tanzanian shaman healed my plantar wart with the chicken ass







love this greentext

This was gold

A truly marvelous tale

That's dank. We should document ancient nigger knowledge for the sake of science.



I got a three day ban for dinoposting on /x/ once.

Man, that was a true hero

You god damn faggot, u made me tear up :')

That one is quite old though

This is hands down the best green textroy I have ever read, thank you user


Fake. Sup Forums post in October and article in July/May

vagoo gets tight if they don't use it.



fuckin lost it LMAO1JAP




lol t r i p s


Shit is so real it hurts


such a nice story.
I cried a little.