If you decapitated her what would you do with her head?

If you decapitated her what would you do with her head?


throw it in the bathtub full of lye just like the rest of her.

Cum on her chap lips

I would take his head and put it on a stick then put it outside during Halloween and scare any little fags from wanting free shit away


maybe trim those eyebrows, put on a little foundation and some eyeliner -- no one should have to die that ugly

I think she's cute tbh.

Sew her head on to the body of a chihuahua

I'd marry and have children with her and never think of cutting off her head.

Wear the beanie and take a snapchat with "Me in a beanie" as the text

post more

She looks like someone I used to know. Does she happen to live in southwest North Dakota, by chance?


I'd slam dunk it into the toilet

shrink it, tie it to my spear

i think you have staggeringly low standards for "cute", probably because you are a bit of a mess yourself.

I think your fucking gay. she's trophy wife material

Okay. Thanks anyway

Sick fuck

cum in her throat hole, then find her parents house, suspend the head on something silly, watch the hiliarity ensue when they find the head