How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?

hi rit-chan

Several times daily


At least 2 times a day. Every day

A l l T h e T i m e L m a o

more often than not

i'd rather kill myself than commit suicide

every day



1-2 times a week? I still have stuff that I want to do, and the financial means to do it within a few years, figure I might as well stick around.

twice a day on average, id say

there isn't a day that goes by without me thinking about ending my life

id say about 5 times a week

In all seriousness, a few times a week, but I would never go through with it.

never really willingly. Had issues during a bad point in my life where I had an almost obsessive urge when I saw something my brain connected as an opportunity. felt like my body was drawn to taking the action. Eventually learned that my working myself up during and after was almost MAKING the issue and learned to not make a big deal of the thought, while of course keeping myself on guard and letting a couple people I trusted in to keep me in line until it eventually faded. Can still feel it grab me from time to time, but it's all about knowing you and not feeding the emotion.

when I think about what is my end goal and why, thoughts like that can make me think like why am I doing this shit if I'm not gonna get anything outa it

er, never. the one time i considered it was when i was on acid and thought my friend had dosed too high and he was like, pretty unresponsive to his name/any sort of personal cues. the thought of telling that fucker's mom, who id known for like 10 years, what happened, nah, id rather have died.

but other than that, never.

suicide? nah. just how I would finally be free if I were dead. there's too much yet to do. things to be seen, laughs to be had, all that.

but when it's finally time? fucking thank you, I need a break. I've been waiting so long

Everytime I'm sad

are any of you actually prepared to take your life? like a noose or a gun

Not at all anymore. You know I use think "Get a life" or "Haha you don't have a life" was a meme, but then I started going outside and doing shit and I don't really feel depressed anymore. Just sitting in a room all day on a computer jerking off all day isn't healthy mentally more than physically in my opinion.

Everyday, I'm not overly emotional or an edgy teen but I look to the future and the end result, I'd like to obtain nembutal and just end it before I turn into a vegetable

Multiple times every day but I haven't done it yet because I'm scared

A couple times a week

every now and then i spend a few minutes remembering the people i've lost, but apart from then never

what are you scared of?

What about people who can't go outside because the almost faint when confronted with strangers?

you are a product of your environment. not the other way around.

Pain. The only relatively painless method is a shotgun but my country's law won't allow me to get one. An exit bag would be too much planning and I'd pussy out I guess.

How often do YOU think about suicide?

Every other hour

Every single day
They can put me on as many pills as they want, won't change a thing

btw I won't jump in front of the train because the train driver might sue my family
>muh trauma
>muh ptsd

Always never unless

why not OD on sleeping pills or Nyquil?

How many of y'all have actually tried or at least started and changed your mind?

I have started but changed my mind at least five times, however I have not slit my wrists or anything like that

There are no prescription ffree pills that would kill me with 100% certainty in my country. Chances are I'd fuck up and become a potato.

Get a razor

not pain free

Well I fixed that (kinda) by forcing myself to talk to people and be chill, just push back the thoughts of being nervous. There'll be negative interactions, but that's just life.

I live in the Bronx and when I was younger I whenever I went outside there would always be a problem, like someone starting a fight with me or being an asshole, so I stopped going outside to play when I was 8 years old back in 2008 when my house got a computer. After that I would never go outside or anything because I would associate it with there will be a problem or I'll get in a fight or something. It's actually recently that I've tried fixing this problem, like last year, and now I'm taking even a bigger step since the pass 2-3 months to just go outside and do stuff.

Just sorta along for the ride at this point. Though I'd never take suicide off the table entirely if faced with dire situations.

no, I'm happy. are you happy?

Almost daily. Still kicking but it aint easy.

Good life, good job and good friends. Still think about it daily.

Literally one of the worst and painful methods of suicide. Most of the time it doesn' t even work. I need something that ends my life in an instant with without givingn me time to regret my suicide.

If you have the guts to kill yourself why the hell does it matter if it hurts? If you can't find a pain free way to kill yourself use a fucking razor. Pussy

I've tried to end by putting a bag over my head but I fainted and when my head hit the corner of my bed it ripped the bag open allowing me to breath

I'm not that user but I do agree with even if it will hurt its not going to be for long

wow that's probably the most retarded comment on suicide I've ever read

>you're stuck on this miserable existance your selfish sack of shit parents forced onto you
>and you're given no easy way out
thanks, assholes.

A razor might not even kill you and even if it does it can take hours.

this is Sup Forums do you really expect anything short of autistic comments

Different user but why?

its every day bro

Every waking, nonfapping, nonworking moment.

not me

Fair enough. A razor is a poor method of killing yourself. But all i'm trying say is if you're gonna do it, it all has the same outcome

Only when I do something so cringey and embarrassing I'm positive there's no way I can ever recover from it. It happens quite often.

I use to daily but then I quite drinking and do I g drugs. now never

Because suicide isn't about having the guts to do it, it's about not having the guts to go on with life. It's supposed to be the easy way out and it must be as easy and painless as possible because people do it to END the pain.

a bit, i got kicked out a while ago so i'm surprised i haven't done it yet

Even when I was trying to find a way to kill myself I didn't care how I did it I just wanted the pain to end. The means don't matter as much as you think. They all have the same outcome. Although what you say is true you also have to have the will go into the unknown. You have no idea where you will go after death. What i'm saying is if you want to kill yourself it doesn't have to be entirely painless. A little a pain is a small price to pay to end a lifetime of it

daily reminder that Ritsu is love

I'm planning on trying it again soon I have most of it ready but I still need to do somethings for when I leave


I just don't want to continue with my shit of a life

hanging works fine

to much work to find a place to hang myself

cuz you have will power
fight on, steal and cheat all the way faggot

several times a day

bitch you can't find a tall tree and a good rope?
starve then


I'm going to electrocute my self so its fast and painless

Trust me as a person who has had many close calls when it cones to suicide. It's not as good as it sounds. You have the power to make your shit life great. It will get better I know you have probably heard that many times but if you go through with it, it will never get better, you'll never get married, have kids, see the world. If you haven't already that is

you'll have a 50/50 chance of living Sup Forumsro
take a shitload of aspirin first as assurance

Good suggestion

Several hours a day. My thoughts and perception can switch 180°, usually when I'm in fuck all mood I'm in fuck my life mood as well

your advice is highly conflicting
would you like to butt-chug a bottle of vinegar?

50/50 wtf where did you get that from I know what I'm doing here

suicide is the last thing I would do

The best part about life is knowing that you have a expiration date. Nothing will be forever and no matter how happy or sad you are death will come for you regardless. Just live your one life the way you want to live it until everything fades to black. Rushing to the black is pointless since that's the only thing awaiting you anyway.

look m8 I can crush a golfball with my inner thighs because I was electrocuted as a baby and it actually super charged my dopamine receptors such that after a workout I gain nearly twice as much muscle mass as the average individual my age.
It's actually terrifying for my family, I am forbidden to use glass kitchen items because I tend to crush them to the point of breaking through sheer forces.
My labor job at the factory is super easy though!

you have no idea what its like to thrown out of your house at the age of 13 and working your way up thinking that everything will be okay but in the back of your mind you know that you are a failure no matter what you do

no often i would only ever even consider it if i get sick and face a slow painful death cause f that who wants to suffer, but besides that i am not a pussy yes depression and all the bs i have gone trough life is what you make of it

you should have been raised in an orphanage and become a NEET at 18 if any of that is true.

shut up faggot, the adults are talking

you were shocked not electrocuted you dumb fuck electrocution is dying of electricity you know like execution

very often

I make lots of suicide jokes but I only think about doing it every 2-3 days. I usually think about the small amount of people who might get sad if I commit and that kicks me out of the mindset but it doesn't always work.

Don't just fucking assume I don't have struggles too. We all have shit lives. Push through it, that's what I did, it doesn't mean it was easy it doesn't mean it will be easy for you. Get over yourself, deal with the pain and rise above the shit people say about you

Everyone has an easy life except me. You, and others like you, wouldn't last a second in my world little bitch.

I used to think about it 5 times a day on average but now Im to preoccupied with thinking about how to un-do decades of kike brainwashing/propaganda on mainstream society so people will realise we need to exterminate all the shitskins and save the white race

why would I? so I can stay there and do nothing till I was 18 when I got kicked out first thing I did was work

You couldn't be more wrong. Everyone has struggles, it's up to the one who is going through them to do something about it. My parents didn't even want me. And you know what, I didn't fucking kill myself l, I didn't bitch about my life on Sup Forums. Get. Over. It. Bitch

Everytime I get on Sup Forums, hoping some oldfags are on making and contributing to decent threads, only to see the same fucking newfag bullshit, again.

every day

why the fuck do you even care about if I want to kill myself? this world would have one less piece of shit on it

>oh em gee, u gais are such newfags
>I em le oldfag
>haha, I have been on this Peruvian breakdancing forum longer than you have
>Im totally not some faggot who came here within the last 5 years and is trying to overcompensate
> I cool yet?