Hey Sup Forums, just got a new 2tb hard drive. any suggestions on what i should use it for? pic related

hey Sup Forums, just got a new 2tb hard drive. any suggestions on what i should use it for? pic related

Go fuck yourself.

use it to set your magnets on top of

hide all of ur child porn in there

cp if not already

Cat porn

You know you can double the memory on that thing if you run a strong magnet over it a few times, right?


I mean I'm assuming he just wanted to get weird replies so he could screencap us being...well, Sup Forums.
However, my question is...if it's a legit post: Why would you buy it without already having a use for it lined up, OP?

Use it to keep you bookshelf up straight and invest in an M.2 interface SSD

got it as a gift, no clue what to use it for so may as well ask others.

Pirate a shitload of games.

Depending on whether it's a really solid drive like those WD Red drives for example, it'd be a good place to just back up all of your shit. I use a 2TB to hold all of my LEGALLY DOWNLOADED films n' series.

>suggestions on what i should use it for?

Pnor !

Download the ar/k/

download my suicide tapes

digital storage

open a Notepad document and tape something down so that is pressing a letter key down indefinitely. Then, invest in a new computer and just wait a year or two while the other is still creating the same string of letters. By then the doc should be about 2TB and you can now save it to reflect on this very moment when need be.


Make a Sup Forums archive website.

Bash someone over the head with it