Do i need to be handsome to get girls?

do i need to be handsome to get girls?




You need to be interesting... Get busy with hobbies, volunteer work ect.

it helps but you don't need to be, as long as you're not some weird neckbeard or fedora faggot. you need to have confidence though, lots of girls are instantly attracted to a man with confidence, also don't be too nice or clingy that's a major turn off for most people

You don't need to be handsome, being awesome is enough.

>You need to be interesting... Get busy with hobbies, volunteer work ect.

For American girls? Yeah... no.

Not OP, but something seems wrong, or incomplete, with this :
I never had gf, and this is everything I heard as advice all my life (I'm 32). OK, granted, but : there are a TON of guys who are not really confident and definitely not interesting... I mean come
on if you fake confident 5 minutes just to pick up a girl, she will see it right ? She is not that stupid ?

You need to swallow big loads of semen

She'll see through it, yes. Fake confidence is just that; fake confidence. You can't go very far faking that, you'll be faced with situations where the facade will far apart real quick.

The best advice for getting a girlfriend is to work on yourself and your life. Do the things you want to do, be healthy, get out and meet people, develop hobbies. Those things will naturally build your confidence and women respond to that. Plus, working on your life is just a straight up good idea, in benefits you in all sorts of other ways, too.

No looks required, only thing you neex is money and they'll come to you.

Biggest truth in this thread

No. A van and some rope works too


Female detected.

False. Do you know how many women are out there looking for sugar daddies to cover their college debt?

it certainly doesn't hurt, but no.

being rich and popular is a lot more important than being attractive as a man.

women don't "see through" shit. the phrase 'fake it til you make it' exists for a reason. women can't tell the difference between confidence, fake confidence, aggressive douchebaggery, etc. all they see is a guy who seems like he's sure of himself and knows what he wants, which by itself is more than the vast majority of other guys and thus extremely attractive to them.

just like the fact that most men are shit in bed and a woman almost definitely won't know if a guy is a virgin unless he tells her or acts like a fumbling retard who can't even grasp that dick in pussy is literally the most intuitive thing that all sexual reproducing animals can do outside of eating breathing and shitting.

lift, read, and either be funny or do something interesting enough to talk about

No, you just need some chloroform and a rag

What I know is I have enough money, and I'm not completely bad looking (let say 11/20), and, except hookers, I'm still virgin.
And also, lot of poors get laid...

I am one of them.

But I'll tell ya hwat,

I keep turning guys down because my standards are too high.

Most females will not give mediocre guys a chance.

Im 5'8", 200 pounds with crooked teeth and i have no problem getting the attention of women, fine ass women at that. I know how to dress myself and im going to stick my chest my chest out and talk. I dont care what the fuck i look like, i always hold myself to very high standards and women think it's absolutely adorable. It's not about what you look like, it's how you present it.

No. Women value an entirely different metric, based mostly on virility and environmental adaption.

No, but you need to work harder if you aren't.

Women seek a partner even if only a temporary thing that they can be proud of and that makes them feel good when they think of who you are. You as a male are reflection of her choice and standards.

In other words, if i told you that i wanted a well rounded woman that's going somewhere in life, what comes to mind? Switch the rolls and thats what women want.

Little sidenote; ive gotten the most attention and interest from women when ive been talking to other women abiut things hat im excited and passionate about. Find something to be excited about that's even remotely old fashioned, masculine, or hands on.

Sure you're like that but you can take your pick.
They're others with lower standards who will.

That's a massive lie. Plenty of rich guys that can't pull bitches.

Genuine question. What caused the high standards of modern women? I feel like so many of the women I know are single and miserable that they can't find mr. Perfect.

If women know they are rich and think they can get some of it they will go to him. Seen it happen with dudes in their 50s and their girlfriends in their 20s and 30s.

They spent their entire lives being lied to and told that they deserve a perfect man. Incidentally this is the main cause behind most of them not being worth a damn.



Dude. Think of simple upgrades for your life and worry about doing other things. Women are the worst interest in the world.