Do you think he still thinks about us? Sometimes i wonder if he miss us like we miss him

Do you think he still thinks about us? Sometimes i wonder if he miss us like we miss him

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Fuck moot he gave up on us.

Literally who?

He didn't want to though. He was forced

New fag detected

wait.. Sup Forums has feelings?
this is new..

We've always had feelings their just useually utter rage, or smug satisfaction.

Just because we are dicks to eachother doesn't mean we aren't Sup Forumsrothers

He got BTFO by a bunch of feminists

No he wasn't.

>implying he doesn't still lurk.

It didn't help when we convinced the news he went on a serial killing rampage.

>tl;Dr nigger named Chris Poole murdered a few people, we told them it was chris Poole the Sup Forums founder

There are pictures floating around, I just don't have them on me

He wouldn't come here moron. He hates this board

Im so coll I joined in 2016 i know who moot Is
>Le green text

moot is a cuck, sold us out to become a normalfag and made this place more cancerous than ever before leaving

What are you talking about. Zoe Qweef and her sjw gonnies were a good reason why he left

>Newfag detected

Moot left in 2015

Has it really been that long...

I heard he works for google now

>Not getting the sarcasam in both posts
Seriously kys you are the reason Sup Forums is shit with your reddit tier bullshit

I know right.
Hiroshima has been running this place into the ground.
can't post western porn to /d/ anymore, and people from /aco/ are mad at all the weird fetishes we have.

The pic'd be better if user was pissing on the grave

He's like gookmoot, except not a gook

As sad as that fact is, that statement makes me kek in a way I have lol'd in years

Bring back glory days Sup Forums


Moot left because
>pic related

I like to think moot still loves us, he just couldn't handle the drama of gg and Sup Forums users

Fuck snaxx and fuck you

We could post bestality on /aco/ there for like a month, now it is banned.
And they move all the shortstack threads to /trash/

Worst of all they just banned censored porn of /d/ now. That was OUR thing.

>glory days

you mean when our shit became so bad that they had to create Sup Forums and /soc/ to try and quarantine? no thanks. the trap threads and ylyl threads are pretty bad, but I would rather we stop legitimizing them with their own boards.

Yea, mods were always fags but now they are the worse kinda fags.

>SJW fags

>ylyl dedicated board

Here's the thing though, the dedicated ylyl fb group is top notch. It's all new shit and it's always fresh. Wanna know the secret? A good mod who stops faggots and assholes.

>ylyl fb group is top notch
>good mod
>people trolling on Sup Forums since 2003

only one of these is true, choose wisely.