I feel so dirty

I feel so dirty.

Other urls found in this thread:



Maybe you should wipe that stuff off your dick then

That's fucking nasty.

*cuddles all*

Yes, gay sex is fucking disgusting.

You are supposed to give Snarf your butt as penitence.

I just remembered that I have to train one of the new people on Thursday because he's apparently shitt at his job.


I accept.

are you the same amy as /animus/ amy

How about I clean my dick with your butthole?

No one cares about your problems.

I have no idea what you're talking about so probably not.
Kyaaa~ ^w^
You're very welcome~ *nuzzles*

there are decent furries.. a lot.. but they are super cliquey due to the amount of total losers surrounding them.

I managed to sneak my way into a local clique of the cool ones. We party, drink, do drugs, go to bars, etc etc. Pretty normal people.. but goddamn they are scared of other furries.

And no one cares about yours.

I would, I will.
Life has been more busy than I ever wanted it to be, Hopefully my butt hasn't gotten any worse because of it.
It will have to be tomorrow/later today, though.

The faggotry needs to stop

Nah, I've got a Kleenex right here, next to my gun.


They have good reason to be afraid of other furries, outside of the ones that maintain a level of normal behavior there's retards trying to get laid or again, complain about problems.

Normal people don't have time for bullshit.

I don't have problems nignog.


Are you offering to clean my dick for me? That's sweet.

Thanks Luc

Apparently you have problems meeting people since you use this place to make friends.

No, just offering you to come closer to me so I can shoot you and make it look like it was self defence. But by all means, come here and let me hand you one.

Can I have some cuddles and kisses, anyone?

Oh hey Hitler guy. I didn't realize it was you.
Hows it going?
I'll have to get to know you a little better before I kiss you.

I got some in here! Follow me!

Who says I want friends?

Go back to your shitty drawings and clay heads you basement dwelling chainsmoking wanna-be artist.

Hey. To tired for this shit.


The fact that you're complaining about how all the people you meet and try to be friends with end up disappointing you says you want friends.

Heehee~ I'm willing to do so~

>Go back to your shitty drawings and clay heads you basement dwelling chainsmoking wanna-be artist.
Literally this

Remember, give your lives to the fatherland, so you may prosper and succeed in your endevors, and to no longer be waste!

Only cuddles.

I don't think Texas has basements.

Tired of furfags or something in the real world?
Well I'm Kez and I'm a Kiwi. (that means New Zealander for all you baka gaijins)
Nice to meet you.

Purrfectly fine, hun. :3c

Tired physically, tired of this furry stuff mentally.

Likewise, nyaa. I'm Amy, the foxy femboy -- at your service.

You and Nuresh should make out for Snarf.


I don't mean to sound confrontational but wouldn't it help if you stopped spending time in these threads? There are plenty of other places on the internet for conversation.
What kind of service do you offer?

Mcfucking hang yourselves.

Just once I want to experience a guy that big that won't stop no matter how much I plead.

I don't know this person but I do like kissing :3c
U-um...any reasonable request(s) you have that I'm okay with doing? I hadn't thought of that.

I can't fucking leave. I don't have as much fun anywhere else. Are you on here every night? It's like every time I shit post here I see you.


Ayy that's me.
I do that for no reason, Doing it for Snarf makes it hotter.
But I'd get carried away as usual.

I wouldn't mind getting...c-carried away~

I hadn't thought of any requests. I'll think of something I'm sure.
I am. Got any more work stories?


Don't leave me out! At least lemme succ.


More cuddles while you think? :3

Nuresh is a cutie.

Oh yeah? I think he might be too~

No, not tonight. Too tired. Besides, I get too carried away with conversation. Auf Wiedersehen, and don't get aids until I say so.

Sure thing. *cuddles*
Alright. I enjoyed them last time and I hope you feel like telling more in the future.

Seriously, don't fuck any boy butts without condoms until I give you the go ahead. Seriously though, I'm out.

*giggles and blushes, holding you close and nuzzling into you* ^w^

Too bad he's not a chatter.

Good, I can't help it.

The more men, The manlier it gets.

Since when do you think that? WHO ARE YOU.
Thanks? If you're serious.

Spoke too soon. >w<
I look forward to our little escapade then~

Also if any of you wanna add me on discord since I rarely come on g/fur but I love you all, just ask.

You're a friendly one aren't you?

Oh yush~ Friendly and very playful~ *kisses back, makes a cute sound whilst I do so*

You have a cute petsonality.

I wouldn't be hard to find, My name is the same on literally. Everything.

Oh, Well thank you.
I'll take that compliment.


If this were real my heart would probably melt.
I thought of a request. Post butt if that's not too unreasonable. Don't do it if you don't feel comfortable with it.

K-kyaaaa, I'd do it for you privately on discord, I don't wanna do it here... >/////<
Discord usernames have a 4 digit number they're assigned though in addition to your username :3c


please don't do any of this

instead, anticipate the coming of this movie

Ah right...they do, 9904.

Now I have to come back just to prove you wrong! or you know, Because I actually want to.
One of the two.

You'd get more if you post that booty.

Fair enough. I don't want you to do something you're uncomfortable with.

I will will, After I sleep and take a shower.

But I said by all means I'd do it for you privately x//3
My butt ish my pride and joy ; 3;

Take a shower user

Hmm maybe I should join discord.

I think you should. I think all of us other namesync fluffbutts are already x//3

You should, You'd know at least two people on it.
And its just useful in general.

Meant more that you disappeared after one conversation on kik.

Oh thattttt, I kind of destroyed my phone and never replaced it because I barely used it.
But yes, I'm sorry about that.
I'd use it again if you'd like, Or whatever else.

Well you convinced me.
Kez the Kiwi 2293
Speaking of knowing people, I wonder if anyone here will try to figure out my true identity. I've given more than enough info in these threads for someone to find me with a little effort. One guy even knows my full name.

Hitler guy may be gone. But I'm still here.

Got some fuckin smokes and delicious McChickens

More femboy pictures~


Turns out I'm the coolest person in all the land.
I wonder if I confuse him. He seems to hate furfags but he's fine talking to me.

I'm still around.

Alright I'll pick it back up then, Just for you.

I noticed!

Alright, I have to get at least some sleep..I"ll be on later today.

hmm.. kevin?

*hugs and pets all*
Ish 5:23 am, but I don't care. I'm sure if I cum, I can put myself to sleep though >w

yo, are you just finding out your a furry?, if so don't worry its not easy to accept that shit just realize you can't change it. trying to stop is the worst thing you can do, it dosen't help and makes you hate yourself even more and also don't listen to the trolls saying "KILL YOUR SELF" OP IS A FAG etc. most will support you and remember it dosen't define you

Nah I feel like a dirty attention whore making the thread.

He's a former furry who like me had a series of bad experiences, from what I understand he hates the fandom like I do but he's still, ya know, gay.

Me and him are pretty much in the same boat.

it doesn't define you? well to a point your right and wrong, i mean stuff we like and take interest in, in a way does indeed define us by a small amount.

but being a furry is nothing to be ashamed about

but i like this more than all out fur...
