Hey Sup Forums any moralfags still here? If So, I hope y'all heard about CNN, if not here's what happened...

Hey Sup Forums any moralfags still here? If So, I hope y'all heard about CNN, if not here's what happened. Basically CNN DOXed a 15 year old redditor for making a meme of D. Trump obliertiating the CNN logo in a WWE match, CNN got mad, DOXed him, and then said if he didn't apologize they'd release it. Tough guys at CNN. If you moralfags care to help, then start trolling the shit out of CNN. Will leave the name of the journalist who did the DOX and the CNN took one. "If you know about something you think CNN will want to cover, then give a call and leave a message about your tip or idea. Call 404 827- 1500 and select option 1 to leave a news tip or story idea by phone. Keep in mind that you can only leave a recording."
Andrew Kaczynski Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:


If anyone fucking cares will keep adding to it for the sake of whatever the fuck.

what makes you think being 15 makes perpetuating violence okay...

Gotta prove it, m80

caring about some faggot getting dox
an hero you new faggot

He wasn't perpetrating violence. It was WWE wrestling m8 CNN discovers identity of Reddit user behind recent Trump CNN gif, reserves right to publish his name should he resume "ugly behavior"

Oldfag, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oldfag


>Doxxing reddit fags
good, the CNN journalist is probably an oldfag.

If they don't publish his info, he wasn't doxxed. Pretty simple to understand.

>was a 15 year old kid they targeted
>made meme
>got doxxed and blackmailed
>CNN is Democrat
Probably not an oldfag if they're offended by a meme

They threatened to, unless he apologize, they still carried out with creating it, just never posted it because he apologized, still adults blackmailing a minor js.

Unless it's published, he wasn't doxxed. And how would they have known ahead of time he was a minor?

If the kid attempts suicide and fails he can sue the shit out of CNN, dumb motherfucker I would have let them publish it and then fake a suicide and get rich, just think about the media support, fuck me missed opportunity.

It's a threat plain and simple. I how toy never shit post. ... oop your a /b tard. Whay keeping them from coming for You?

As stated before they composed the info to figure out who he was before they contacted him and blackmailed him.

serves him right for being an individualist faggot using reddit

should have used privacy respecting user 4chinks

Yeah but the kid is fucking 15 no way in hell he would think of that. He's worried about being in trouble probably.

English motherfucker


post meme. we will judge it.



The faggot had it coming to him.
Are you forgetting or unaware of the reporter in Montana that got body slammed?

M8 chill the fuck out. I'm not from Reddit, faggot. It's fucking news chill out.

So you're offended that CNN was offended? Kill yourself

If it were me I wouldn't apologize to have them release the dox.
Once they release the dox, I would lawyer up and sue their ass.

Unaware thanks m8

til he doxxed for being an underage faggot and gets b&

NYPA faggot. Back to shreddit

Go. Back. To. Tumb. Lr.

Asking for moralfags not Sup Forums

Fascinating. Now, do you have any proof?

Always love it when things like this happen

'Waah waah I have freedom of speech can say what I want!'

*says something stupid*

*consequences happen, and held to account for that thing*

'Waah waah freedom of speech you can't hold me to account for what I said'

Sorry - but 'freedom of speech' means you have say what you want - not that you will be protected from people's reaction to it. And it doesn't mean other people don't have the freedom to say what they think about what you said. In this case, CNN are well within their rights to find out who slandered them and make that public - it's called taking responsibility for your actions. As he's apologised, they're going nice on him and letting him keep his anonymity - but they don't have to.

Actions have responsibilities. Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.

>CNN is Democrat
Sup Forums was lefty for ages, back in the days when milking 15yo lulzcows was no problem.

If CNN can dox, so can we?

Who cares how old he is? Doesn't matter if the guy is 5 or 50. He's being blackmailed for something everyone here does every day - posting dank memes.

He's just getting pounded anally because Trump actually picked his gif up and ran with it. Literally the only difference between Hans and anyone else here.


The point if lmgtfy is to show you, you can look it up yourself. However I found you one of many articles on this. Enjoy.

so, the meme war is still going?

But your on Sup Forums. I think you're a bit lost user. No morals here.

>perpetuating violence
>art and language are violence
Video games must cause violence too! I guess Hillary was right the whooooooole time. We should immediately shut down CNN for inciting violence for all the similar shit they've posted. Also we can round up all the communists and Jews.

Fire up the gas chambers, leftists just decided thought crimes were okay. Fucking idiots.

We weren't this fucking retarded and I don't think I ever heard of kids getting blackmailed over memes m8.

Side note: Freedom of speech means the GOV'T can't restrict you.

CNN isn't a Gov't entity.

Sup Forums was never lefty, it was a joke that got outta hand.

If anything, Sup Forums was the true neutral. Both sides had it

Well if you want to be semantic about it, fine, they blackmailed him under threat of dox.

If he were smart, he would've identified himself, said that trump paid him for the gif, and offer his paid services to the general public.

You're probably right tho.

>The_Donald is full of teenagers

It all makes sense now.


First of all they didn't "doxx" him, as they never published ANYTHING ABOUT HIM, YOU FUCKING MORON.

But they definitely should. Maybe it would teach the little shit a lesson about consequences.

About meme-ing. The same shit we do here, everyday?

Unless you're threatening, blackmailing, etc. Hey-o unless we're allowed to contact your ISP and ask for who made this post and what other sites you visit? Maybe we can post your face with what kind of porn you like to look at. That should totally be legal, right? It's just our free speech to look into your private life and search for things to harass you about?


>Aww he was only 15 mah morals
Fuck off reddit, This is Sup Forums, home of loli, shota and trap threads, you're lucky some Sup Forumstard hasn't tried tracking him down to fuck him yet.

Oldfag, as stated before not Reddit fag.

Also, traps are gay, and Loli is drawn fuck outta here with that shit.

>15 year old
Still waiting on that proof, Julio.

>tch, CNN got mad, DOXed him, and then said if he didn't apologize they'd release it. Tough guys at CNN. If you moralfags care to help, then start trolling the shit out of CNN. Will leave the name of the journalist who did the DOX and the CNN took one.

Wew lad watch out and don't cut yourself on that edge

I don't meme any day faggot, get your shit straight

>any moral fags want to do trumps dirtywork?

fuck off polshill

"cnn blackmail" is another bot pushed hashtag. Typically, do you know what follows bursts of Russian/Trump anti media campaigns? Bad Trump news. Let's stay tuned folks...

You mean how Mugshots puts pics up of people who have been arrested and end up being not guilty or have the charges dropped?

Yeah they can do that and even make you pay to have them removed.

>the retarded trump supporter online turned out to be a 15 year old kid
wow, what a big surprise.



get out. never come back.

M8, Use your damn eyes, I've posted a few links already. msn.com/en-us/news/technology/cnn-slammed-over-threats-to-dox-reddit-user-who-created-trump-meme/ar-BBDMkxa or you know Google it yourself

No u

They didn't release his name. They're just saying they tracked him to use him as a leverage against the massive collective faggot known as Social Media.
Social media homos and reddit fags think they're tough shit until they get their shit pushed in, which they just did. And it's golden.

I think it's fair... even though CNN are homos aswell and should be erradicated.

Anyway, here's what's going to happen:
SOME homos will moan really loud on twitter for two weeks and then get amnesia, after which CNN will continue to shitpost bullshit news.


I believe arrests are public on purpose, because otherwise the government is just black vanning you. Having a mugshot isn't really proof of anything. Not sure why anyone would care to pay for a weird site to take it down when it's probably publicly available elsewhere.

Although I feel there is a lot of hypocrisy happening between both parties. I still feel like this is an attack on freedom of speech. In which this guy was shutdown by a major news outlet.

Not using it for my personal army m8 just wondering if anyone cared enough, was addressing moralfags m8

If I had it my way, every Trump supporter would be publicly humiliated and then thrown in concentration camps--and that includes 15yo children.

le edgy Sup Forums mhm newfag

Exactly what I'm saying


And what.
You think they're doers in this community?
The whiny faggots whom are part of the SOME community but come here for le epic memes?

The user doesn't care. The user laffs at u.

Go back to Sup Forums trumptard

¯\(°_o)/¯ You never know what to expect in Sup Forums

Wasn't a Trump tard, more so Carson but thx

>is asked for proof of age
>posts article that doesn't mention age

And no, I'm not going to do the work for you. You make the claim, you back it up.

And now we have the million dollar question: Is the thing about him being 15 posted by Trump supporters to make CNN look worse, or is it posted by Hillary supporters so they can say all the pro-trump people on the internet are underage?

>M. Night twist, it's both

So... are we not allowed to make memes anymore?

hold on, you thought ben carson would make a good president? have you heard him speak?

Been following all night. Age or any details about HanAssholeSolo are manufactured. It's just an attempt by faggots to make this story more dramatic unnecessarily. This is already big happenings.

Then get the fuck out of here.


What a pathetic thread.

You shits sound like a bunch of SJWs.

No one even posted the actual thing CNN got mad about? You all too busy having hissy fits?


None of this happened. Why even lie about it when the fucking guy set the story straight himself.

Show any proof that CNN actually did this.

Go home roody reddit poo

Sup Forums has always been lefty, hence why pol was always the retard kid eating glue in the corner.

"my uncle's ma who sleeps with my brother's stephbrother in law works at CNN and he knows there be something fishy!!"

I'm good, I like lurking

I have already come to the conclusion that CNN is completely immune to anything that could possibly damage their reputation and stranglehold on public influence years ago.

They are untouchable and absolutely nothing can take them down.

redstatewatcher.com/article.asp?id=85084 there's a few others throughout here as well.

Would an article written by CNN and posted on CNN.com work for you?



CNN has been taking memes way too seriously. They have critical analysis of memes and what they mean, why they were posted, the kind of person that would post it. And they're serious. It's nuts. Like shit, I'm not allowed to spicily meme under threat of blackmail, but they can get away with the piss dossier meme? My freedom of memes is being repressed. I think we need a new civil rights movement for memes. #nomorejimcrowememelaws

Youre a fucking retarded nigger, fuck you