Hi anons

Hi anons,
Today is your lucky day. The first person that adds me on steam can choose one game that is included in the steam summer sale and I will gift it to him.
my steamprofile is: steamcommunity.com/id/fegetet/
GL and hurry the fuck up if you want a game.
Remember I will only accept the first friend request I get.
Time is money lets go guys.

Other urls found in this thread:



Looks like I was late

Whoever gets it pls let us know if this is real

OP can you do one more please?

Based user was legit and legendary, made my whole summer!

Have a blessed day and thanks!

OP please do one more?

Also added the 2nd guy who added me and gave him a game.. I am not a fucking welfare organisation

I got here late. Hope you can find it in your heart to do one more

I thought I was second. Guess I was wrong :(

got like 40 friend requests..

I don't see any proof from the second guy

He actually gave me the game i have the proof right here just edited out my email and stuff

True wait a second ill tell him to make proof

All i want is fucking witcher 3 or slime ranch

ID : kartoza13

nvm proof already here

Bless user

Kind and extremely generous OP delivered this wonderful gem to me. Thank you so much for this amazing gift, OP.


Thanks ganja fam and to my friend

OP fucking delivered even though I was pretty late in the thread. Awesome fellow and thanks again!

is there any chance you're gonna do any more op or is this completely over? maybe like a lightning round for the next 1-2 users to add you right now?

op surely is god

Ill sure do in the future so make sure to unfriend me if you sent me a request already and didnt receive anything

i still wasnt sure even with all these proof. sorry about that friend and unfriend thing

I thought there was only supposed to be 2 winners?

aye np

thats why hes a god.

there was only supposed to be one winner
but I couldnt stop. Giveaway definately over now

whats the price range?

There was no price range

i think civ 4 was the most expensive one he bought, but he bought a couple $30 and $20. definitely awesome person

civ 6 but thanks tho :D

so is this now a beg thread?

true, sorry its late. i read it backwards.

somehow turned into one.. well kind of.. it wasnt really begging doe

beg away

well i guess its now a beg thread i guess since its over

Damn, props to based Ganjadalf. Unjust got here so I was late to the fun, but props to you man!.

Hope the games you sent out don't just for in people's libraries.

dling planet coaster rn, been wanting it for awhile now but i purchased other games ahead of it to play with pals and never had enough left over for it

You were the guy who was posting his lizard in the prev thread, right? Hope you enjoy it.

Congrats to everyone that got their gifts.

Any kind user that may be able to hook me up with anything off of this?


Age of Wonders 3 collection would be amazing but even a 5$ game would work amazingly for me

yah i was! shes sleeping now though so wont get to enjoy the rides.

is it over?

Can anyone get me SR gat out of hell
its 3$

She was rooting for you really hard, so I hope she feels well rested when she wakes up.

bumop roll 555


Figured I'd try again.

>Morrowind GOTY
>Dishonored - Definitive Edition

send me steam codes: [email protected]

It's pretty late, and i'm pretty sure the last benevolent user just spent his last bit of money in this thread, but if any kind user is still out there, if I could get me DmC Devil May Cry Complete, I'd really appreciate their generosity.

Also, if anyone wants to post random shit in my comments box, that'd be great too.


fuck i was late, op u still here?

please stop adding me you worms. I am done for today

I would love Playerunknown's Battleground for my birthday plz

Sorry to hear OP, guess some people just don't read the thread.

Ah np man. I mean I am not really mad but people dont understand that I dont have unlimited amount of money so I needed to be a lil bit harsher

just change ID for a while

There's no need for that :)

Change you steam ID and anons won't be able to add you. You can change it back once the thread dies

bump also czech em

don't you 404 on me

bump user, give more gamess

fuck off man. he already gave enough. just beg and maybe someone else can hook you up with the game you want

You're the type of person that drives them away, just be grateful at least some people got their games, I still didn't get shit since the sale started but you do not see me harassing him for gifts.

I'd really appreciate it if I could get darkest dungeon steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198141708192/wishlist
tf2 items are also appreciated

>didn't get shit since the sale started
post ID

t. loser whitenight poorfaggot who got gifted a chep game and now wants to suck OPs dick

GTFO fags

>im entitled to get free games

Back in school your were the kind of kid who gave the other children candy to be loved


Here's my ID, in case I am lying feel free to add me and check my activity feed or whatever you want, I didnt get jack shit but you don't see me harassing others, in case some kind user wishes to gift me then that's cool, if not that's fine as well, no harm done.


>I didnt get jack shit but you don't see me harassing others, in case some kind user wishes to gift me then that's cool, if not that's fine as well, no harm done.

gtfo with your passive "gib me gaems, im a victim trying to act cool so a rich anons notices me and gibs me sumthang"

Now I'm gonna harass your friends and tell them that youre a loser begging for games on Sup Forums

hahah fag


Go for it, stay triggered.

can someone give me rocket league while its still on sale so i can play with my friend steamcommunity.com/id/terminator0251/

>+50 games
>tons of AAA games

Would you rather it be an alt account with free to play games?


gimme skyrim and i'll get you something when i get paid tomorrow

