American is an immigration country by definition. They have no right to deny immigrants entry

American is an immigration country by definition. They have no right to deny immigrants entry.

If you refuse to accept that immigration has its downsides you're a fucking moron

That logic makes no sense.

The first immigrates made the country good, eliminating the injuns.

The second wave introduced laziness and war(niggers)

Third wave introduced crime (the irish, italians)

The fourth one(muslims) will reintroduce war again.

Thank you.

Mexicans can come in, Muslims stay out.


I agree with limiting immigration but you sound like an idiot

>The first immigrates made the country good, eliminating the injuns.
>The second wave introduced laziness and war(niggers)

You white trash. Otherwise you couldn't know so little about US history. The black one weren't immigrants to begin with and they were brought in by the first wave of immigrants. Most blacks can trace their history in North American back longer than your white trash ass.

Also without the second and third wave of immigrants the US would be irrelevant pissholes like Canada and Australia.

Muslims are no good, with their hidden sharia agenda and sectarian violence

How we go back to a system of quotas which prioritizes immigrants that have skills that are in demand in this country and also have strict rules on immigrants

>The fourth one(muslims) will reintroduce war again.

Who has been threatening civil war for the last 8 years while the mulatto guy was in office?

fuck off we're full

Ok ivan.

I agree with you that Islam is a terrible religion but aren't all religions trying to enforce their morals on everyone? Go to a morman area and try and buy beer. Go to o the Bible belt and try and buy beer. All religions are believe non followers should abide by their morals

You have no 'right' to immigrate to America.

You have no 'right' to visit America.

You have no 'right' to flee to America as a refugee.

These rules apply to every nation on the planet.

Every country in the world has the right to control who does and doesn't enter their borders and they do.

It's that simple.

Someone doesn't understand the definition of "right".

>Refuse to assimilate
There's your problem.

Yeah most of America. Tge Constitution and the bill of rights is the most misunderstood and misused document in america

But op also.



>You have no 'right' to visit America.

Well actually I do you little shit because the European Union as travel agreements with the US.

>You have no 'right' to flee to America as a refugee.

Well actually you do according to 1951 Refugee Convention withe US ratified.

>>Refuse to assimilate
>There's your problem.

The point of the cartoon is that they eventually did assimilate, you mouthbreather.

America's immigration policy has been the same since America's inception. We open the borders when we need cheap labor. We close them when we don't. This isn't a difficult concept.

>Well actually I do you little shit because the European Union as travel agreements with the US.
Whew. That entitlement.

Yeah but Muslims are the only ones who will not only threaten you with hell but also try their damnedest to send you there without a second thought or remorse. Christians generally just go the passive aggressiveness route and are annoying.

This is retarded on so many levels

They also were mostly LEGALLY immigrating unless I'm very much mistaken.