Time for a new gay animal thread

time for a new gay animal thread



hopefully it's nothing too bad though

damn my ball licking joke maxed it out?


Furry gorillas/monkeys are basically the best thing ever

That would be good,
Because it's been going on for a long time.
If it was something that destroyed something and noone realized at the time it's definitely too late.

Trying to get an appointment for getting a tube down my throat.
Haha, 6 months minimum wait time.

Alright fair enough.

holy shit that's insane, 6 months?
what the fuck


Anything allergy/food intolerance related is overrun and hyped at the moment.

Everyone is a hypocondriac these days. Blocking spots for people that actually require examination sooner.


are you dom or did he start a new meme

yeah, that's very true

i luckily was able to get in and out of the hospital in only 4 hours on the 3rd, and for being right after a holiday weekend that's superb


it is not dom
unless he's bamboozling us

i serve gluten-free food to hipsters

i have to go tagged everything to make sure i didnt miss anyone, didnt tag my post though.

it was great talking to you guys and sharing a few pics!

One could think that I should be put in front of the line.
I was working at a hospital for 6 months for an internship.
And my parents both work at town hall and have connections to litteraly everyone.

Still no matter where we try it's not possible, everything is full.



i've been told that nepotism rules the world

i still think that 6 months is actually really ridiculous, there's no way that they're booked for the next 6 months..


>gate open

any fags planning on drinking today?

im actually new please be gentle boys

post dicks or I'll beat you up

Tell me about it.


d-don't bully me

touches gently

i really hope things can get better for you, in both physical and being able to get a appointment in less than 6 fucking months
holy shit i dont think i can get over that

I'm not seeing any dicks

you're treading on thin ice

>post dicks or I'll beat you up
more like fuck you raw anyway

Thanks, I'll try not going mad over it.
It's never been just as bad.

bad touch
im sorry if im not good enough...


it's the proper way of beating someone up

you'll fit in just fine love

you gotta pay the troll toll to get inside the boys hole

i'm not going for your hole
it was a completely non-sexual gentle touch

Fuck i want my own boi to fuck

Which troll?
There are so many here I can't see my own hands.

The new guy might be retarded.

that goes for pretty much everyone

Your just a fag

I am smartest boy.



thank you i was really scared but you guys gave me the courage i needed
oh im sorry for assuming. ive made an ass of myself.
im sure you'll find one
these days? iunno
dont be mean to m-me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

do something smart smartboi

I wanna ram my cock deep inside that ass. Berry so deep who ever would pull it out would be crowned king arthur.

i'm no sexual deviant
at least not as much as some people

that makes you special!

Anyone know any artists that draw a lot of buff crocodile dudes? Definitely my type

Pic related

What are you gonna do to stop me?
Gonna get away with it wheeeeeeeee

moooooore PONYCOCKS


am i a good or bad kind of special


im gonna pout!

good to me at least

that's what matters

the artist makes some delicious tailholes

No less please, everyone of these threads becomes arguing, horse cock, namefagging attention, or spam
Actually I'd take horse cock over the rest

PLEASE text me I'm solo bored pumping gas in NZ ATM 64 21 0 295 0464. Lonely kiwi chick

horse cock it is


That's some good shit right there

You need to be kissed if you are pouiting.

youre embarrassing me!!!!

In front of everyone!
Now you are branded forever!

post pony dicks now suckers

i didnt want to be a thread whore


okay fine gimme a minute

if you keep this up you'll forever be one

It's not you, it's me!

im sorry!
shame on you~!

Last one!


be as sorry as you want, thread slut

*squeals and runs away*

*distant screaming*


i guess we're e-dating now huh



*holds your hand*

your paws are so soft

dear god this is so cringey

You like it.

they're embarrassed of our love
im not a thread slut!


Time for me to stop posting or writing.

this is cute

sweetie whats wrong

No. You aren't. But you are -my- slut.

I lost the game.


i hate this thread now.

darling you're making me giggle

I'd love some gay animals in this gay animal thread


I'm paying your pimp for rights to that ass.

Such a cute picture tho

It was dying and there wasn't any content being posted besides avatars.

I didn't want to be the only one posting content.

fuck you kyle youre blowing my cover



more cocks for the cock god