Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums
What are these 4 dot on my dick

Not sure... Might want to go to doctor tho...



I don't know bro but ur dick is ugly as fuuuuuuuuck.

Srsly tho if ur worried get checked, if u haven't had sex before then just make sure u take care of ur dick more eg. Washing stuff like that. Cuz it's nothing bad if u haven't fucked


It's such an ugly pecker




That doent even look like a dick. It looks like a thumb after hours of being in the pool.

>git hung white boi


Where's your dick, though?

I've seen a lot of dicks on Sup Forumsand this is THE grossest looking cock I've ever seen. Like what is going on here?



Post it erect

the dots are fine but your dick is fucked up

It's the start of warts. But don't worry. If you buy 100% pure tea tree oil and put one undiluted drop on them each day for about 3 days, they will just disappear.


Yeah we can't see it right, post it erect and we can help you more


But yeah, post it, please.

This is true

prolly gonna look uglier erect
let's see it anyways

Fully erect

Shit the pic wasn't posted

Another one cause its blurry
If its wrinkly its because i am notre fully fully erect, only my gf can achieve that
(Im hairy cause she likes it)