Who wants to raid tumblr again?

Who wants to raid tumblr again?

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Kinda want to, but we need a reason to raid. And enough numbers to make them shit them selves again.


We need to recruit more people then

Also we'll just say that Sup Forums told us to or something like that

Don't make excuses

im up if theres enough people in

How about we have an agent go to tumblr and see what excuses we can find to stir up a shitstorm

fair enough, im going undercover

Great, report back soon please. There's bound to be something

This is what we're raiding today:

tumblr gay

hmm, any ideas for a good nickname to blend in?

Meme army lance corporal reporting for duty in the name of kekistan, pm me the details (:

how about TranswomenAgainstTrump or some shit like that?


Ohh sweet mother of Neptune


Aware further instruction, our spies are currently on the move.

Copy that. Entering enemy territory


Let's trick them into starting another dashcon shit again and just go fuck the place up.

Good luck

They already tried making another Dashcon. They got death threats daily. That's out of the question

Field report, how the actual fuck do I navigate this piece of shit, requesting back up

How about we start a hoax telling them that the gay flag actuall represent white supremacy and nazism.

Is there any way to look at recent activity? If not, just search for things that could cause a huge mess on tumblr.

Could be a side mission for those brave enough

ooo thats a good one, lets figure out some way to link the different colors to nazis and stuff

This men is how history is made

Working on it.

We will be legends

Anybody have strategies in case the enemy attempts to counterattack?

We need also recruiters, the thread is already on page 6. Halfway to being archived



just made this. not too good tho. we can start spreading this around tumblr. you guys can help out by making new ones.

Great job. It'll fool the enemy. Put it discreetly in one of the more popular tags as a warning shot.

Anyone know a way I can disguise myself. If I make an account, It'll make it pretty obvious since it would be the first thing I post.

Post a few other things that the enemy would see on a daily basis like edgy fanart, and then slip it in.

Backup thread.

Spies, we need a report soon.

- S.S. McGee

We need another spy to check in our the spies dispatched quickly.

Are we even doing anything? Don't see any progress.

Can we get a few screenshots when first few messages to blend in is posted

We hope so.

Any ideas on what else I should make about the gay flag?

Progress has been halted as nobody has been reporting back.

It's good enough, fire the warning shot!

no its fine as it is, if we make it too bad they'll know its fake straight away

kek at all you faggots

someone start spreading it

Being done

I have no idea how to navigate this shit. Someone let me know how to see whats going on.

There's a good amount of people who want us to do this too by the way

Can't you just look up how to navigate tumblr?

Can't you help a Sup Forumsrother out

guys can we have something better than the flag thing?

I would, but I sadly have no clue either. Apologies, soldier.

We're looking for something to capitalize off of in tumblr.

what tumblr tags are we focusing

No, this is good enough.

Where on tumblr do we post this shit? On the gay forum?

I would guess #LGBT #Gay and such.

I would think so.


This is all I've got.

Thanks anyway

Side mission is on LGBT forums. Main mission (Cause a mass triggering) will be on the top tags.

You're welcome. Good luck.

This would cause a mass triggering though. Plus, we're not getting any updates from our spies.

there's a new update where you can filter out stuff on your dashboard on Tumblr.

OP, keep making these threads. It's the only chance we got if we wanna do some damage!

Fine then. Side Mission is now the Main Mission: Trigger the LGBT tumblr community.

well I posted mine, Im kekistanfootsoldier


One's already been archived, other two backups are on pages 9 and 10 and about to be archived.

I'll try to make a new one if I can soon, but I need to do something else in a bit.

backup thread just expired.

Sounds good my man



Shit, and thank you for understanding

Change your name, blend in, then post it.

I think they knew anyway, either way nobody's seen mine... I cant figure out how to navigate the fucking thing, like where should I post this.

Changing username btw.

Popular tag/LGBT forum

Am going to make about 10 accounts, with user names and passwords we can all use, update you all soon

idk either fuck

Good idea.

tmoreyknow is my username, add me boyys+ link some of their gay forums.

Bad news, I must leave. I'm counting on the rest of you to elect a new leader for now and make this work.

Plan: Trigger LGBT tumblr community

How: Make fake accounts and shitpost

Good luck, troops

S.S. McGee signing out.

if this goes well Sup Forumsrothers maybe some day a faggot on youtube will talk about this raid in the same light as the habbo hotel raids and such . god bless Sup Forums

Delete the post, start posting things that they usually see on the website, when you think you're blended in enough then slip the gay flag thing in.


God speed, faggots.


okay well my account is looking pretty real at this point, got some motivational quotes, got some rainbows, link me to a target, and I will start shitposting there.

if you want I can post an anti Sup Forums post, to get u guys involved/give justification for the raid.

Post the flag thing on lgbt hashtags

Okay false alarm, I can still be here.
We would become immortal

Perfect! If you can find an LGBTQ+ tag or forum, start shitpostng

Do it

the flag thing is our main mission we cant mess it up

Hmmm, that'd be good

Maybe this would just be from our part though, as revenge for the Independence day attack

What do i do?