Have my roommates gf used panties on my face while I fap..pic is her

Have my roommates gf used panties on my face while I fap..pic is her

she is ugly. get a better room mate with a better girlfriend.

Got a pair for sale?

I think she's very hot


this tho

You're correct she is, post tittie

How do they smell?



I love panties. These are a housemate's

forgot pic

Is he name Sara mcgee?


Did no one care who you were until you put them on?

Would you fuck my gf

Looks like it

OP, you are a loser, in addition to being a faggot. Put them back. Her pussy smells like a pussy, and there is nothing special or unique about it. You are simply disgracing yourself, when you think you are disgracing her.

I would. She's very pretty.

Woah, KittyPlays is your gf?

Uh oh


Fuck no

It looks like you're using images from Facebook. That's not bright. I would reach out to her and let her know about your degeneracy op, but I'm too lazy to today.

Bye bye thread

Bumping to keep op scared.