Do you eat girls buttholes?

do you eat girls buttholes?
also post some buttholes?

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eating ass is great

My ex didnt like it when i did, but she let me fuck her there... weird girl. i miss her. god im lonely.

of course

i never had the opportunity
but i wouldn't if i could
seems unhealthy

i generally try to slip a bit of tongue in when i fuck chicks

My gf is a hippie and doesn't shower for a week at a time sometimes. It's pretty hot where we live and she sits on her ass all day so it gets pretty swampy and funky. Any chance I get I run my fingers up her ass crack and gather some butthole juices to lick of my fingers.I always have to eat her ass thoroughly before she lets me fuck it. Then she kisses me and tastes and smells her own ass while I ream out her colon. I noticed if you start slow kissing the cheeks you get different flavors as you lick the crack, the anus, and then a sweeter flavor when you finally spread the anus and taste the rectal mucus


Used to do a 69 ass lick with the ex... felt so good.. too good i dont usually cum this fast

never been ill from it, my first GF loved it I would do it at least once a week.

Only after showers tho... not nasty shit like the hippie guy

This is how the man gets E.Coli


same only if she's just out of the shower

Nice one bruh.. i love the feel of a girl's bush around my dick when i fuck her

Not true. Your mouth already has E. Coli in it just like your gut. Your mouth and digestive system and surprisingly protected from infection of this type, you either need to have an open wound in your mouth or digestive system or you need an overwhelming about of E. Coli introduced to tip the scales and cause an infection. Watch porn, people literally eat shit and don't die. Licking a stinky butthole isn't going to hurt anyone.

if you look right near the opening you can see her cum dripping out

only if i could find a nice asshole like pic related
most of the girls have nasty stinky hairy ass

Yes. I love eat ass in this position.

Learn to embrace the smell, the taste, the bits of toilet paper lint.


Can I eat her pussy bro? I wanna taste that slime

why yes you can

I've only eaten ass once and it was right after she got out of the shower. I think of my ass and then think of her ass, and wager her ass probably smells like mine.

Does anybody else see the kitten?

More? Looks like my gf lol


I do and love it.
Pic related.


fucking hot. feel free to dump. hairy ass is amazing

Can't unsee user lol

Damm i love hot girls being dirty look at dat asshole.

Trying anal with his chick,she let me do it the first time but now she's all like 'not that angle','no your pushing in too fast',and of course' it hurts' what do I do to make it work?

Before the shower is definitely the best time to stick your face between those butt cheeks. I do this to my wife all the time now. Didn't think I'd like that but the reaction I get from my cock tells me otherwise. Delicious.


Finger foreplay and lube: Astro Glide, not Ky.

plenty of lube and go REALLY FUCKING SLOW until she tells you otherwise

Only gaping assholes.
There was this 147cm glasses teen girl (legal, don't worry, also was very slim, not midget proportions at all for some miraclous reason) who was so horny and enthusiastic her butt started gaping wide as soon as I pulled her panties down.

I'll eat pussy, but no ass.

I gather that you're cut?
An uncut man don't need artifical lube, just saying, by the time a girl is ready for action, my dick is already swimming in my natural lube.

i used to 69 with my girlfriend like multiple times a week, man i miss it so much. once or twice i leaned up and gave it a nice lick, but that was about as far as that went. we never actually talked about how i did it but she didnt seem to mind.

i'm uncut. some people dont produce a lot of precum my dude.

Fuck her. She's got your cock in her asshole, she's in no position to negotiate.

Dude nasty but im not disgusted y prefer clean assholes i take advantage when my girl in on shower.

you either lube that shit or get her slightly drunk
but not too much drunk unless you like to fuck a warm corpse

>not nasty shit like the hippie guy


Yup. My dick was mutilated while just a baby. Fucking zionists.

What do you guys think of my gf's asshole

my gf's ass smells nothing like mine, mine is hella gross.

I feel for you, man. The most pleasure receptors are located in the cut part sadly.
I genuinely didn't know that. It can be inconvenient too though, when you get an erection on the street, and then feeling the need to wipe off the tip.
Anyways, yes, anal feels amazing, and never had any trouble with it.


That's a butthole all right

Maybe you shouldn't have ate her shit and wanted to poke around in it with your dick.

fucking gnarly user, I like it.

>Fucking zionists.

The Jews didn't do that. The anti-masturbation Christians did


jew detected



>if you don't, someone else will

yall got some nasty girlfriends, jesus I'm glad my bitch's spread doesn't look that gnarly

holy fuck
that asshole have seen some dick

>tfw the only butt spread you've ever seen was your 7 year old niece asking you to wipe her butt clean in an all-too-blatant way when you were 18
Traumatized of buttholes ever since.

you guys are fucking gross

for what reason?

literally eating shit crumbs


Smegma as lube for anal? Fucking disgusting uncut fag.


>tfw half latina wife shaved her asshole for me a day or two ago and i just licked and kept on kissing it



This. Eating ass is not only unhygienic, it's disgusting. It's a literal shit hole, so unless you're a coprophiliac what the fuck?

I will eat pussy all day long, but I steer clear of the good ol tarhole.

It's not smegma, you idiot.

I would kiss that butthole goodnight every day.

Did she do her mustache and unibrow as well?

Calling Dr. Rorschach

Your perceptions of the female body have been irreparably fucked by porn.



These dubs say that indeed it is smegma.

Post a picture of yourself and we'll let you know.

My wife loves it when I go down on her asshole. I'm be at her vag for a few minutes and she starts lifting her legs giving me access to her asshole.

Loves anal, too.

I gagged so hard I farted.

> sucking a dick is gross, literal pee hole, my future wife will never suck my dick, this is so disgusting

Her asshole is the color as refried beans.

>implying about 5 implications

settle down sport. no one can tell you what you can and can't lick, just be aware that what you're doing, to normal people, is fucking gross.

i eat ass so damn good i copyrighted my technique

What do you think of mine?


>no fart vids
What are you doing???? You realize the massive market you're missing out on?

Would suck the shit out of your delicious asshole.

I think I wish I made $150k/yr

Can someone *brappp* in irl tonight when they toss some salad tonight?

I'll kek at midnight, so don't make me into an idiot.

Where I live, normal people are not homos or low sex drive fags, so it's pretty normal.

You need some clearer shots of your butthole.


I demand an asshole in 4k. All the asses ITT look like postage stamps.

These aren't clear enough:

Hows this?