Daily Ylyl

Daily Ylyl

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This thread is pathetic kek




Someone post the 40 keks kektopus edit.










i have no idea why but this made me chuckle


lost instantly


C-Sec baby here, can confirm.

I also felt a strong connection with Alien chestbursters.






Almost got me.




Might be the dumbest thing I've ever lost to holy shit



heh glad I could get a laff out ye bruv

It's even worse when they awnser like this:
"Well, It's a little MORE complicated than that."
In a really snobby condecending tone like they are schooling you in the vast knowledge of genders.

I don't get it


been disproven but still a funi pik

what's not to get

that's enough mate

Kek well done user.



I was on vacation and just got back yesterday and I'm seeing milkshake memes everywhere. what happened brodie?


Wrong thread?

Reliable source

Will Laren is a God

idk m8, that one has been in my folder for a while.




that's one spicy poop chute


Actually not a bad line.








>not availabele in your country
I'm in the United fucking States since when are videos unavailable here.
Kelis confirmed commie fuck

fucking chinises, i lost




I was honestly going to post that one, good choice Sup Forumsrother.


Hayl Hortler


no idea why i lost ...


Nice trips.

wrong pic faggot

thank you good sir. you're posting some top quality r a r e Wills

what one you want user?

Post this in a milf, not a ylyl thread....

Shh, if you don't pay attention to it it will go away


He died as he lived, with animals in his heart

i thought it was funny user


That is a special kind of neckbeard retard


Who is this fucking legend?

You newfags... now he's going to dump pics of this old bitch. Never reply. I can't wait for summer to end.

No problem user I'm glad someone else enjoys the will.



Lol jelly asswipe?


its available here in the uk

I don't think I've ever seen this one. Quality work.