I suck dick for weed

I suck dick for weed.

Last year one guy made me dress up as a girl and now i crossdress and take hormones for weed and other stuff. All this shit and to think i graduated law school. Im basically a tranny hooker.

You were many things in this life, but you were a better tranny hooker than you were a man.

and now ytou're also a shitposting whiney faggot OP
nice list of life accomplishments you have there.

fucking hell you're pathetic
i mean you even see yourself that you have a problem - why not stop beeing a literal faggot and get a hold of yourself?

Thats depressing, i just want to forget all this and go back to being a man

uh why didnt you just buy it?


>degenerate sissy fag

Fuck off Moshe.

NOBODY EVER sucked dick for weed. It's not addictive.

I don't know dude, help me

This. OP wanted to suck the dick anyway. Which is fine but he should tell the story accurately.

Jesus, OP

You need to get your shit straight. Move away, change your name, and get plastic surgery. I can't imagine getting out of the house the next day after pulling a 'you'

step 1)
Stop smoking weed and sucking dick.

It's so simple it just might work!


post pics of u or never happened!

your dealer is a lucky man. :3

then do it you fucking faggot

I got a guy that i dress up and fuck, I smoke him up but i dont give him any weed to take home, so I guess you're not doing so bad OP

Nah u just wanna suck dick

OP stop lying to yourself


>I take hormones for weed