Where those blac chyna nudes at?

where those blac chyna nudes at?

Bumping this shit

You don't want to see them user




Cute pussy though

Are we talking about the SAME Chyna?

The wrestler?

No some Nicki Minaj wanna-be nigger who changed her name to "Blac Chyna"


No way that thing is kept clean after a shit.

Why people find that attractive?

Are you dumb? that bitch died two years ago.

This bitch.

Omg what the fuck happened to its face

Fuck that's gross

That shit is fucking nasty. Pussy is okay

WAT? Fuck this shit off then.

If she's not famous, then she's a whoring toad.
We only want real celebrities.

Holy shit hate has gotten fat.

isn't that just Miki Minaj?

Ah, a desparate attempt at staying in the limelight for a little while longer.

oh good lord what the fuck did she do to herself

Apologies user. I literally thought this was Miki Minaj.

GOOGLE: "Angela Renée White, professionally known as Blac Chyna... former stripper.... carrying a Kardashian baby"

Maybe he's doing her a favour. It made his sisters famous.

lol, look at the makeup piled on around her tits. The fuck is wrong with women these days.

She looks like a god damn muppet

Fuck this Blac Chyna bitch. Anyone got Chyna Chase nudes?

Yeah she just a fame slut...she wanted her last name changed to Kardashian lol. Soon she left Rob

lol at him being butthurt she fucked another dude. what did you expect she's a fucking stripper.

Honestly, not sure which you are referring to.